Chapter 340

It must be the Heavenly Dao Sect Leader here, otherwise how dare these big merchants’ human races dared to infringe unscrupulously.

Most importantly, the speed at which their strength has grown is simply outrageous.

If it weren’t for Heavenly Dao Sect Leader, how could it be possible to ask Cao Baolai to temper the spirit treasure?

Thinking of this, Xu Gai was really scared. He was afraid that he knew too much and would be silenced.

It is even very possible that the strong man who blocked Heavenly Dao is in Hangu Pass, and the worst is that there are disciples sitting here.

After seeing Cao Bao this time, he suddenly felt how naive his previous thoughts were, and at the same time felt fortunate that Own was not impulsive.

After all, he really led a large army to attack at the beginning, then a Cao Bao might destroy them.

At this time, Cao Bao’s figure suddenly appeared at the door. Xu Gai stopped thinking and squatted on the ground with a cloak. At the same time, he kept thinking in his heart: “Can’t see me, can’t see me, can’t see me, Can’t see me…”

In Xu Gai’s horrified gaze, Cao Bao walked towards him step by step.

“Hey? When is there a big stone at the door?” Cao Baozui looked at the stone with dim eyes, looking a little dazed.

Then Cao Bao stretched out his hand and patted the stone and Benshi Xu Gai, his eyes showed a trace of satisfaction: “Yes! Not bad!”

Xu Gai felt that his own heart was about to explode, for fear that Cao Bao had already noticed some clues, and suddenly gave him a devastating blow.

At this time, Xu Gai didn’t even know that Cao Bao’s Cultivation Base had been sealed by the Primordial Heavenly Sovereign for a long time, and his heart was filled with anxiety. difficult.

However, Cao Bao stared at Xu Gai in a daze. Xu Gai felt that he was about to have a heart attack. This was too exciting.

“Stone fruit on the stone tree!”

“You and me under the stone tree.”

“One stone grave per person.”

“I will be a stone man in the next life.”

“Good poem, good poem!” Cao Bao said again drunkly.

However, the next scene made Xu Gai dumbfounded, and Cao Bao suddenly…pushed at him.

“Fuck, I can’t take it anymore!”

Feeling the warm currents rushing from his body, Xu Gai felt that he was going crazy. If the reason that wanted to live had not restrained him, he was really afraid that he could not help but slap Cao Bao.

To live! To live! Xu Gai kept comforting himself in his heart, but his heart was close to the edge of collapse.


At this time, Cao Bao shook his body, his face showing a trace of satisfaction.

After lifting his trousers, Cao Bao glanced at the little tree again, couldn’t help but praised a “good poem” again, then turned around and entered the room, closing the door with a “bang”.

Not far away, a young man hiding in a gap in the dense forest and observing this scene gradually became sluggish.

Looking at Daoist in the black robe that Cao Bao used as a stone not far away, Dou Rong’s heart couldn’t help but twitch.

He felt frightened.

Because of the unsatisfied curiosity, it specially incarnates and sneaks in this time, but before entering this Hangu Pass, he was stunned to find that the originally extremely poor Hangu Pass was so prosperous.

In order to satisfy his own curiosity, he continued to go deeper, and then he found a young man squatting in front of Cao Baoling’s treasure shop.

How could he not know this young man? This is clearly Xu Gai.

However, the dignified master was actually pissed off…

What made him even more incredible was that the one who dared to be the master of the card gate turned out to be the strongest Da Luo “Cao Bao”.

Cao Bao? Xu Gai? Heavenly Dao Sect? ? ?

Dou Rong felt whether he had been concealed.

Why did Cao Bao and Xu Gai appear in this Hangu Pass? Is there any secret between them and this big business?

Moreover, it can be seen from Cao Bao’s behavior that he seems to have not been here for a short time.

Then he thought of Xu Gai’s last compromise with Dashang.

Is it because I was concealed? Are they planning something?

At this time, Dou Rong regarded Xu Gai, who had also sneaked into Hangu Pass, also regarded as Da Shang’s secret partner.

Thinking of this, Dou Rong panicked a little.

Since Cao Bao and Xu Gai both live here secretly, why don’t they have any news? Could it be that in their plan, the master of the level is also the target to be eliminated?

Thinking of this, Dou Rong, who was hiding in the bushes, was even more frightened.

MMP, it’s also the master. Did daddy provoke you? Is there any secret collusion or secret scheme? Even if it’s against Da Zhou and Heavenly Dao, bring daddy, you do it like this, I am so panicked. !

Suddenly Dou Rong realized that Xu Gai had started to move, and moved towards the city lord’s mansion a little bit.

Upon seeing this, Dou Rong quietly followed behind, keeping a distance far enough to prevent himself from being discovered.

At this time Xu Gai’s mentality was about to collapse, and the only idea that supported him to stay here was to take a look at the City Lord’s Mansion.

After knowing that Cao Bao was here, he felt that it was impossible for him to break down Hangu Pass, and he might even be wiped out by Cao Bao because he knew too much.

As he got closer and closer to the city’s main mansion, Xu Gai’s figure suddenly stopped, and his cloak turned into a stone here.

Seeing this, Dou Rong, who was not far away, quickly retracted in front of a shop with a fortune tree in front of his body, only revealing a small head outside, quietly observing the outside world.

Feeling the breath that escaped not far away, Xu Gai’s heart thumped again, and then slowly twisted his figure, looking towards the place where the breath was dissipating.

But when he saw the scene not far away, his eyes widened suddenly.

Not far away, in the Hangu Pass Tavern, Lu Chen was squatting on the ground with his chin, carefully observing the body of the demon master Kunpeng, and at the same time thinking about how to refine the body of the demon master Kunpeng. .

Now he doesn’t dare to go out of Hangu Pass, so he counts on the refining demon master Kunpeng to take revenge, so he studies very carefully, and from time to time he draws out plague books and compares them.

Xu Gai and Dou Rong in the distance were already dumbfounded.

From the aura of body dissipating, they can be sure that this is definitely the demon master Kunpeng, even if the soul dissipates, how could they not feel the coercion dissipated by the body of the quasi-sage peak powerhouse.

Seeing Lu Chen, who was not far away, pointed and pointed on the body of the demon master Kunpeng, and occasionally kicked his feet angrily, Xu Gai and Dou Rong were already frightened and dumbfounded.

This place is terrible too!

This thought appeared in the minds of the two great masters who sneaked in at the same time.

The former No. 1 Luo Caobao had already scared them, but now even the top powerhouse of the demon clan, the demon master Kunpeng, has appeared, which is a bit scary.

For the demon master Kunpeng, they have been in the wild for so many years, and they have also understood….

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