Chapter 10 Human race is in crisis, kill the monster race with one blow

Seeing that all the people of the tribe sacrificed themselves in this way, the Suiren cried a little.

But he is one of the three ancestors of the human race, how could he do such a thing of betraying his tribe for temporary safety?

What’s more, Suiren knows that even if he gave the Yaozu 100,000 people today, the Yaozu will have more excuses not to let go of the Human race in the future!

Rather than trying to compromise, it’s better to fight back and control life and death!

Therefore, Suiren’s eyes were determined and calmly said: “Although my human race was born weak and small, but it stands upright! Even if I die, I won’t do anything to betray the tribe!”

Everyone in the Yaozu laughed when they heard Suirenshi’s words.

Without sufficient strength, this sentence sounds like a joke to the Yaozu!

Since the Human Race is about to die, the Demon Race is of course perfecting the Human Race!

After the leader laughed, he looked at Human Race with contempt. Since Human Race is so disobedient, don’t blame him for doing it?

“Do it!”

“You want to die together, then I will fulfill you!”

“The dignity of the monster race cannot be offended!”

Following the order from the leader, everyone from the Monster Race ridiculed them and rushed forward!

In their opinion, the trivial human races are like grass, since they dare to refute their orders, they are bound to bear their anger!

What’s more, how can a mere 100,000 people suffocate their monsters’ teeth?

The demon race was aggressive, and the human race panicked when they saw this!

The Suiren clan, but the demon clan of mountains and seas, condensed in his heart, and immediately organized everyone to say: “Don’t panic, as long as we work together, even the demon clan will have nothing to do!”

Hearing the words of the Suiren clan, all the human races had the backbone and began to work together and resist!

However, all of this fell into the eyes of the powerful monster race and became a joke.

After all, the power of the human race is too small, even if the human race desperately resisted and opened the guardian formation, they could not withstand the two attacks of the demon race!


The guardian array burst directly, and the air wave even lifted many human races away!

The other human races also began to lose their stability, and they all became a little flustered.

Upon seeing this, the Monster Race ridiculed even more brazenly: “Huh, this is the end of the fight against the Monster Race. You are just a bunch of ants. It is your honor to make you the food of my Monster Race!”

Faced with the mockery of the Yaozu, the Human Race has nothing to do!

Looking at the powerful monster race, many human races fell into despair.

Now they can only count on Nuwa who created them!

Many human races knelt on the ground, desperately begging Nuwa Empress for mercy!

“Manny Nuwa, how can you bear to watch my human race be driven to extinction by the monster race and reduced to monster food?”

“Help us, Empress Nuwa!”

The Yaozu seemed to be sure that Empress Nuwa would not appear, very unscrupulous!

The headed person even sneered and stretched out a hand to grab Sui Renshi.

Sui Ren clan was horrified and kept backing away!

He was backlashed just now, and now he has no strength to resist.

When everyone saw this scene, in addition to despair, they also had a heart hanging, for fear that the Suiren clan would really be annihilated by the monster clan!

Unfortunately, even though they pleaded so piously, the Nuwa empress they believed in still did not appear.

The breath of despair began to fill the air.

Difficult Daoist family, is that really the end?

Seeing that, the hand of the Yaozu man was already about to grab the Suiren clan!

A trace of despair flashed in the eyes of Suiren. Could it be that my Suiren’s fate is here today! ?

However, it doesn’t matter if you die, what can Human Race do?

A trace of unwillingness flashed in Suiren’s eyes, but Yaozu’s hand was already in front of him!

Suiren closed his eyes confessing his fate, is he dying?

At this moment, the weed that Suiren randomly planted in Immortal Cave suddenly burst into light!

Suiren was stabbed by the light and couldn’t help thinking, is he dead?

and many more……

Suiren reacted and immediately opened his eyes.

Then, Suiren saw the weed that he had planted in Immortal Cave today, and it started to shine!

I saw that the weed was full of light, surrounded by the Law of Three Thousand Avenues, and the rhyme of Taoism drifted out.

Suiren’s was a little dazed, obviously he hadn’t reacted to any situation yet.

The monster headed by the monster is stronger than the Suiren clan, and when he sees this, he instantly understands that there is a treasure in the human domain!

Thinking of this, a trace of greed flashed in that person’s eyes!

Looking at the weed in the hole, just by looking at the Taoist rhyme around the weed, you know what a baby it is!

He licked his lips. He couldn’t imagine that such a weak human race had such a treasure in the hands of it!

No wonder they dared to resist the monster clan, but how about even if the treasure is in hand?

In front of a powerful monster race, the human race can only possess such a treasure if they are innocent and guilty of their crimes!

Thinking of this, he even more frantically attempted to obliterate the Sui Renshi, taking this treasure as his own!

But at this moment!

A sharp blade of light shot out, directly cutting the first person in half!

The blood of the monster race was sprinkled directly on the ground, and his body became two parts.

Everyone in the Terran was shocked, a little sluggish, watching this change.

Just now, they were still worried about the Suiren clan, but now they found that it was the demon clan who died?

This is really shocking!

And everyone from the Demon Race was also in place!

This sudden change was too quick to cover the ears, let alone the Human Race, even the Monster Race people could not reflect what had happened.

They only saw a ray of light flashing, and the demon clan headed into two halves, all of them were a little unclear!

What’s more terrifying is that even if the demon clan in the lead is dead, the demon clan can still feel his true spirit.

But at this time they were stunned to discover that under the blade-like light, the true spirit of the demon clan headed by him had disappeared into the world! ?

The demon races had lost their arrogance just now, and their faces were full of doubts and fears!

That Monster Race is the strongest among them, even he is dead, how can the remaining Monster Race continue to make another mistake?

The demon clan that died was the Cultivation Base of the Taiyi Golden Immortal. The golden body had already been condensed, and two flowers had bloomed on the top three flowers. It was only a step away from the Daluo Golden Immortal!

This demon can be considered a mainstay even in the prehistoric times, and in the demon clan, naturally it is even more powerful!

But now, he actually died in the hands of this unknown blow, which is really incredible!

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