Chapter 160 Xue Chi’s Reward

“Kong Xuan, your trip to take care of the human race, there is no merit or hard work. If you take the liberty of accepting disciples, let’s not take it as an example. This time I will be a reward for meritorious deeds. As a teacher, I promised you that if you advance to Da Luo, I will lend you Five Elements. A hundred years of insight. Now it’s time to cash it out, and give you five times more!”

As he said, Styx reached out his hand and held out a string of spiritual beads. The five-color gems illuminate the dojo. Each gem symbolizes a kind of Five Elements. When the light flashes, it actually resonates with that Kong Xuan.

Kong Xuan couldn’t help but be overjoyed when he saw this precious treasure.

He is the original reincarnation of the ancestor of Five Elements. If he obtains the Five Elements Pearl Insight, his Five Elements Taoism and principles will enter the room and reach a Realm that is unattainable by all living beings.

“Five times as much as a hundred years, that is a full five hundred years! Disciple Kong Xuan, thank you Master!”

Kong Xuan received the Five Elements beads and was so excited that it was beyond words.

“Good! You are good at Insight!”

After rewarding Kong Xuan, Styx looked towards Fuxi, which made the latter unconscious.

“Fuxi, you led this trip to the human race very well. If you hadn’t discovered the demon race’s conspiracy in time and told the three human ancestors about it in time, I am afraid that the loss of the human race would be several times heavier than now!”

Styx nodded in satisfaction,

“After being deduced by the teacher, you will have a big catastrophe in the future. Today, the teacher will temporarily lend you this Jiuzhou Ding, hoping that you can borrow the luck of the human race and safely Transcends Tribulation! The way of the emperor is also for you It’s helpful!”

Hearing this, Fu Xi couldn’t help but feel stunned.

The technique of own divination can be described as a prehistoric one.

It’s just that I didn’t expect that there was such a calamity that I couldn’t deduct it, but the master had already understood it.

Fuxi naturally believed in Styx’s words, but at this time it was just a little shameful.

As if to perceive Fuxi’s mind, Stygmy smiled lightly: “As the so-called authorities are fascinated, it’s about yourself. It’s reasonable that you can’t deduct it.”

“The teacher is absolutely right!”

Fu Xi took over the Jiuzhou Ding, which was closely related to the human aura, but was shocked.

Although each of the nine gods of the Nine Provinces has only the Xiantian Lingbao rank, the nine gods are of the same origin, complement each other, and gather together, and they are chasing the highest level.

And if you want to control the Nine Cauldrons, it is equivalent to driving the Nine Cauldrons at the same time, which consumes a lot of Divine Sense Magic power. At this time, even Fuxi, who is a quasi-sage, feels more strenuous.

At the thought of Styx, who had urged Jiuzhou Ding in a familiar way, Fuxi’s admiration was endless.

Master, it is truly extraordinary!

So far, two of the three who participated in the Tribulation of the Human Race have all received the reward, but only Xuechi is left.

“Xuechi, do you think about any rewards?”

Stygmy smiled faintly, and there was no concealment of the kind of pampering in his eyes.

“This snow pool knows how to please the master!” Seeing this scene, Feng Wu couldn’t help bulging her cheeks, feeling jealous.

Xuechi squeezed his mouth and smiled happily, “Think about it! Xuechi wants my master to dual cultivation with me!”

As soon as this statement was made, the entire dojo was silent, and the disciples of the disciples in Penglai looked different, all showing weird colors.

Although since ancient times, it is only natural to be the master’s favored maid.

When this snow pool actually wanted to use it as a reward, it was really hard to say.

“Xuechi, you can’t be fooling around!” Feng Wu couldn’t stand it anymore, and she was going to cover Xuechi’s mouth and take her down.

Yuan Feng’s eyes were sharp, and there was an urge to go up and choke Xuechi to death.

Stygian coughed twice before regaining his calmness.

Seeing Xuechi with such a naive and innocent appearance, said such shocking words, it is his Dao heart that is as solid as a rock, and it can’t help but ripples.

This Nizi, really is not shocking and dying!

“Phoenix dance, stop.” Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry in Styx’s heart, but Gu Jing did not wave on his face, “Without a word, it is difficult to chase the horse. If this is the reward Xuechi wants, then how am I? I can break my promise!”

“Yes, sir! Feng Wu is abrupt!” Feng Wu hurriedly stepped aside.

She regretted it very much in her heart. She had known that she shouldn’t have told Xuechi what dual cultivation was!

Below Yuan Feng, even though his face was dark, he didn’t say a word and didn’t dare to have any objections.

“Well… this matter, after all, can’t be rewarded in public, please leave it!” Styx dismissed everyone.

Before everyone left, Xuechi cheered and jumped three feet high into the Stygian River. It was a mess:

“Master is the best to me! It shouldn’t be a bad thing for Xuechi to dual cultivation with the master!”

When Styx heard this, Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry: “It’s not a bad thing, and it’s in line with the rules. It’s just a matter of dual cultivation, it’s best not to mention it in the hall!”

“Dual cultivation is hard to be in the elegant hall?” Xuechi tilted his head and looked confused.

Styx smiled bitterly: “Not at all. It’s just that dual cultivation is a private matter, and it is not suitable for outsiders!”

“Oh! That’s the case!” Xuechi suddenly realized, glanced at Feng Wu, pretending to say: “I want to dual cultivation with the master, outsiders should quickly retreat!”

Feng Wu was so angry that she said that the girl in Xuechi was holding a grudge and left immediately.

Seeing this, Styx shook his head involuntarily. He didn’t want to participate in such troubles.

Immediately, Styx brought the snow pond to a hidden cave in Penglai.

There is a transparent blood pool in this cave, which he transplanted from Buzhou Mountain, which is very helpful to the cultivation of the Avenue of Blood.

The two of them often meet here to nurture their origins.

Now dual cultivation in this familiar place is perfect!

“Master is really beautiful! Kong Xuan, you should learn more!”

Golden-winged Great Peng swayed side by side with Kong Xuan, behind which was the blushing rain spirit.

“Ahem, Junior Brother Dapeng…”

Kong Xuan coughed twice.

“Huh? Did I say something wrong? First, there were the two goddess of Taiyin, then Nuwa Sage, and then Queen Mother Naxi…”

Golden-winged Great Peng raised his brows, thinking that Kong Xuan did not agree with own words. He opened his mouth and talked endlessly, obviously with emotion.

That Kong Xuan was coughing harder and harder.

“Senior Brother Kong Xuan, I haven’t seen you in a hundred years. Are you, like that mortal, caught the wind and cold?”

Golden-winged Great Peng looked confused and suspicious, and after murmured, continued: “Even our mother…”

Suddenly, Golden-winged Great Peng felt that his ears were being pulled by someone. After eating pain, he couldn’t help but let out a cry of “Ouch.”

“What’s wrong with my mother?” Yuan Feng did not know when, she had appeared behind Golden-winged Great Peng, her face sinking like water, her voice like a cold wind, and her pair of beautiful eyes were sharp as swords, as if she wanted to Golden-winged Great Peng. All of his heads were cut off.

“No, it’s okay! Mother, when did you come, and why are you so angry!” Golden-winged Great Peng is a big Luo Jinxian Cultivation Base, not to mention that he can’t beat Yuanfeng, even if he can, he doesn’t dare to disobey. After all, Yuanfeng had a nurturing grace for him.

“Ahem…Come on, Yu Ling, let me take you around Penglai first for my teacher!”

Kong Xuan showed a helpless expression towards Golden-winged Great Peng, and hurried away with Yu Ling.

He said in his heart, Junior Brother Dapeng, I had already reminded you that you were so proud of yourself that you didn’t realize it. I’m a brother, it’s nothing!

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