Chapter 161

The return of Fuxi, Kong Xuan, and Xuechi to Penglai has been in a hurry for hundreds of years.

Since the Great Tribulation of the Human Race, the Suiren clan has known that the power of the Human Race is still meager and that the time for real prosperity has not yet arrived.

So he decided to maintain the status quo and gather in the Yellow River, Yangtze River, and Beiyuan.

In addition, there are precedents for the Mosquito clan to build the mosquito Daoist idol. First, the entire Beiyuan tribe began to build the Styx Nuwa and the mosquito Daoist idol.

Then there is the population exchange between the three places and gradually spread to the other two gathering places.

The three major gathering places, without exception, built the statues of Styx and Nuwa.

The difference is that Beiyuan built the mosquito Daoist, that is, the statue of the snow pond.

The Yangtze River has a statue of Kong Xuan, and the Yellow River has a statue of Fuxi.

The statues of gods are erected, and the people of the people continue to worship, and there is a little bit of belief in power generation, which brings infinite benefits to the worshippers.

As for the question of seeking a teacher, there hasn’t been much change, but now that the human race is grieving with the demon race, it is natural that there are very few people who worship the demon race.

Of course, the demon race’s hatred of the human race penetrates the bone, and it is also unwilling to accept it.

Heaven Court.

Dijun sat high above the Great Hall, his face looked sad, and his whole body was lost.

Since that Styx smashed Heaven Court with a palm, collapsed his body, and nearly slapped him to death, Di Jun has been recuperating for two hundred years in Closed Door Training.

It’s not just healing injuries and Cultivation Base, but also making up for the shocked mood.

Although this Heaven Court was repaired by Yuanshi using Sage’s magical powers, some of the roots of the disease were left behind. The original pure and rich Spiritual Qi was obviously much thinner at this time.

In the current dynasty, all the demons and gods are like mourning concubines, so that the entire Heaven Court is lifeless from top to bottom.

A group of demon gods report the situation in the recent prehistoric and demon race.

The demon god Baize Lion held a Jade Slip in his hand and said: “My demon race has gained tens of thousands of souls. If it is not refined, the smoke will disappear. The minister thinks that these souls should be rewarded as soon as possible, or a large number of refining Magic Treasures. Make the best use of everything.”

When Di Jun heard this, his brows were frowned, and he couldn’t stretch it for a long time:

“With only these tens of thousands of souls, that witch-slaying sword must not be refined, but if it is not possible to train the witch-slaying sword, why should my monster clan pay such a heavy price?”

Hearing what Dijun said, all the demons looked at each other and sighed silently.

If it hadn’t been for that Styx intervened, his Demon Race Witch Slaying Sword had already been practiced. Now, is there any way to save it?

Dijun looked a little coldly and said: “The human race was created by Nuwa Sage, and it has infinite mystery, but the extraordinary race between heaven and earth is not only the human race!”

At this moment, a demon god couldn’t help but ask: “The world can be compared with the human race, and only the witch race! But the witch race does not cultivate the soul, once it dies, it will return to the world and cease to exist. , Where do you start with the refining of the Slaughter Witch Sword?”

Some monsters showed confusion on their faces.

They refined the witch-killing sword to deal with the Witch Clan, and now the Human Clan can’t do anything about it. Are they going to tear their skin with that Witch Clan?

The resourceful demon god Baize Lion, at this time, wanted to be more transparent than other demon gods. His eyes reveal was astonished, and he took a breath of air and exclaimed: “Heavenly Emperor, this matter is contrary to the heavenly law, absolutely must not!”

Di Jun also looked like a headache: “Baize Lion, do you have a better way to do it now? Do you want Ji Meng and Yingzhao, as well as those demon clan compatriots, to sacrifice in vain?”

The demon god Baize Lion was speechless when asked, but still felt wrong.

At this time, some demon gods in the Great Hall also realized something, and their expressions changed wildly, calling out this matter.

Even the Eastern Emperor Taiyi looked at the emperor and shook his head: “Brother, this matter is indeed wrong.”

When everyone opposed him, Di Jun only felt very depressed in his chest.

If it weren’t for the various obstructions by the Styx, how could his monster race be caught in such a dilemma?

Just as he fell into the shackles, Baize Lion thoughtfully said: “In the past, my monsters attacked the human race, but killed countless people. It should be human souls scattered in the wild. It is possible to collect those human souls. Maybe you can make up to ten. The number of thousands!”

“Okay! This is what Baize Lion said!”

Di Jun nodded and dismissed the demon gods.

Immediately and Taiyi went to the sun star to refining and nurturing the top ten Golden Crows.

Looking at the huge divine fruit on the hibiscus tree and the ten Golden Crows that are growing more and more vigorous among them, Di Jun’s face finally stretched, he said with emotion:

“Thousands of years of accumulation, now looking at these top ten Golden Crows, they are almost like the flesh and blood of my emperor! When they are born, they will be our demon princes!”

When Tai saw the appearance of Di Jun, he nodded with satisfaction: “This matter is very good!”

And those top ten Golden Crows, as if they had spirituality, cheered in the divine fruit.

The Monster Race has never invaded the Human Race, and still has friction with the Witch Race, but compared to the past, it has disappeared.

However, there is a demon clan acting secretly to collect the human souls scattered in the wild.

And above the predecessors, the rumors of the human tribe are also completely spread.

Regarding Sage, ordinary cultivators dare not talk about it, but this time, the monster clan has lost another defeat. Heaven Court’s majesty is swept away, and the emperor’s face is lost!

Some Xiu Dao commented privately: “What Heaven Court, it’s just a fancy, it’s taken apart by the palm of the Patriarch of the Styx!”

In addition, no one dared to criticize Sage.

However, the prestige of Taoist ancestor Hongjun, Yuanshi Tianzun, and even the entire line of Xuanmen standing behind the monster race, in the hearts of the primordial sentient beings, has more or less fallen.

The prestige of Patriarch Styx is still unparalleled.

Even Fuxi, Kong Xuan, Xuechi, and Xuantu, the three ancestors of the Suiren clan, Youchao clan, and Zhiyi clan of the human clan, who belonged to Fuxi, Kong Xuan, and Xuechi, as well as the three ancestors of the human clan Suiren, Youchao, and Zhiyi, are well-known in the predicament.

Sea of ​​blood.

Ksitigarbha Sage stands by the sea of ​​blood, watching countless ghosts coming from the land one after another.

Among them, there are a large number of human ghosts, and then there are monsters, as well as some other creatures.

These ghosts are all the deaths and injuries in the Human Tribulation. After the death of the creatures, the true spirits turn into ghosts, wandering about the prehistoric times, and most of them will eventually be attracted by the sea of ​​blood and come here.

But there are also some ghosts that will get lost in the predicament.

No matter what, if these ghosts have deep resentment before death, they may turn into resentful souls at any time, causing disasters and disasters.

“After the Three Clan Wars, in the two Lich Wars, the ghosts in the sea of ​​blood have only increased, and now the Human Race has experienced another catastrophe. It is not a long-term solution to continue this way!”

Ksitigarbha Sage uses great magic power to purify the fierce and hostile spirits of these ghosts, which is super-saving.

After these ghosts entered the depths of the sea of ​​blood, they were taken care of by the Ashura tribe selected by him, and they were regularly supervised to avoid resentment again.

At this time, Ji Zang Sage heard a ghost murmured:

“The monsters killed me, even Hun and Po after the death of my family! It made my family unable to reunite, I complain!”

Hearing this, Jizo Sage couldn’t help but his eyes darkened:

“The demon race’s thief’s heart is not dead, and secretly collecting human souls is to make the great grievances heavier!”

The west.

After the introduction of Zhunzi to establish a Western religion, he brought in many disciples and made the West more prosperous.

Now, these two are quite distressed because of the resentment and chaos on the western land.

Although you can get the Heavenly Dao merit reward for purifying the resentful soul, for the enchanted Zhunti who has been sanctified, those promises are no longer in the eyes of the law.

“How should this be good?”

Inviting Zhunti to send the disciples to save the souls of the dead, but this is not a long-term solution.

These disciples of the disciples always have to practice, otherwise, how can they flourish?


The three major gathering places of the human race are also disturbed by the grievances.

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