Chapter 78 Hong Jun is furious

After thinking about it for a while, Hou Tu said, “I believe that Nuwa must have her deep meaning in doing this.”

After all, Nuwa also knew the senior, and he had such a weird behavior, I am afraid that Sage instructed!

What’s more, the changes in Pangu Cemetery are really strange!

Zhu Rong’s temper is the hottest. Hearing what Houtu said, Dang even said: “Now that Fuxi and Nuwa are not helping the monster clan, Di Jun has been seriously injured. In my opinion, we might as well take this opportunity to destroy the monster clan. !”

Jumang and Zhuan Xu also compounded two sentences!

Always being pressed and beaten by the monster clan, they are really aggrieved.

Hou Tu glared at a few people, then reprimanded: “Is it the picture of the demise of the Wu clan, isn’t it shocking enough?”

Thinking of the scene when the Wu clan died, Zhu Rong and the other ancestor witches immediately calmed down.

Even if Zhu Rong is warlike, he is unwilling to take the entire Wu clan to gamble on this one!

On the other side, Heaven Court!

Everyone had just discussed why Nuwa would issue the Heavenly Dao vow to bless the human race. At this time, they heard that Nuwa was going to cut Sage’s position. Everyone was sluggish!

The Eastern Emperor was shocked and said, “Dage, Nuwa actually cut off Sage again. Is he crazy?”

Di Jun shook his head and bowed his head in thought for a long time.

To be honest, he didn’t understand Nuwa’s operation.

However, Di Jun immediately smiled and said in a gloomy way: “In this predicament, Sage’s position is limited, and Heavenly Dao and Nuwa have given up the position of Sage. Isn’t this giving me the position of Demon Race?”

Donghuang Taiyi nodded when he heard this.

In this way, wouldn’t he also have a chance to prove Sage?

Di Jun continued: “According to my guess, after the monster race becomes the overlord, I will have the opportunity to become holy!”

Donghuang Taiyi nodded, and the Yaozu suddenly rekindled hope.

On the other side, in the Zixiao Palace.

As the Hongmeng Ziqi separated from the body, Nuwa was hit hard in an instant and fell directly to Sage’s position!

At this moment, Heavenly Dao shook violently, and the entire prehistoric time and space suddenly went into chaos!

Hongjun Daozu was so furious, he immediately took action to stabilize the prehistoric situation!

After a lot of effort, Heavenly Dao finally returned to peace!

Damn it!

Nuwa actually pulled out the grand purple qi, out of own control.

Thinking of this, Hongjun Daozu was shocked and angry!

He said: “Nuwa! Do you know what you are doing?”

Nuwa smiled. Will he still be so arrogant at this time?

Nuwa said without mercy, her voice calmly: “I know, I’m getting rid of the control of you and Heavenly Dao!”

Hearing what Nuwa said, Dao Zu Hongjun understood that Nuwa was determined to fight him!

Immediately, the anger in his chest burned violently.

Dao Zu Hongjun slapped it directly, and Dao Zu Hongjun’s power was equal to the power of Heavenly Dao!

Nuwa has now fallen into Sage Realm, how can it be possible to hold this strike of Hongjun Daozu?

Even if Xuan was slapped by Dao Ancestor Hongjun, he was overturned!

Nuwa fell to the ground and sprayed out a mouthful of blood.

Nuwa was already at the end of the crossbow, she stood up with difficulty.

Looking at Hongjun Daozu with a firm gaze, he said:

“Now I have ruined my position as Sage, and I have been hit by the respected master again, and it is also considered the grace of the respected master to teach the profession!”

After listening to Nuwa’s words, Hongjun Daozu only felt angry!

But he didn’t make any more moves!

Seeing that Nuwa was so stubborn, Hongjun Daozu narrowed his eyes and directly declared the entire prehistoric Dao: “From now on, Nuwa is no longer known as a teacher and apprentice!”

For a time, Jun Daozu’s voice spread throughout the entire prehistoric land.

At the same time, the entire predecessor was stunned!

Many big bosses had just recovered from the position of Nuwa’s self-cut Sage, but now they heard that Hongjun Daozu and Nuwa broke off the relationship between the teacher and the apprentice, and once again stunned in place!

Who can believe this?

Fuxi was a little worried about Daozu Hongjun’s action against Nuwa, but now he heard that Daozu Hongjun would cut off the relationship with Nuwa, but he was relieved.

Severing the relationship between master and apprentice does not mean that you are out of the control of Daozu Hongjun?

Is this a good thing for their brothers and sisters?

And Sanqing was surprised at the time.

Hongjun Daozu wanted to sever the relationship with Nuwa. What happened?

Yuanshi Tianzun was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed: “I never thought that Nuwa would be so stupid as Sage. Do you know that the master is the supreme existence in this predecessor. Nuwa offends the master, and you worship others. As a teacher, isn’t it looking for death?”

“My brother advises you, it’s better to give up those stupid ideas!”

The Heavenly Dao people heard Yuanshi Tianzun’s words, but they didn’t take it to heart.

However, Hongjun Daozu broke off the relationship with Nuwa, which really made him unexpected.

Daddy frowned first, then thought about it again.

Daddy does not exist in this series of actions, he can more or less guess some.

However, for daddy, he is now Sage, knowing that these things have nothing to do with him, he just didn’t see anything!

In Heaven Court, the demon clan was also very surprised, why did Hongjun Daozu cut off the relationship with Nuwa and didn’t understand what happened?

However, in Di Jun’s view, this is a good thing!

Nuwa broke off the relationship between Daozu Hongjun and Daozu. Couldn’t he just take this opportunity to hold Daozu Hongjun’s thigh?

The two westerners were also shocked. While feeling how stupid Nuwa was, they wondered how they can take advantage of Nuwa now that Nuwa is no longer Sage.

In the Purple Cloud Palace, Nuwa took a long time to get up from the ground after being hit by Dao Zu Hongjun.

With Hongjun Daozu’s strength, Nuwa’s fate was easy.

But Dao Zu Hongjun only injured her. Nuwa knew that she was right. Dao Zu Hongjun didn’t dare to kill her!

Nuwa slowly stood up to Hongjun Daozu, and after giving the gift of master and apprentice one last time, he said: “Master, please do it yourself, Nuwa don’t pass it!”

After that, Nuwa turned around and left the Zixiao Palace without nostalgia!

Now that Nuwa is seriously injured, in order to avoid being attacked by others, she has to rendezvous with Fuxi as soon as possible. Go to the Wa Palace to heal!

Seeing Nuwa’s back, Daozu Hongjun’s complexion was pale!

Now things have deviated too much from his calculations!

Nuwa originally played a big role in his calculations, but now Nuwa doesn’t know where he learned about own calculations!

He didn’t hesitate to draw the great purple qi from his body, and he decided to take the position of Sage!

This really caused Hongjun Daozu to panic!

This is the first time Hongjun Daozu has been so misbehaving in billions of trillions of years!

Daozu Hongjun clasped his fists, and his plan was disrupted!

He can’t wait to kill Nuwa!

But he just didn’t dare to do that.

Nuwa is the representative of humanity and has the merits of creating human beings. He should have the same personality as him.

He dare not kill!

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