Chapter 104 The Styx Gives Back the Treasure to Karma!

The people of Penglai Men felt unhappy in their hearts when they heard this.

Like the Twelve Ancestor Witch, he roared directly:

“Who dares to be disrespectful to the Patriarch!”

Nuwa Fuxi also gave a cold snort, and the Cultivation Base, the quasi-sage pinnacle, swept around Penglai.

Under the pressure of the quasi-sage, within tens of thousands of miles in Penglai, there was no sound.

Seeing this, Styx didn’t say much, but said indifferently:

“Now that the preaching is over, you can leave by yourself. If you want, you can stay in Penglai and rest for a while, and get a glimpse of the scenery of Penglai.”

As soon as this statement came out, most of the practitioners gathered in Penglai left most of them in a blink of an eye.

The remaining small and a half repairers are all excited and grateful to Styx. In their opinion, it is a rare opportunity to have a chance to visit Penglai.

As for the cultivators in the Penglai Dojo, only a few went there, and most of them were determined and unwavering.

“Father, don’t we go chasing that Fen Baoyan?”

Four is not like being a little restless at this time. The treasures hidden in the treasure rock are all treasures collected by Taoist ancestor Hongjun throughout his life. Any one is probably a treasure that can be met but cannot be sought.

Now that Hongjun disperses treasures from the predestined people, but they stay here in Penglai, isn’t it a huge loss?

Hajime Qilin frowned, and immediately reprimanded: “Nizi! You are Li Ling and faint! Disrespectful to the Patriarch, he must be punished severely!”

As he said, Qilin quietly spread the sound of the four differences, clarifying the pros and cons.

“In the past, our father and the ancestor dragon and the two fellow daoists of Yuanfeng and Feng were side by side, competing for each other. Now the three tribes are declining and retreating. As our ancestors, we are entangled in karma.”

“Therefore, I don’t know how many years Daluo Jinxian has been stagnating for his father. But the ancestor Long Yuanfeng, who had the help of the ancestor of Styx, and Penglai Fuyin, had already advanced to the quasi-sages thousands of years ago.”

“Now that I have heard the Patriarch’s Way, I finally made a breakthrough for my father, half-step quasi-sage!”

“Although the most precious treasure in the treasure rock is good, in the eyes of the father, it is not as affectionate as the Patriarch Styx, do you understand?!”

Hearing this, Sidon’s mind was shocked, and he finally woke up.

He has also benefited immensely from hearing this time.

Although the treasures in the treasure rock are precious, if you offend Patriarch Styx because of this, you will pick up sesame seeds and lose watermelon!

“Baby knows it’s wrong! Babe doesn’t respect the ancestor, he deserves death!”

Si didn’t seem to confess his mistake in a hurry, kowtow again and again in the direction of Styx.

Yu Qilin looked in his eyes and didn’t say much. He just looked at Feng Wu by the side of Styx with a complicated expression.

She and Feng Wu are close friends in her boudoirs. When she learned that Feng Wu had become a mount for others, she was extremely puzzled and indignant.

But now, as a Stygian mount, Feng Wu is already an advanced quasi-sage.

That’s a quasi-sage, in Realm, it’s second only to Sage.

In a great predecessor, the quasi-sages are also rare, and Feng Wu is one of them!

Her jade Qilin is just the early stage of Da Luo Jinxian, the two are very different.

If she had a choice, Qilin would also be willing to bend under the seat of Patriarch Styx, claiming herself as a mount!

Seeing that all the people who should go have left, most of the practitioners in the Penglai Dojo have stayed.

Styx nodded.

“The few cultivators who have just left will never enter Penglai forever.”

Styx announced faintly.

Hearing this, the practitioners below were all shocked, and felt sad for the few short-sighted practitioners.

For that precious rock, I don’t know if I can get the treasure, and I lose the qualification to enter Penglai forever. This is not short-sighted!

At the same time, they secretly rejoiced that they were right.

No one had any objections to Styx’s decision.

Indeed, Styx said that the sermon was over, and he could leave on his own.

But I didn’t say the consequences after leaving!

Patriarch Styx invites you to stay, but does not appreciate it. Now that you can never enter Penglai forever, it is just a word from Patriarch Styx!

At this time, the remaining practitioners paid more respect to Styx.

Looking around, Styx opened his mouth and declared:

“Xuechi, you ordered someone to fetch Lingguo Ling tea to entertain all of you. In addition, those who are guests of Penglai today can take away a drop of Sanguang Divine Water!”

Hearing that, all the practitioners present are all shocked and overjoyed!

Not long after, there were attendants carrying various Lingguo Ling teas, including enlightenment tea, Shenhuo tea, Parasol Tree leaves, and even ginseng fruit!

“Enlightenment tea! Isn’t this Xiantian Spiritual Roots unique to Daozu Hongjun! It is rumored that as long as you drink it, you can instantly enlighten Dao! Now we have just heard the Dao, if we drink this tea, I am afraid that the harvest will be doubled!

“Isn’t this ginseng fruit a special product of Wuzhuang Temple! Three thousand years of flowering, three thousand years of fruit, and another three thousand years before it matures. It takes 10,000 years to bear a batch of fruits. How can there be so many!”

The practitioners present were shocked.

Unexpectedly, Styx could offer enlightenment tea and ginseng fruit to entertain them, even Taozu Hongjun and Zhen Yuanzi could not have such a handwriting.

Especially for the ginseng fruit, there was only one batch of fruit in ten thousand years, and a batch of only ten fruit, but now Styx has produced so many, it is incredible!

Styx looked indifferent.

This ginseng fruit was actually born in 10,000 years.

But if you irrigate with the three-light divine water every day, and accelerate the maturation with merit, then the speed of ripening and fruiting is far from imagined by these practitioners.

Of course, it’s a huge predecessor, except for Styx, who can do this?

“No regrets in this life! No regrets in this life!”

Some practitioners couldn’t help crying excitedly in their hearts.

He ate the ginseng fruit and drank the enlightenment tea. Now he has made a breakthrough bottleneck and came to Realm.

How can such gains be lost to one or two ordinary treasures in the Fenbao Rock?

As for the practitioners who came in to visit Penglai from outside, they all cheered and worshiped with excitement when they learned that they could receive a drop of Sanguang Divine Water.

This is Sanguang Shenshui!

The healing holy water in the prehistoric lands, even if it is the Golden Immortal Da Luo, no matter how much the body’s soul is damaged, it can be restored to its original state with just one drop.

For their low-Realm cultivators, Styx gave them a drop of three-light divine water, which is equivalent to giving them an extra life!

Afterwards, Styx spoke slowly:

“Now Daozu Hongjun releases Fenbaoyan and Sanbao to someone who is predestined. If you stay in Penglai, you have missed this opportunity. If this is the case, then I will also give you a Karma in Styx.”

As he said, when Styx raised his hand, countless spirit treasures came out, soaring to the sky, hovering over Penglai.

I saw Baoguang shining, Spiritual Qi was compelling, and Penglai was shining brightly.

Among them, the worst of each Lingbao is top grade, and the top grade is not rare.

“These spiritual treasures were obtained from my early travels. There are 36 top-grade spiritual treasures and 72 top-grade spiritual treasures. Now I have scattered them on Penglai Island and can be taken by anyone with a predestined relationship.”

With that, Styx waved his sleeves, and one hundred and eight spiritual treasures turned into streamers and scattered all over Penglai.

The repairers in Penglai were shocked when they heard this.

There are 72 pieces of top-grade Lingbao, and there are 36 pieces of top-grade Lingbao!

An ordinary Luo Jinxian with a top-grade spirit treasure on hand is already quite good.

The best spirit treasure is something you can meet but you can’t ask for it.

Now that I have a chance to get it all of a sudden, it is naturally very exciting, and I am also grateful to Styx.

At the same time, I was extremely thankful that I didn’t chase that precious rock away.

The treasure rock flew all over the land, and there were countless great abilities waiting for the opportunity. I was afraid it would be difficult to grab one.

And the Styx’s treasures are scattered directly in Penglai, and it is desirable for all those who are truly destined!

“Everyone, don’t hurry up to lead the chance!”

With the chuckle of Styx, the cultivators in Penglai flew towards the place where the Lingbao fell!

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