Chapter 143


In a remote human tribe.

This tribe had just endured a wave of demon clan invasion just half a month ago and was almost destroyed.

Simply, someone under the seat of the Holy Father took action and saved them, allowing the tribe to be rebuilt.

At this time, in the center of the tribe, an idol was actually being built.

The image of the god is exactly the image of Xuechi, young and exquisite, with six wings on its back, blood-colored ribbons around its body, and a golden bucket of mixed yuan in its hands.

The most detailed is that at the foot of the statue, a horse demon was actually stepping on it.

The human race built this idol to thank Xuechi for his salvation.

“It’s a pity that none of us has ever seen the Father, otherwise we must build a bigger one!”

The tribal chief looked at the idol and couldn’t help sighing that the idol had been built.

“I don’t know what the name of this fairy under the Father’s seat is.”

The tribes gathered here and wanted to worship the gods, but they didn’t know what to say.

“The spiritual object released by the immortal that day is called a fly mosquito. Why not call it a mosquito Daoist!”

Someone had an idea.

“Yes! That’s the immortal under the seat of the Holy Father of the Human Race, Patriarch Styx, and so is Daoist!”

The patriarch’s eyes lit up and he nodded in acknowledgment.

Accompanied by the people’s adoration, with a little power of faith, they flew to the Xuechi and Styx.

Although this tribe is small, they believe in two people piously. In the future, as long as there are people worshiping the gods, the power of this faith will continue to flow.

The Yellow River Basin.

Fuxi patrolled and looked after the human race, and finally found an anomaly in a remote place.

“Why is the tribe here empty?”

According to the information obtained by Fuxi, there should be a small and medium-sized tribe with more than 1,000 people.

But now, the traces of life are there, and there are even fresh unfinished food, but none of the human races have seen it.

It really can be said that there is no one to live, and no corpse to die.

With perplexity, Fu Xi immediately made a deduction and frowned:


Afterwards, Fuxi flew away in one direction, and finally found a clue in a deep mountain.

I saw a lot of traces of Yaozu activities, as well as some refining materials and furnaces.

“Who are you, dare to trespass into my monster clan territory!”

A little demon stepped forward to question Fuxi, but was smashed by Fuxi’s slap.

Because Fuxi clearly saw that this time there were human corpses all over the place.

“Could it be that those more than a thousand people are dead?” Fuxi’s face sank as water, picking up a roll of Jade Slip, and checking the contents.

After reading it, Fuxi’s eyes burned with anger: “The Yaozu actually used living human refining tools to kill people. It actually imprisoned both Hun and Po in Magic Treasures and made them suffer the pain of being unresolved! It is a natural law! Not allowed!”

Looking at the bones everywhere, Fuxi couldn’t help but think of the scene where more than a thousand people in the tribe were captured by the monsters and then thrown into the furnace as materials for refining!

The monster races in this mountain all discovered the intruder Fuxi and came to encircle and suppress.

Fuxi was burning with anger. When he saw these monster races, he immediately sacrificed the sacred fire Phoenix piano, evolved the avenue of fire and the avenue of music, and burned all the monster races in this place.

“Hahaha! I have done a great job this time, and the Heavenly Emperor will give me a great reward! When I am trained with the Monster Clan Sorcerer Sword, I am afraid that he will be a witch clan!”

At this moment, a ray of light came from the horizon, with a cheerful laugh.

“Huh? What’s the matter! Who dared to kill my ghost car subordinates and burn my mountain!”

Seeing Own’s base camp blazing, the anger in the eyes of the monsters and ghosts is also rising.

“It’s me, the disciple of Patriarch Styx, Fuxi!”

Fuxi was just thinking about where the Lord of this place had gone, but he didn’t expect to come back.

He immediately evolved the scorching Phoenix divine fire, and slew towards the ghost car.

The face of the ghost car changed drastically, and the body evolved to resist, but he never thought that Fuxi would be a force of thunder when he shot.

Under the evolution of the Great Avenue of Universe, it was to turn things around. The ghost car was suppressed on the spot and returned to a human form, so that the magic power that was sprayed out was also retracted into the body.

In this way, the ghost car’s ability is not to be used at all, and can only die tragically under the sacred fire of Fuxi Phoenix.

On that day, Fuxi was the quasi-sage Cultivation Base. His strength was unfathomable. Killing a monster and ghost car was as simple as searching for something.

After killing the monsters and ghost cars and destroying the stronghold of the monsters here, Fuxi took a deep breath and muttered to herself:

“The monster race wants to refine the witch slaughter sword, and it is bound to plunder and kill a large number of human races. How should this matter?”

After pondering for a while, Fu Xi made a few more divinations and finally made a decision:

“Master wants to make the race self-reliant, and orders me not to act at will. But if you just tell the human race and let the race be guarded, it’s most appropriate to think about it.”

Immediately, Fuxi left for the birthplace of the human race, and wanted to tell the third ancestor of the human race.

Heaven Court.

Dijun had just obtained the method for refining the Witch Sword and was overjoyed. He immediately ordered his demon gods to steal the human race secretly and start the refining of the Witch Sword.

Soon, he sensed the fall of the ghost car, and after deducing it with a secret method, the ground sank like water:

“Fuxi slaughtered my monster clan ghost car! The people of Penglai have already taken action. The witch-slaughtering sword must be refined quickly, otherwise I am afraid there will be more nights and dreams!”

Di Jun urged his demons to act as soon as possible.

Long Jiāng Liú domain.

Kong Xuan did not leave after rescuing the Ling clan that day, but continued to walk with this group of seekers.

However, Kong Xuan had the words first, and the master had the order, he was not allowed to act at will, so if he did not encounter the disaster of extinction, he would leave it to the seekers to deal with it by themselves.

Regarding the question of seeking a teacher, Kong Xuan was just watching, and would never lead them directly to apprentice.

Otherwise, with Kong Xuan’s skills, they can be brought to Shouyang Mountain in a blink of an eye, and they can directly worship others. Just doing that, not involving Karma, is completely contrary to Master Styx’s explanation.

Even so, with Kong Xuan in charge, no matter how great the danger is, he can save his life.

This group of seekers finally met their own opportunities one by one, and worshipped various teachers.

In the end, only Yu Ling was left.

“There are a lot of people who have fancyed you along the way. Why don’t you worship? Do you really want to go to Shouyang Mountain and worship the master of Xuandu? That Xuan is fortunate to have my Master bestow the Nine Cycles Xuan Dan. It is the Realm of Da Luo’s pinnacle, almost the same rank is invincible. He accepts disciples, and the threshold is probably very high.”

Kong Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly after watching Yu Ling reluctantly say goodbye to her companion.

But seeing Yu Ling turning his head to look at Kong Xuan, he suddenly plopped on both knees and said: “Santa Kong Xuan, disciple Yu Ling, I would like to come into your door!”


Kong Xuan obviously did not expect that Yu Ling would come.

Although he is pretentious, he is very young in Penglai, no one wants to one day, someone would want to worship himself as a teacher.

“I Kong Xuan was able to accept an apprentice before? No matter, you and I met, it is Karma’s chance. Then you will be my first disciple of Kong Xuan!”

Kong Xuan was a little bit happy when he was surprised.

Senior Brother Fuxi explained that Human Race should continue to strive for self-improvement and should not rush to take action, but didn’t he say that he can’t accept disciples?

Moreover, this rain Spiritual Roots has good bone qualifications and good character.

“Ahem, I have a spiritual treasure, so let’s be your apprenticeship!”

With that said, Kong Xuan presented a blue bracelet to Yu Ling.

This thing is a low-grade spiritual treasure, belonging to water, and the most consistent with the spirituality of rain.

Kong Xuan couldn’t help but sigh in his heart seeing Yu Ling’s reluctant way to put it down.

It’s the Master who is generous, what Xiantian Lingbao, what millions of merits, just give it away.

I accept an apprentice, but I can only give away a low-grade spirit treasure, which is really unattainable!

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