Chapter 64 The Demon Race’s Target, Yuanshi Tianzun Persuades

He wanted to see if the Monster Race’s Universe Star Dou Array was more powerful, or the Heavenly Dao’s Zhuxian Array was better!

He didn’t believe it, and the Universe Star Dou array that was laid down by the power of the entire demon clan would not even be able to deal with a single person!

Dijun’s expression sank, and he directly said to everyone in the demon race: “Put the Universe Star Dou formation!”

Everyone in the monster race was shocked. To deal with the trivial human race, you actually need to use the Universe star battle array?


However, look at the domineering look of the Heavenly Dao person.

The Yaozu seemed to understand why the Universe Star Dou must be displayed.

too frightening!

He is also a quasi-sage, and the Heavenly Dao people can easily fight one enemy and two easily!

If it weren’t for the Universe Star Dou formation, Yaozu really didn’t have the bargaining chip to fight Heavenly Dao.

Donghuang Taiyi and all the monster races were stunned for a moment, and then their expressions became firm.

Under the command of Emperor Jun, the monster races, like a big enemy, began to set up a universe of stars.

However, even if the Yaozu prepared to deploy the Universe Star Dou formation, the Heavenly Dao people still dismissed it.

“Huh, how about even setting up the Universe star formation?”

Tong Heavenly Dao said directly, without paying attention to the monster race.

A group of mobs, what can they do?

Seeing that Heavenly Dao people are so arrogant, Di Jun is very angry!

It is too pretentious!

But they still have the right to be so defiant!

Therefore, Di Jun speeded up the arrangement of the Universe star battle array.

However, just when the Yaozu Universe star battle array was about to be completed and confronted the Heavenly Dao people, an unexpected person appeared again!

The person who came is Yuanshi Tianzun!

It turned out that as early as when the Heavenly Dao people started to deal with Donghuang Tai, Hongjun Daozu noticed something wrong.

There are too many changes in this Heavenly Dao person!

First, he refused to become a saint. Now, do you know which of the tendons is wrong and actually helps the human race?

If it weren’t for the great use of reaching the sky behind people, Hongjun would have liked to pinch this guy to death!


It seems that I haven’t seen it for many years.

However, Hongjun will never make people ruin his good deeds!

But for trivial matters, Hongjun couldn’t help himself, so in desperation he could only transmit the voice to Yuanshi Tianzun, and let Yuanshi Tianzun go and stop this guy!

Seeing Yuanshi Tianzun, the first reaction of the demons was over!

After all, Yuanshi Tianzun is Sage and one of the Sanqing. This visit to Shouyang Mountain must definitely support the Heavenly Dao people.

Even the Heavenly Dao people think so, after all, the three cleans are in the same spirit!

When Emperor Jun saw Yuanshi Tianzun coming, his face changed drastically.

With Heavenly Dao, he can take a fight, what about Yuanshi Tianzun?

Yuanshi Tianzun is Sage, who turned his hands for the cloud and rain. Even if he loses the entire demon race, he is not qualified to compete with Yuanshi Tianzun, right?

But even if Yuanshi Tianzun came, Di Jun was still unwilling, and said with extreme fear: “Yuqing fellow daoist, this is the grievance between my demon race and human race. Sanqing’s participation in it is somewhat inappropriate, right?”

The Heavenly Dao people sneered and coldly said: “Huh! Human race has no grievances against you? How come there are grudges? Now I want to see what you can do.”

From the point of view of Heavenly Dao, Yuan Shi Tianzun, as his second elder brother and one of Sanqing, must not help outsiders.

However, Yuanshi Tianzun’s eyes were full of contempt and disgust when looking at the Heavenly Dao person.

After looking at the Heavenly Dao people, Yuan Shi Tianzun said with disdain:

“The third brother, Dijun fellow daoist is right. This is the grievance between the human race and the monster race. You’d better not be nosy!”

Heavenly Dao was stunned, he never expected to hear this from Yuanshi Tianzun.

That’s the second brother he is in awe of, one of the Sanqing, now actually helping the Yaozu to speak?

Not only the Heavenly Dao people, but many demon races are also unknown for a year.

Sanqing is one, they thought that when Yuanshi Tianzun came, they would be finished.

But I never thought that Yuanshi Tianzun, one of the three stars, would never look down on the Heavenly Dao people today!

After hearing these words, Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi looked at each other.

Most of the tension in my heart disappeared immediately, and it seemed that there was no need to worry that Yuanshi Tianzun would help Heavenly Dao people.

Di Jun couldn’t help but smile, glanced at the Heavenly Dao person, arched his cupped hands and said to Yuanshi Tianzun: “Yuqing Daoist is worthy of being sanctified, and his mind is broad. Is this what I can compare to? ”

Yuanshi Tianzun was very useful to the flattery that Dijun shot.

Yuanshi Tianzun thought for a while, and said to Dijun:

“Don’t worry, I will not fight against the monster clan in Sanqing, and I will not participate in Sanqing’s affairs today.”

Hearing Yuanshi Tianzun’s assurance, Di Jun was even more proud.


Yuanshi Tianzun is Sage, and Sage protects the Yaozu, which shows how big the face of the Yaozu is!

The Heavenly Dao person looked at Yuanshi Tianzun with an incredulous expression on his face, and questioned: “Third brother, what are you talking about? The human race is blessed by my Master, I will definitely not retreat!”

Yuanshi Tianzun was too lazy to talk to the Heavenly Dao people, if it weren’t for Hongjun Daozu to let him come, he wouldn’t bother to care about it.

Now that the Heavenly Dao person is so stubborn, he directly said: “Tongtian is just a mere person with an exhausted clan. I dare to confront the deity for a human race, and want to fight a human race against a monster race?”

The Heavenly Dao person frowned. Seeing Yuanshi Tianzun who spoke in this way, he couldn’t help but feel cold.

This is his second elder brother, who actually came to attack him for the Yaozu?

The Heavenly Dao people were unwilling to retreat, and he didn’t believe that Yuanshi Tianzun would tear his face with him for the sake of a demon clan.

After a little thought, the person from Heavenly Dao said directly: “Second brother, are you really going to stand on the opposite side of me for the sake of a small monster race?”

Yuanshi Tianzun was already very impatient at this time. Looking at the Heavenly Dao person, he said, “This deity just asks you not to participate in this matter, you don’t want to be stubborn!”

Tong Heavenly Dao smiled, stubborn?

Just now, he seemed to understand something.

Yuanshi Tianzun is no longer the second brother who protected him at this time, but a puppet controlled by Heavenly Dao!

Thinking of this, the Heavenly Dao person said: “Second brother, you think you are invincible, then you know that there is a reason for someone outside Daoist. Even if you are Sage, it is not as good as a finger of my Master! ”

After hearing what the Heavenly Dao person said, Yuan Shi Tianzun was taken aback for a moment, and then said: “You really are bold, this deity will have to clean up you today!”


Does he need to pass Heavenly Dao?

Tong Heavenly Dao is no longer respectful, but instead said to Yuanshi Tianzun: “Since the second brother wants to help the demon clan so much! Tongtian, naturally stay with him to the end.”

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