Chapter 103 Dividing Baoyan to Disperse the Flood, Penglai’s Cultivators are in confusion!

Seeing Hongjun bestowing treasures one by one.

The three thousand great abilities in the Zixiao Palace are only hopeful.

“The three sermons have been accomplished, and the old ways and virtues have been fulfilled. From now on, you will fit Heavenly Dao and complement the Heavenly Dao order, and you will not be involved in the great famine again.”

With that, Hongjun flipped his hand and saw a pocket-sized mountain cliff appearing in the center of his palm.

“This is the dividing treasure rock. Most of the treasures acquired by the old Dao in his life are hidden in it. This rock will carry the will of the old Dao, fly to the prehistoric land on its own, and sprinkle treasures along the way, and everyone who is destined can go and get it!”

Hearing that, the three thousand great abilities in the Zixiao Palace are all bright.

Daozu Hongjun has such a profound background, the treasure he has acquired throughout his life, it is simply a treasure house.

Looking at this Fenbao Rock, everyone is enthusiastic, and they can’t wait to put it in their pockets directly.


Hongjun injected Magic power into Fenbao Rock, and Fenbao Rock flew towards the outside of Zixiao Palace. He flew out so fast that he flew out in the blink of an eye for thousands of miles.

In an instant, there were several pieces of shining Lingbao flying out, which made people eye-catching.

There are three thousand great abilities in the Zixiao Palace, and some people can’t bear it, and flew out.

“Everyone, go away!”

Seeing this, Hongjun turned and left.

As soon as this statement came out, all the remaining mighty powers flew out, chasing the Fen Baoyan away.

The third lecture of Zixiao Palace is over.

Stygian’s preaching in Penglai is also coming to an end.

I saw the twelve ancestor witches sitting side by side, with their eyes closed, hands holding each other, immersed in the Styx Avenue.

Behind them, they have the evolution of Xiantian law, time turbulence, space reversal, competition between water and fire, mutual growth of earth and wood, and the combination of gold and thunder…

Each law is very mysterious, pure and incomparable, and between neighbors, they have mutual traction and complement each other.

What’s even more amazing is that the Twelve Ancestor Witches evolved into a phantom of a giant, whose face is somewhat similar to Pangu. Among them, the Law of Power and the Ancient Sage Spiritual Qi are abundant and powerful, sweeping the world.

But this ancestral witch giant was kneeling on one knee at this time, as if seeking guidance.

The direction the giant ancestor witch kneels is exactly the giant of power evolved from Styx Avenue.

The Giant God of Power reached out and ordered the Giant God of Ancestral Witch, as if carrying on some kind of inheritance, just like the relationship between the master and disciple between Styx and the Twelve Ancestral Witch.

With the progress of such a vision, each of the Twelve Ancestral Witches is a Cultivation Base aura that continues to rise.

For thousands of years.

Dijiang, Zhu Jiuyin, and Xuanming, who were originally quasi-sages, have already reached the pinnacle of quasi-sages, and they are only one step away from Sage Realm.

The rest of the ancestral witches have made breakthroughs in the Daluo Jinxian and stepped into the Realm, ranging from the mid-rank of the quasi-sage to the peak of the quasi-sage!

The appearance of so many quasi-sages all at once was the change of colors between the heavens and the earth, and the sound and singing of the great road seemed to be celebrating and shaking.

It seemed to be scrambling.

The maid snow pool next to the Styx River is immersed in the Styx Blood Avenue, and a pillar of blood emerges behind her, connected to the monstrous blood sea evolving on the Styx Avenue.

The blood sea magic is constantly deduced, and the Blood Qi soars into the sky, transforming the gods into demons, and it is very intense.

The emergence of the law of space and the pattern also distorts everything around it, with a profound mystery.

The breath of the Cultivation Base of the snow pool continued to soar, and it was also followed by the breakthrough of the twelve ancestors, and stepped into the Realm in one fell swoop.

Seeing Xuechi stepping into the quasi-sage, Feng Wu also gritted her teeth and tried her best to evolve the avenue. The sacred fire Phoenix she evolved into shuttled in and out of the Five Elements Avenue and Yin & Yang Avenue that Styx had evolved.

The phoenix dances in the Five Elements Avenue of the Styx River, immersed in the Avenue of Fire, comprehending the law of fire, making the divine fire scorching and covering the earth.

In the avenue of Styx Yin & Yang, immersed in that avenue of yin and perceived the law of yin, so that in the divine fire, blue feathers evolve, high and cold.

Every time you shuttle in and out, the power of the sacred fire Phoenix evolved by the phoenix dance rises by one point, and the body grows a circle. The law of fire and the law of lunar inside are also more amazing.

Finally, it came to pass. With the sound of the sacred fire Phoenix, the breath of Fengwu Cultivation Base climbed abruptly, and he stepped into Realm.

In addition, there are also the four great Ashura kings, who have evolved the Shura image and the surging blood sea. They all bow down piously under the giant god of the power of the Styx, receive the baptism of the blood sea of ​​the Styx, and also step into the quasi-sage Realm. .

In the end, it was Ma Yuan.

Ma Yuan’s latecomers came first and benefited a lot from the Avenue of Styx Waters. He came to the peak of the Great Luo Jinxian in one fell swoop, and repeatedly attacked the quasi-sage Realm.

In the end, his Cultivation Base Realm was between the Daluo Jinxian and the quasi-sage. It was a half-step quasi-sage, but it lacked some opportunities, or lack of background, after all, it was a little worse.

Fuxi and Nuwa have already been on board the quasi-sages. At this time, they are both stepping into the peak of the quasi-sages. The breath of Cultivation Base is surging, which is far from the new quasi-sages.

Dapeng White Tiger and others have already come into contact with the peak of the Golden Immortal of Daluo at this time, and have already begun to prepare for the impact of the quasi-sage. Even if they are gifted and Styx provides the best practice conditions, it will still take a long time. To accumulate knowledge.

As for Kong Xuan, who was at the same time as Dapeng, his predecessor was the ancestor of Five Elements.

Stygmy’s careful training and expectation of Kong Xuan is not much inferior to that of Nuwa, so at this time Kong Xuan is following Nuwa, step by step, striving to lay a solid foundation in every Realm and pursue the strongest of the same Realm.

In the future, if Kong Xuan has the opportunity to achieve Sage, he will definitely be the strongest group.

The rest of the practitioners who listened to the Taoism in Penglai benefited a lot.

Seeing this, Styx nodded in satisfaction.

He evolved many avenues at the same time with his own power, and even connected with the vision of Penglai Cultivation Avenue, making the Cultivation Base Realm of these disciples of the sectarians, the tide rises and the boats go hand in hand.

At this time, Styx slowly opened his eyes, the Dao pattern stagnated, the Dao sound stopped abruptly, and the various Dao visions that had evolved slowly dissipated.

“This Penglai preaching ends here.”

Styx announced the end of the sermon.

When the spiritual practitioners heard the words, they all woke up like a big dream, with a look of reluctance on their faces.

Just now there are some who are immersed in the avenue and are about to gain something.

At this time, all the cultivators present felt a little bit. Hongjun’s preaching was over, and he released the Fenbaoyan to disperse the treasures to those who are destined.

Styx couldn’t help but move in his heart.

In this way, it is not long since Hongjun fits Heavenly Dao.

Hongjun fits Heavenly Dao to complement Heavenly Dao, and Heavenly Dao will become more perfect.

As for Hongjun himself, he will become a part of Heavenly Dao, becoming more powerful and cold-blooded at the same time.

What’s more, according to my own impression, after Hongjun fits Heavenly Dao, the day of sanctification for the two of Sanqing and the West is no longer long.

You must also be prepared to deal with it.

As for Emperor Jun becoming the Heavenly Emperor and establishing the Heaven Court of the demon clan, Styx didn’t take it too seriously.

Hongjun erected the Heaven Court and promoted Emperor Jun to the Heavenly Emperor. He said his words and followed the law. The entire prehistoric land was shocked by it, and almost no one knew it.

But for him, Styx, the so-called Heavenly Emperor and Heaven Court are nothing more than Hongjun’s lackeys.

Even Hongjun has to respect him for seven minutes in the Styx, the Heaven Court of the demon clan, what counts?

Speaking of it, Hong Jun stood at Heaven Court and released the Fen Baoyan incident, but it was not the first time that it reached him in Penglai.

Only because he preached here, Hongjun’s Taoist voice was blocked.

At this time, the sermon was over, and the practitioners gathered around Penglai felt that they knew about the demon’s Heaven Court and Fenbaoyan.

Some of the slightly more able cultivators on the scene couldn’t help but talk stupidly, and they wanted to leave the Penglai Dojo as soon as possible, chasing the precious rock.

“Daozu Hongjun’s lifelong treasures, of which there must be countless Lingbao treasures!”

“Hey! If I had advanced to Da Luo Jinxian earlier, I would go to Zixiao Palace to listen to it!”

“This Patriarch of Styx is a quasi-sage after all, and the foundation is no better than Taoist ancestor after all!”

Styx and Hongjun have been in the same name for a long time, and it is inevitable that they will be compared at this time. Among them, there is even more contemptuousness in their tone.

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