Chapter 341

They all know that there is a very powerful strongman in the Yaozu, and this strong is also the last survivor of the Yaozu.

Although it was a huge threat to the human race, it never took the initiative to offend it after the Shang and Zhou dynasties.

The disciples of the explanation and teaching at the time said that the demon master Kunpeng Cultivation Base has reached the quasi-sacred state for a long time. Although they are seriously injured, their strength may not be able to win.

Therefore, in the eyes of Xu Gai and Dou Rong, the horror of the demon master Kunpeng is not weaker than the existence of Sage.

But now this scene is too exciting, the soul of the demon master Kunpeng has been stripped, and the body is still being played with.

Feeling that he had discovered too many secrets, Xu Gai was very frightened, and kept looking around, for fear that he would be discovered and then silenced.

The strength of this Hangu Pass is far beyond their imagination.

At this moment Xu Gai understood it.

Why did this Hangu Guanzhong dare to invade Jiepai Pass and take away the Jin Jing after several warnings? It turned out to be completely confident.

But now that the corpse of the demon master Kunpeng appeared here, Xu Gai had another doubt.

Who killed the demon master Kunpeng on earth!

Could it be the guy who now lives in this city lord’s mansion? Will he be Heavenly Dao Sect Leader? ? ?

It is estimated that under Sage, only Heavenly Dao Sect Leader can kill Kunpeng.

Suddenly Xu Gai didn’t dare to go in at this moment. It was too scary. He was afraid that he would go in and be drawn away from his soul and turned into a corpse to be manipulated.

Moreover, he had already seen “Cao Bao” and “Demon Master Kunpeng” as soon as he entered Hangu Pass, so he couldn’t guarantee whether there were other more terrifying existences in Hangu Pass.

Looking at the city lord’s mansion again, Xu Gai hurriedly ran towards the outskirts of Hangu Pass.

This place can’t stay, otherwise you will lose your life.

However, before taking a few steps, Xu Gai stopped again.

Looking at the small head emerging from the side of the Fortune Tree, Xu Gai’s forehead slipped with cold sweat.

Similarly, Dou Rong also realized that he seemed to have been discovered, and suddenly looked at Xu Gai with horror on his face.

The two masters looked at each other for a while, and a thought appeared in their minds at the same time.

“It’s over! I was discovered, will he call someone, will he kill me?”

The two masters looked at each other like this, thinking that the other party was also the power of the Heavenly Dao Sect in the secret of Hangu Pass. Now that he secretly sneaked into it and was discovered, it is estimated that he will be killed.

After staring at each other for about a few minutes, Xu Gai suddenly yelled, his body changed abruptly, he removed his cloak and turned into his original appearance.

Dou Rong also walked out cautiously from among the wealthy trees.

After the two looked at each other again, their figures rose from the ground at the same time.

“Run! Run! Or you will be killed.”

The only thought in the minds of the two masters.

But Lu Chen, who was in the tavern, stood up dumbfounded and looked at the open space where the two masters appeared, looking a little stunned.

Could it be an illusion just now?

After that secret infiltration, Xu Gai and Dou Rong felt that they had discovered some great secret.

After a few days, they didn’t pay any attention to the madness of the Human Race, because they already knew the horror behind this force, and the speculation of Heavenly Dao Sect Leader’s departure from Linfan penetrated into their minds, making them tremble.


Honghuang, Jiufeng tribe in Mobei.

The lingering cold wind howled, yellow sand was all over it, lingering into the sea of ​​sand, connecting the sky one after another.

Coming here, Zhang Guifang felt as if he had come to a world of Lingfang that was different from Hangu Pass, and everything had changed.

The temperature here is extremely high, even if his strength is not bad, he can still feel the chill that deeply penetrates the bone.

According to what Zhang Guifang said, it took most of a day for Zhang Guifang to come to this desert from Hangu Pass.

The world seemed lifeless, let alone creatures along the way, they didn’t even see a single plant.

Thinking of what Cao Bao said, there may be a ghost mother in the Jiufeng tribe in Mobei, he felt that this possibility was a little lower.

Just going inward like this, yellow sand is everywhere along the way, and if you accidentally step on the quicksand, Zhang Guifang is also extremely cautious.

Fortunately, Zhang Guifang’s Movement Technique is good. Although he can’t make no trace on the snow, he won’t fall into the quicksand.

“I feel that if I go further in, I will be frozen to death on the road. If there is a ghost mother here, I guess I will be frozen to death too.” His face was flushed with freezing, and her trembling purple lips murmured.

Zhang Guifang shivered as he felt the chill from his body.

But it did not stop, but began to deepen.

This Mobei Jiufeng tribe was really like a dead place. It didn’t take long to walk inward, even if Zhang Guifang couldn’t bear it anymore, his fingers were a little numb.

Just as Zhang Guifang was about to turn back, there were shouts in the distance.

The sound was a little far away, and with the howling of the cold wind, Zhang Guifang didn’t hear it very clearly.

He stopped and listened for a while, and after making sure that there was a sound coming from him, he hurriedly ran in the direction where the sound came from.

As the voice became clearer and clearer, he couldn’t help slowing down and slowly leaned forward.

After seeing the scene ahead clearly, Zhang Guifang was stunned.

I saw a group of teenagers who were about seven or eight years old, with some messy hair and star-like pupils, were fighting on top of the yellow sand.

The scene was very intense, using both hands and feet one by one, as if it were killing you.

However, what surprised Zhang Guifang was that this place was so cold, but the group of teenagers didn’t seem to feel the cold. They were so thinly clothed, walking barefoot on the yellow sand that formed the cold.

“So strong! I can’t beat any of these children who come out.” Zhang Guifang muttered softly.

“Can’t afford to offend, can’t afford to offend.” Zhang Guifang quickly turned around to leave.

At this time, dozens of children fighting in the snow suddenly stopped fighting, all of their bodies disappeared in place, and then they appeared in front of Zhang Guifang.

Cold sweat slipped from Zhang Guifang’s forehead.

“Who are you?” one of the older children looked at Zhang Guifang curiously and asked.

“I…I am a disciple of the Heavenly Dao Sect.” Zhang Guifang couldn’t help but speak.

“Heavenly Dao Sect? Human Race?” the boy asked again.

Hearing this, Zhang Guifang couldn’t help but think of Cao Bao’s description of the Jiufeng family.

“Then why are you fighting?” Zhang Guifang asked rhetorically.

“Does a fight need a reason? We just want to fight.” The older boy slapped the other boy out.

The boy who was shot flying flashed after landing and appeared next to him again, punching him in the face.


Suddenly the group fight started again, the scene was chaotic, and dozens of people scuffled together again.

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