Chapter 65

Even though the Heavenly Dao people said so, they still didn’t want to believe that Yuanshi Tianzun would squander their friendship for so many years for the demon clan.

However, the Heavenly Dao people once again thought wrong.

Just when the Heavenly Dao people thought that they would never be hurt by their second brother, Yuanshi Tianzun made a move!

Sage shot it himself, this strike must be extraordinary!

Numerous laws of heaven and earth emerged, and the entire predator seemed to be trembling, and the entire Shouyang Mountain creatures couldn’t help crawling on the ground and trembling!

The entire sky, the wind has changed suddenly!

Yuanshi Tianzun watched this scene with satisfaction. This is the power of Sage, the existence that the entire prehistoric creature dreamed of!

But this is just the beginning!

Within a moment, the Heavenly Dao people’s proud Zhu Xianjian array was broken by Yuanshi Tianzun in a thunderstorm!

Through Heavenly Dao, people refused to accept and tried to repair the broken Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Upon seeing this, Yuanshi Tianzun looked at the Heavenly Dao person with contempt.

After that, the Heavenly Dao person was seriously injured by Yuanshi Tianzun’s casual palm!

From the moment Yuan Shi Tian respected and hurt Heavenly Dao people, he understood everything.

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at the unbearable Heavenly Dao person, without mercy, and directly mocked: “Third brother, you are really vulnerable? Did you see it? This is Sage’s power!”

After that, Yuanshi Tianzun still said quite narcissistically: “You are too stupid, how about kendo even if you have cultivated it to the extreme? If you don’t become a Sage, you will end up with an ant!”

The Heavenly Dao person wiped the blood from his mouth, and the look in his eyes was unclear.

The ultimate in kendo?

He is not!

I’m afraid, only a character like Master can call it the ultimate in kendo, right?

In front of the Master, what is Sage?

What Yuanshi Tianzun saw was still too one-sided.



Isn’t it also Heavenly Dao’s ant?

In any case, the Master is kind to him, and he must guard the human race for the Master.

Thinking of this, Heavenly Dao’s eyes became firm.

He shot directly, trying to protect the human race.

Upon seeing this, Yuanshi Tianzun smiled contemptuously and raised his hand, directly and easily suppressed the attack of the Heavenly Dao.

The Heavenly Dao person couldn’t move, frowning and said: “Second brother, you will regret it! The monster clan will regret it even more, Di Jun, don’t blame me for not reminding you!”

When Di Jun saw this, he just sneered.

Now even the Yuanshi Tianzun, one of the three Qings, does not help the Heavenly Dao people, and the Tongtian single is still here to speak out!

Di Jun relentlessly mocked and said directly: “Huh, it’s ridiculous, even the emperor Wa didn’t say anything, why should the Shangqing fellow daoist deceive yourself? Besides, what does this have to do with the Shangqing fellow daoist?”

at the same time.

Fuxi had arrived at Chen Sheng Immortal Cave, and he was also observing the movement of the human race.

Seeing that Yuanshi Tianzun had all shot, Fuxi understood that there was no other way but to ask Chen Sheng to do it!

Seeing Fuxi coming, Chen Sheng was very puzzled and asked, “What are you doing again?”

Fuxi was a little embarrassed, but thinking about the status quo of the Human Race, he quickly said to Chen Sheng: “Senior, the monster is attacking. The completeness is here to invite you out of the mountain, please save the human race.”

Chen Sheng was shocked when he heard this.

According to time, at this time the monster race is attacking, could it be the monster’s refining witch sword?

Thinking of this, Chen Sheng couldn’t help frowning.

If this is the case, isn’t the Human Race imminent?

You know, that was the biggest catastrophe of Human Race since its birth!

Chen Sheng is also a Xiantian human race. It stands to reason that the human race is in trouble. As a human race, he should not sit idly by.

But he already knows the ending of the human race, and the monster race is so powerful, he has a mere mention of Da Luo, how to fight?

Sending heads for thousands of miles, courtesy is lighter and more affectionate?

He is not counseling, this is foresight!

However, as a human race, how can I make a share?

After thinking a little, Chen Sheng resolutely took out the only weapon he had, the tattered broken sword.

Something is better than nothing, which is at least better than a chopper.

Then, he handed it to Fuxi solemnly.

Fuxi:? ? ? ?

Although I don’t want to say it, isn’t it just a tattered broken sword?

Could it be said that senior has other meanings?

Thinking of this, Fuxi asked: “Senior, take the liberty to ask, what’s this?”

Chen Sheng looked at this broken sword and was a little embarrassed, but he still said solemnly: “This is the spiritual treasure in my cave. I have been practicing for many years, and I have already gained spiritual wisdom and can help the human race through this crisis. ”

Although what Chen Sheng said was serious, he was actually guilty of death.

But, he is a big Luo, isn’t he going to the human race to die?


Besides, what he was telling was the truth. This Broken Sword had indeed followed Chen Sheng for many years.

As for Cultivation Base, can it be stronger than that grass?

In short, he can’t make him die!

Fuxi held the sword in a daze.

Is this really a magic sword?

And Chen Sheng directly issued the order to evict the guests.

“Since the things have been given to you, you can leave as soon as possible.”

Then, Chen Sheng directly closed the gate of Immortal Cave.

Its movements are like moving clouds and flowing water, all in one go!

Fuxi stood outside Immortal Cave and froze for two seconds.

Then, Fuxi looked down at the broken sword in his hand, and then at Human Race.

This senior is unpredictable, and what he said must be a good word!

Thinking of this, Fu Xi directly knelt on the ground upright and said to Chen Sheng: “Thank you senior for your help!”

After that, Fuxi took the broken sword to the territories of the human race.

At the same time, without the Heavenly Dao people’s obstruction, the Demon Race once again attacked the Human Race.

When he arrived at the Human Race’s Fuxi, watching the Demon Race about to attack the Human Race again, the broken sword was immediately revealed in a hurry.

“The sword spirit is here, don’t be fooling around!”

Monster Race:…


Yuanshi Tianzun:…

The Heavenly Dao person also rolled his eyes silently. Although this guy seems to be on the side of the human race, what is this guy doing?

The brain is not easy to use?

When Di Jun saw that Fuxi was back, he even took a broken sword, and immediately decided in his heart that Fuxi must be in a bad brain!

Immediately, he vomited directly: “Emperor Xi, what are you doing with this broken sword? You are afraid that your brain is bad…”

However, before the Heavenly Dao people could finish speaking, Broken Sword suddenly burst out with divine light!

The monstrous Sword intent made Heavenly Dao couldn’t help but move.

The extremely fierce Sword intent swept the whole monster race in an instant!

Heavenly Dao reacted instinctively and directly lowered the punishment, and the entire sky was instantly filled with lightning!

The sky is also getting lower and lower, as if to swallow it in with tenacity at any time!

However, under this monstrous Sword intent, the thunder and lightning slowly dissipated!


This is really terrible!

The human race monster race, as well as the great powers of the predecessors, were directly stunned.

Is this broken sword so strong?

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