Chapter 9

On the other side, the Suiren clan also brought that weed back to the territories of the human race.

They were a little strange when they learned that Suiren had taken Nuwa Empress to visit, so they waited for Suiren to come back.

Seeing Suiren’s return, Empress Nuwa was missing. Both Jinyi and Youchao felt a little strange.

Jin Yi couldn’t help asking: “Where is Nuwa Empress?”

When Sui Ren heard Nuwa Empress’s name, his face began to look a little weird.

He can’t tell the Jin Yi family and You Chao family Nuwa empress have been hanged by a hermit of our human race, right?

It hurts Sage’s majesty, it’s going to lose his head!

The Suiren had no choice but to prevaricate: “Oh, Nuwa Empress has everything to do, so naturally she has no time to stay in the territories of the human race.”

Jin Yi and You Chao always felt something was wrong, but they couldn’t tell, so they nodded,

Subsequently, the Suiren clan talked about Chen Sheng’s affairs with Jianyi clan and Yuchao clan, but deliberately did not say what was involved in Nuwa.

The Jinyi clan and Youchao clan were overjoyed when they heard that the human race also had a realm powerhouse.

You Chao couldn’t help asking: “With Realm in charge, even if someone from the monster race comes to the door, I won’t be helpless!”

Hearing that the Sui Renshi couldn’t help but twitch the corners of his mouth, how could the Da Luo who can exile Nuwa be an ordinary Da Luo! ?

More than just one or two defenses?

If the fellow daoist Chen can get out, would the Human Race simply turn over as a serf and sing it?

But these words, Suiren only dared to slander one or two in his heart.

Seeing the Jinyi clan and Youchao clan discussing the plans of the human race enthusiastically, the Suiren clan really couldn’t bear to interrupt.

But seeing them talk more and more outrageous, the Suiren couldn’t help but speak louder. They said, “It’s just that a strong person is always reluctant to leave the customs. He only gave me such a grass, saying that it can protect the human race…”

There are Chaos: “…”

Jin Yi’s: “…”

Didn’t you say such an important thing earlier?

The victim is happy for nothing!

They looked at the grass that said it could protect the human race. They were all speechless, so surely it wasn’t a weed?

Both of them were a little disappointed, and Suiren was also helpless. He looked at the grass in his hand and planted it in the hole.

At this time, suddenly a human expression rushed in.

Suiren realized that something was wrong in an instant, and quickly asked, “What happened?”

The Terran gasped heavily, and stammered: “It’s not good, the monsters are coming fiercely. Attacking my Terran in a big way!”

When the three ancestors heard this, his face changed drastically.

Since the birth of the human race, they have been the lowest in the predicament and have suffered humiliation.

Since we are in the prey, we must naturally follow the prey to The Weak are Prey to the Strong, the law of survival for the survival of the fittest.

Because of this, Nuwa didn’t get too involved in matters of the human race being bullied.

Nuwa is Sage, as long as the human race does not face the disaster of destruction, she will not take action at will.

The human race had always lived on Shouyang Mountain before. Although it was occasionally oppressed, it was considered to live and work in peace and contentment.

But since the monsters discovered that the humans are delicious and the Ascension Cultivation Base is still available, they have regarded the humans as blood food!

Originally, the Monster Race would still care about Nuwa Empress one or two, but after knowing that Nuwa would not intervene, the Monster Race recklessly acted recklessly!

The human race has no resistance in front of the powerful monster race, and can only be regarded by the monster race as a mustache.

The Jin Yi clan was very angry, frowning and said: “This monster clan is really deceiving people too much!”

The Suiren clan was also a little panicked, and hurriedly followed the Hanyi clan and Youchao clan to go out, and ordered the tribe to raise the clan guardian array!

At this time, the Yaozu has come to the outside of the guardian formation of the Human Territory!

Seeing the Human Race panic raising the guardian formation, the Yao Race dismissed it.

They are monsters!

Born to be so powerful!

The guardians of the little human race, they are not yet To put in one’s eyes!

The headed Monster Race yelled rather arrogantly: “A mere break in the formation, and want to stop my Monster Race’s way? It’s just wishful thinking!”

Human Race looked at the arrogant Monster Race, and couldn’t help clenching their fists.

It’s a pity that the power of the human race is too small, and in front of the monster race that has taken advantage of it, they can’t resist at all!

Suiren frowned, and swallowed his anger and asked, “I have no grievances or enmity between the Human Race and the Monster Race, why are the Monster Race so aggressive?”

The Suiren clan is not not angry, but helpless, and can only try to reason with the monster clan.

It’s a pity that the Suiren clan forgot that in the eyes of the Yaozu, the human race is food, so what reason does it have to say about food?

The head of the monster clan listened to the words of the Suiren clan and couldn’t help but sneered: “Because your human clan is born weak, you should be born as the food of my monster clan!”

“You will quickly donate a hundred thousand people to feed us, and I will give you a yard today!”

Hearing Yaozu’s words, the three ancestors’ faces turned pale.

Suiren was very angry, frowning fiercely and said: “Impossible! Waiting for my Human Race today, are you afraid that Empress Nuwa will blame it?”

There is no other way for the Suiren clan to really hand over the 100,000 people to the monster clan, right?

So she had to move out the Nuwa Empress’s name, hoping to calm the Yaozu by this.

Unexpectedly, the Yaozu burst into laughter after hearing Nuwa’s name.

“Hahahaha, it’s so ridiculous, you’re just waiting for food, can you count on Nuwa Empress to protect you from waiting?”

The Yaozu laughed and said with contempt over and over again.

At this time, other monster races also echoed:

“Yes, Empress Nuwa is the demon emperor of my demon race, bless you?”

“Tell you the truth, Nuwa Niangniang made you out to give us the demon race!”

“Do you understand? If you understand, hurry up and honor the 100,000 people to us, maybe our monster clan can give you a little longer time!”

After speaking, the Yaozu laughed loudly with the roar of the hall again, without putting everyone in their eyes!

The Human Race was aggrieved, but they couldn’t find words to refute the Yao Race.

Suiren clenched his fists tightly and looked at the Yaozu with eyes that were about to spit out fire.

The Jin Yi clan frowned, and said angrily: “This damn monster race, fight with them!”

If you have Chao Clan’s thoughts, you should be more thorough, and quickly persuaded: “Don’t be impulsive, do you want my human race to be destroyed in the hands of the monster race?”

Jin Yi stopped talking, of course she didn’t mean that.

Seeing that the human race hadn’t answered for a long time, the monster race gradually became impatient, and said irritably, “If your human race can’t make this decision, then wait for my monster race to break through this big formation, and then grab enough millions of human races to go back. Eat!”

Hearing the Yaozu’s words, the Suiren clan was shocked.

Everyone also began to panic.

“Let me go, my Cultivation Base is not high, my life is not long, I leave the chance of survival to the children.”

An elderly Houtian came out and said calmly.

With this old man opening his mouth, the tribes also became firm from the previous panic.

“I’m coming! I’m lame. I should leave the opportunity to a healthy person.”

“I am a blind man, and I am willing to change everyone’s peace!”

“Although I am greedy for life and fear of death, I am willing to sacrifice myself for the human race!”

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