Chapter 77

Daozu Hongjun scolded a little annoyedly: “Presumptuous!”

Now he has nothing to say except to scold Nuwa for presumptuousness.

Nuwa shook his head and said with a wry smile: “Master, you have always been the person I admire most. You preach the prehistoric times and teach me the Dharma. Not only me, even in the entire prehistoric world, you are the supreme being. Let everyone respect!”

With that, the disappointment in Nuwa’s eyes was even worse.

And Hongjun Daozu frowned. It’s just a group of ants, how can you talk about respect?

Before Hongjun Daozu could speak, Nuwa continued to preach: “But I haven’t thought about it, nor did the creatures in the prehistoric land. This predecessor is just a farm for you and Heavenly Dao!”

“You and me, the entire primordial beings have been calculated by you. Our Sage should be Heavenly Dao and your loyal dog!”

“Heavenly Dao is not benevolent and regards all beings as a dog, Heavenly Dao is not benevolent and uses Sage as a dog!”

“Good point!”

After saying this, Nuwa laughed directly, as if she had fallen into a madness!

Seeing Nuwa’s appearance, Daozu Hongjun was very angry, and waved his hand directly, endless pressure rushed to Nuwa, Nuwa instantly knelt down in the Zixiao Palace.

Dao Zu Hongjun scolded: “Who gave you the courage to talk to the deity like this, Nuwa, don’t forget who gave you your Sage position!?”

Nuwa wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. Dao Zu Hongjun was so embarrassed and angry that Nuwa did not expect it.

Since the endless years, Hongjun Daozu will always look plain and high!

This is the first time Nuwa has seen Hongjun Daozu so gaffe.

However, Nuwa also saw that even if Hongjun Daozu had a terrible anger, he was only exerting coercion on himself!

The so-called Heavenly Dao, but so!

Oh, that’s ridiculous!

Nuwa stood up slowly under the tremendous pressure, and said with firm eyes:

“Sage, I don’t want it!”

After speaking, Nuwa raised his hand and patted himself on the chest.

Then, grabbing with his hand, he abruptly pulled out the plume of purple aura from own’s body!

However, the other half remained in Nuwa’s body. After all, the Hongmeng Ziqi has merged with Nuwa now, and it is very difficult to pull it out.

At this moment, Heavenly Dao vibrated!

In the precipice, countless terrifying visions have emerged one after another.

Daozu Hongjun was directly shocked by the scene before him. He didn’t expect Nuwa to really dare to do this. He thought that Nuwa was just not angry!

Nuwa looked a little pale, looked at Hongjun Daozu, and said stubbornly: “Sage’s position, but so!”

Daozu Hongjun was very angry, frowning and yelling: “Are you crazy?”

Nuwa just took a deep look at Daozu Hongjun and didn’t answer.

Then, Nuwa’s eyes condensed, and he swore to the sky again:

“My Nuwa has no talents and no virtues, and I am not worthy of the predecessor of Sage. Today I will be the one of Sage!”

After that, Nuwa was heartbroken and directly pulled the Hongmeng Purple Qi out of the body!

As Nuwa withdrew from her body, the entire wilderness was shaken!

The most terrifying thing is that the phantom of the ancient demon god appeared in the prehistoric!

Such a vision is terrifying!

What followed was a shock in time and space in the entire precipice!

Heavenly Dao, even faintly moved!

Then, blood rain fell directly in the precipice!

This kind of vision only happened during the period of the Dragon and the Han Dynasty, right?

The primordial beings were shocked, this kind of vision, could it be that Sage had fallen in the primordial land?

All the great abilities who paid attention to the movement in the Zixiao Palace were stunned by this vision!

Fuxi, who had been watching the movement in the Zixiao Palace, was stunned on the spot!

Unexpectedly, the solution that Nuwa told him was to cut Sage’s position and pull out the grandeur!

Fuxi took a deep breath, own Little Sister had such courage.

The position of Sage that others couldn’t ask for, Nuwa was cut off!

But this is also a good thing. Nuwa cut off Sage’s position. Does it mean that he is free from Heavenly Dao’s control?

On the other side, on the Kunlun Mountain, Yuanshi Tianzun and Daddy were surprised that Nuwa had issued the Heavenly Dao vow to protect the human race. At this time, they were shocked on the spot!

Nuwa cut off Sage’s place. Is she crazy?

Yuanshi Tianzun relentlessly laughed and said: “Huh, protect the human race? I think Nuwa was fooled like Tongtian!”

Daddy thinks there must be a hidden sense in this, after all, whether it is through Heavenly Dao, Nuwa, or Fuxi, they are not stupid people.

Now that they have expressed their opinions, daddy always feels something is wrong!

But looking at Yuanshi Tianzun’s appearance, Daddy didn’t say much.

As for the Heavenly Dao person, his injury is almost healed. At this time, when he heard Yuanshi Tianzun’s words, he directly said:

“Huh, Heavenly Dao uses Sage as a humble dog. In my opinion, Nuwa fellow daoist, this is great wisdom!”

People from Heavenly Dao also know some inside information, so they understand why Nuwa is already in the position of Sage, so why he has to forcibly extract the vitality from his body

Yuanshi Tianzun was about to break out, but daddy persuaded: “We have nothing to do with us, so don’t participate in it.”

Seeing daddy’s speech, Yuanshi Tianzun shut up in a shame.

The two Westerners were also shocked, looking at the direction of Zixiao Palace with a dumbfounded expression.

This is so special!

How much Karma do they owe Heavenly Dao to become Sage?

What about Nuwa?

Tomorrow has already been in Sage, and now he has forcibly extracted the cosmic purple energy from his body, I really don’t know what to think!

“Brother, is this Nuwa crazy?” Zhunti Daoist couldn’t close his mouth and asked in shock.

Daoist also shook his head dullly. He really couldn’t understand Nuwa’s radiance.

“It’s really stupid. Sage is the supreme position of honor among the predecessors. Nuwa actually cut Sage’s position by himself?”

Daoist said with a face full of disbelief.

Zhunti Daoist nodded, then shook his head and said, “No, brother, is it not a good thing for us to have one less Sage in this predicament? How much can we take advantage of?”

Supplementing Daoist nodded again, he was deeply impressed by Zhunti Daoist’s words!

After all, it takes a small advantage, but it is the heritage of the West.

On the other side, on the territory of the Witch Clan.

Di Jiang frowned and said to Houtu: “Isn’t Nuwa the demon king of the demon race? Why does she protect the human race, and even cut the position of Sage?”

Several other ancestral witches also looked towards Houtu.

The Witches and Sage are only for no relationship, so don’t mention how much they admire the position of Sage, but at this time, let them watch a Sage and cut off the position of own Sage?


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