Chapter 142

I saw a total of seven horse monsters below, one of which was Daluo Jinxian, who could be called a monster god in the monster clan.

The rest are Taiyi Golden Immortals, and they are called the Great Demon.

They lead a group of demon horses that have not yet transformed, which can be described as menacing, and almost instantly leveled off the half-human tribe.

The head of the Red Horse Demon God was as tall and burly as a hill. At this time, he stretched out his hoof and patted his family of five into meatloaf, and then sucked it into his mouth.

There are two big demons, each holding a human leg at this time, actually tearing it in half from the middle, and then gluttonously.

Seeing their enthusiastic looks, it seems that they are enjoying the fun.

As for the demon horses that have not yet transformed, they are also smashing everywhere, trampling to death and killing how many human races.

For a time, the human race of this tribe fled indiscriminately, wailing everywhere.

Some also took up weapons and torches to resist bravely, but they weren’t the opponents of these monster races at all, they were simply moths fighting the fire.

“Bold evildoer, how dare to commit such a crime!”

With a shout, Xuechi descended from the sky, reached out and grabbed the hoof of a big demon, and saved a pair of human mothers and daughters.


The big demon saw Xuechi’s delicate skin and tender flesh, and his charming appearance showed greed.

“Where did the banshee come from, born so handsome, don’t you have fun tonight…”

Before the big tale was finished, I saw a pair of iron hoofs that were as hard as the low-grade Lingbao, crushed by Xuechi’s little hands.

“Okay, I don’t know how you want to play?”

Xuechi stared at the blood flowing out of the big demon, and licked his lips ambiguously, “I’m a little hungry, so let me have some snacks first!”

The big demon was stunned for a moment, and then wailed in pain, with a panic in his eyes, and fled for the first time.

However, he saw a flash of light with six wings behind Xuechi, appearing on the side of the big demon like a ghost.

She stretched out her hand a little, and endless Blood Qi hovered out. It turned out a savage mouthpart and pierced it into the body of the big demon fiercely.

It is said that the Wu Clan’s flesh is incomparable, but the Yao Clan’s flesh is also invulnerable, but this big demon is as fragile as paper in front of Xuechi.

At the moment when the mouthparts submerged, the great demon’s screams stopped abruptly, and his flesh and blood disappeared, leaving only a dead bone and skin sac, which fell lightly to the ground.

“Where are you Sacred!”

At this moment, the Scarlet Horse Demon God and the rest of the Great Demon had noticed this scene, and couldn’t help feeling shocked in their hearts.

The dead big demon was the late stage of Taiyi Jinxian, so it was so vulnerable.

And the means of attacking the snow pool made them feel terrified.

I saw that the mouthparts that Xuechi turned into after absorbing the flesh and blood of the great demon again turned into Blood Qi, returning to the nest and flooding into Xuechi’s body.

After a rush of blood, Xuechi’s complexion became more rosy and moving, and the Magic power and aura on his body became more surging.

“Me? A little maid under the seat of Patriarch Styx!”

Xuechi put his finger on the vermilion lips and lightly tapped, revealing greedy and playful eyes, “You monster races, although you are born ugly, you can still eat your flesh and blood.”

“Under the seat of Patriarch Styx!”

The Red Horse Demon God and all the great demons all showed horror and horror.

“Huh! Don’t panic! Even though Patriarch Styx is great, how can the maid under his seat appear here? Take ten thousand steps, how much skill can a maid have?”

After all, the Scarlet Horse Demon God is the Great Luo Jinxian. At this moment, when his thoughts turned, he suddenly gained a bit of confidence.

The subordinates of own are here, how can you lose points if you are the leader?

“Okay! Then let you know how good my maid is!”

The corner of Xuechi’s mouth raised, and a scarlet ribbon was presented. The ribbon swam towards the Scarlet Horse Demon God like a living thing.

The Scarlet Horse Demon God sacrificed a large sword, which was actually a middle-grade spirit treasure, and slashed it at the Scarlet Ribbon.

However, seeing the scarlet silk belt is extremely flexible, so that the sword of the Red Horse Demon God cannot reach it at all, but it takes advantage of the trend to tie its five flowers.

All the demon races didn’t react, they saw Xuechi stretched out his hand and grabbed it, tightening the scarlet silk ribbon, strangling the red horse demon god into countless pieces of meat.

Immediately after the Blood Qi volume, the flesh and blood of the Red Horse Demon God was turned into essence and merged into the body of the snow pond.

Seeing Da Luo Jinxian Cultivation Base, the Red Horse Demon God was slaughtered in this way. The rest of the demon races were frightened and turned around and fled.

However, Xuechi offered a golden bucket of mixed yuan, and in the blink of an eye, all these big monsters and demon horses were included in it.

The next moment, Xuechi stretched out his hand and pinched it in the golden bucket of Hunyuan, the wailing stopped abruptly, and then caught it, it was a meatball with countless corpses twisted and squeezed together.

Then Xuechi used his magical powers to suck up all the flesh and blood, leaving only the corpses of the monster race piled up in the mountains.

The human races in the tribe were shocked and stunned when they saw this scene.

The monster race is horrible, but the exquisite young girl in front of me is even more awe-inspiring!

“Xian! Xianren! The villain has just heard that the fairy is the saint father of my human race, the person under the seat of Patriarch Styx!?”

An old man in the tribe, supported by the crowd, bowed tremblingly to the ground.

“Yeah. It was the master’s mercy that made me save your life!”

As soon as Xuechi’s eyes turned, he pushed the boat along the way.

Fuxi had said that he shouldn’t make a rash move.

But this Yaozu is too presumptuous, and she is forgiven for taking action.

Of course, Xuechi will not accept others, the main reason for his own action is because of greedy!

“The Father’s Mercy! The Father’s Mercy! I didn’t expect that the Father hadn’t forgotten the people at the bottom of us!”

The old man burst into tears and couldn’t help but cry out to the sky.

The people of the other tribes all knelt down and worshiped, chanting the mercy of the Father and the mercy of the immortals.

“Hmph, because you are so grateful for Dade, I will give you some more favors!”

With that said, Xuechi released Blood Qi, which turned into a group of flying mosquitoes.

“This is the incarnation of this Fairy. You only need to provide blood from time to time, and they will shelter your tribe!”

Hearing this, everyone was overjoyed.

And these flying mosquitoes are scattered in all directions, hiding in every corner.

After doing this, the snow pool floated away.

Unexpectedly, not long after she left, there was a little white light floating in the sky among the tribe, one following her, and the other floating towards the Penglai Styx River.

Feeling this little white light into the body, Xuechi couldn’t help but smile.

This is the legendary power of faith, which has endless magical effects. According to the master, it seems to be more precious than merit.

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