Chapter 47 Access: This is Ronaldo? are you kidding me?

Daoist was very excited, and said nervously, “Brother, the tea tree is really still here!”

After taking a deep breath, Daoist was ecstatic.

Greedy said: “Now, this tea tree is ours!”

With that said, the two of them planned to plan the tea tree directly to the roots, and then bring it back to Mount Sumeru!

However, at this moment, Chen Sheng appeared.

He put his arms around his chest and silently watched the movements of Daoist and Zhunti Daoist.

Looking at the two bald heads, Chen Sheng couldn’t help but wonder for a while. At this time, the Buddha’s name was still not standing. Why did the two bald heads come here?

While Chen Sheng was thinking, Daoist and Zhunti Daoist were quoted and saw Chen Sheng.

There are people in this Immortal Cave!

Both Daoist and Zhun Ti Daoist were taken aback, turned their heads and looked at Chen Sheng for fear of encountering the situation last time.

And at a glance, the two found that Chen Sheng was actually just Ronaldinho.

Daoist took a sigh of relief, and said calmly: “It turned out to be just a big Luo. It seems that I am waiting for this tea tree today!”

Zhunti Daoist also nodded, then glanced at Chen Sheng, and said to the lead Daoist: “In my opinion, it’s better to kill this person, lest he tell anyone the news!”

Quoting Daoist agrees very much with what Daoist said.

Immediately, Daoist was invited to kill Chen Sheng. He directly waved a palm in an attempt to slap Chen Sheng to death!

Chen Sheng frowned, dissatisfied with these two guys.

The two guys sneaked into his Immortal Cave last time, trying to steal his tea tree and broken sword, but now they are here again?

Tigers don’t show off, do you really treat me as a sick cat?

Seeing that these two dared to do something to themselves, Chen Sheng became even more angry!

Chen Sheng directly slapped Daoist’s hand, staring at Daoist and Zhun Ti Daoist and said, “How about you breaking into the Immortal Cave without permission?”

The reference Daoist is now the Cultivation Base, which is now the pinnacle of the quasi-sage, and it is quite unexpected to see that Chen Sheng’s palm of his own has been slapped away!

The lead Daoist was taken aback for a moment, and then said to Zhun Ti Daoist: “Junior Brother, he actually slapped my hand with a palm, and there is a treasure hidden in my body, so quickly take him down!”

Chen Sheng:? ? ? ?

What are these two rookies talking about?

Do you think you are strong?

Zhun mention Daoist didn’t dare to take it lightly when he heard that this guy had a treasure, so he directly took out the Qibao Miaoshu.

This Seven Treasure Tree is the material of the Daoist of Zhunti Daoist, and it is also transformed from the ontology of Daoist Zhunti, and belongs to one of the ten great spiritual treasures of Xiantian!

It is called “Nothing but No Brush”, and it is called Qibao Miaoshushu. Even during the Conferring of Gods, he used to brush away the two weapons of Kong Xuan, and also defeated the Magic Treasures of the Lord Tongtian.

It’s just that, today’s Chen Sheng doesn’t know this thing at all.

Zhunti Daoist directly spurred Qibao Miaoshu and swiped at Chen Sheng…

However, there was no response at all…

Zhun mention Daoist was a little confused at once.

As for Chen Sheng, looking at the Seven Treasure Trees exuding seven kinds of light, he frowned directly.

Some displeased waved away the seven rays of light, and said: “Clean up these bells and whistles, and they are not even useful!”

Quoting Daoist:…

Zhun mention Daoist:…

The Seven Treasure Tree is beautiful and flamboyant! ?

That is the body of Zhunti Daoist, which is famous in the entire prehistoric!

Now it’s actually called bells and whistles?

The most important thing is that the seven rays of light radiating from the Seven Treasure Tree were scattered by Chen Sheng.

Thinking of this, both of them are already a little weak.

Tell them directly, they have a hard stubble!

At this time, Zhunti Daoist said in a panic: “Brother, take out something to fight, otherwise we will die!”

Suddenly Daoist reacted, frowned, and immediately sacrificed the ten second rank merit golden lotus!

The merit golden lotus is formed by the four lotus seeds conceived by the chaotic green lotus.

The ten second rank merit golden lotus in Daoist’s hands is exactly one of the four lotus seeds.

Sitting on the lotus stand, there is nothing to break!

It is the same thing that teaches luck in the West, and it is the best Xiantian Lingbao!

As soon as the golden lotus of ten second rank merit came out, the light of the Seven Treasure Tree suddenly recovered.

Both Daoist and Zhunti Daoist couldn’t help being surprised. It seems that the ten second rank merit golden lotus really suppressed this Da Luo!

However, before they were happy for a long time, they took Daoist and suddenly saw the golden lotus of own ten second rank flew towards Chen Sheng!

Chen Sheng looked at the ten second-rank merit golden lotus that flew over, and said silently: “It’s actually more shabby than me. Take a Lotus flower as a Magical Item.”

? ? ? ?

What’s so special is the ten second rank merit golden lotus!

Magic Treasures are famous throughout the prehistoric world!


Before Daoist was invited to speak, Daoist’s Qibao Miaoshu also flew towards Chen Sheng.

Chen Sheng took the Qibao Miaoshu smoothly and commented: “This tree is really ugly too!”

Zhunti Daoist and the lead Daoist were dumbfounded, and stood there dumbly, not even daring to say a word.

Is this a big Luo?

Ronaldo can do this kind of thing! ?

For the Qibao Miaoshu and the ten second-rank merit golden lotus are so contemptuous!

Just ask, who else! ?

However, although there is still a bit stunned.

But neither of them were reconciled. After all, what the person in front of him looked at was an ordinary and incomparable Ronaldo!

After the two looked at each other, they immediately rose into the air at the same time, using ten percent of their strength, intending to shoot Chen Sheng to death on the spot!

Both of them have savage faces, and their faces hold the belief that Chen Sheng will die!

Chen Sheng is a little unhappy!

There are again and again, not again and again!

The two of them dared to attack themselves, did he treat himself as a kitty without speaking?

Chen Sheng’s left hand slapped Daoist’s face with a slap, and Daoist was slapped away without paying attention!

Then, another slap on the right hand slapped Zhunti Daoist’s face, and Zhunti Daoist was also slapped out!

In two easy actions, Daoist and Zhunti Daoist both fell on the ground.

Daoist and Zhun Ti Daoist didn’t expect that Daoist was so strong?

Where is Ronaldo? He is obviously pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!

The more they thought about it, the more regretful they were at the beginning, no wonder there was such a strong formation in the beginning!

And Nuwa who rushed to noticed the movement in Immortal Cave and was stunned.

Fortunately, she had already guessed the ending like this.

Think about how miserable the scene was when I was trapped in the long river of time?

Nowadays, Daoist and Zhun Ti Daoist not only come to steal, but also dare to attack Chen Sheng!

Chen Sheng just slapped them all alone, which is simply cheap to them.

People in the West have always been able to bend and stretch, leading Daoist to realize that he couldn’t beat it at all!

Therefore, he hugged Chen Sheng’s thigh on the spot and begged for mercy: “Senior, I have no eyesight, and I hope senior can save me a dog!”

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