Chapter 46 Two Westerners Are Sneaking Into Chen Sheng Immortal Cave

At the same time, on the other side of the West Sumeru Mountain.

Zhunti Daoist and Daoist who have lost their hair become more and more angry!

Ruyi Scepter, who went to Shouyang Mountain to steal something, lost his calculation and turned both of them into bald heads, which made them both extremely angry.

But for the sake of personal safety, Zhun mention Daoist and the picker didn’t even leave Sumeru Mountain much.

After all, the broken sword at the beginning also caused a certain psychological shadow to the two of them.

But after Daddy was sanctified, the two of them couldn’t calm down anymore. Both Zhun Daoist and Daoist were a little unbearable.

Opportunities are limited in this predecessor, who can break through to the quasi-sage faster, and get even more benefits from Heavenly Dao!

So after getting the Hongmeng Purple Qi, the few people began to work together secretly.

Now, Nuwa and daddy are both in Sage’s position, which makes Daoist and Zhunti Daoist not know?

With such a good opportunity, Daoist and Zhun Ti Daoist would naturally want to be ahead of others!

It’s just that, and people are also the destiny of Sage, but they don’t know when the moment of their sanctification is.

“Brother, I’m barren in the West. Now even daddy has achieved the position of Sage, we…”

Zhunti Daoist frowned, the meaning of the words was self-evident.

When they fled from Shouyang Mountain, the two of them vowed in their hearts that they would go back again.

Now that more than 100,000 years have passed, it seems that it is time to go again!

To attract Daoist to win bamboo shoots?

How can you not understand the meaning of Daoist?

He clenched his fists, and after thinking for a moment, he said in a deep voice, “Fine, take this risk!”

Facing the temptation of Sage’s position, Daoist and Zhunti Daoist both felt that they would go to the Immortal Cave again!

If you find Nuwa’s sanctification in the Immortal Cave, wouldn’t it be far from their sanctification?

Zhunti Daoist nodded, and then Zhunti Daoist remembered the broken sword.

So Zhunti Daoist asked:

“Brother, you said that the treasure, will you deal with us again?”

Daoist nodded, then shook his head, and finally said truthfully: “I don’t know, but I want wealth and wealth!”

Having said this, Zhunti Daoist’s heart slowly strengthened.

If the Xiantian Treasure and Tea Tree can be moved back today, even if the opportunity for Chen Sheng is not found, then their efforts have not been in vain!

However, on the way there, the two of them were actually seen by Nuwa.

At this time, Nuwa was planning to find Fuxi.

Inadvertently, Nuwa ran into Daoist and Zhunti Daoist.

However, both Daoist and Zhunti Daoist both looked flustered and sneaky.

Nuwa really couldn’t bear it, and asked directly: “Take the fellow daoist, please mention fellow daoist, where are you two going?”

Daoist He Zhunti Daoist heard this question from Nuwa, and suddenly became flustered.

You know, they went to Nuwa to find a place to become Sage’s method.

How can this kind of thing be known to Nuwa?

Seeing Nuwa’s expression as if she didn’t know it, Zhunti Daoist smiled and prevaricated: “This… Nuwa fellow daoist, you also know that I am poor in the West. This time, I’m traveling in the wilderness with my brother.”

Although the West is indeed barren, these two guys have always liked collecting Magic Treasures, so Sumeru Mountain is not weak at this time! ?

Hearing Zhunti Daoist said so, the lead Daoist immediately nodded and agreed: “Yes, yeah!”


If they are really traveling, why are the two of them so flustered?

Regarding the words of the western duo, Nuwa doesn’t believe it!

However, Nuwa still said to them: “So that’s the case, then I will leave first.”

See Nuwa turned and left.

Both Daoist and Zhun Ti Daoist couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then the two rushed towards Shouyang Mountain again.

Behind, Nuwa’s figure slowly emerged.

How could she really leave?

These two guys are not quite right at first sight!

Therefore, Nuwa said on the surface that he had left, but in fact he secretly followed Daoist and Zhunti Daoist.

Not long after, Nuwa saw the two men stop on the hill where Chen Sheng lived.

“Brother, do we really want to go there again? In case we are…”

Zhunti Daoist thought of the Sword intent that scared them away and the bald heads of the two men, and couldn’t help getting up in a cold sweat.

Facing this hill, Daoist had no bottom in his heart.

However, greed finally prevailed, and Daoist swallowed his saliva and said, “We are in danger, we will become Sage, and see what they can do!”

Zhunti Daoist nodded afterwards.

Soon, the two walked into Chen Sheng’s Immortal Cave.

Nuwa in the distance did not hear the two of them discussing. Seeing this, she couldn’t help frowning.

Could it be that these two people also know the senior?

But pay attention to the sneaky expressions of Daoist and Zhunti Daoist, Nuwa immediately understood that these two guys are definitely not in good spirits!

Speaking of this, Nuwa directly intends to take action to block Daoist and Zhunti Daoist!

But after some more thoughts, Nuwa gave up.

After all, Chen Sheng is so powerful that two thieves broke into his Immortal Cave, how could he not know?

Since Chen Sheng can solve it, why should he superfluous here?

Although he knew that Chen Sheng was great, he also knew that Chen Sheng could easily solve these two guys.

However, out of concern, Nuwa also followed suit.

Leading Daoist and Zhunti Daoist sneaked into Immortal Cave one after another.

But the two of them didn’t know it. The moment they stepped into the Immortal Cave, they were already discovered by Chen Sheng, not to mention Nuwa was staring at them behind!

After entering the Immortal Cave, Daoist took a deep breath and sighed in horror: “Junior Brother, I wonder if you feel it, the rhyme here is even stronger!”

Quasi-mentioned people have also noticed this scene, and nodded in confusion and asked: “Brother, why is this? Are there any traps waiting for us in front of us?”

Daoist shook his head, he didn’t know what was in the depths of the Immortal Cave.

However, Daoist was quoted greedily and said: “There are not only Xiantian Lingbao, but also Taoist tea trees. Even the Taoist rhyme is so rich, it seems that Nuwa’s chance to become sacred lies here!”

Zhunti Daoist was also very pleased after hearing what Daoist said, and said greedily: “If we can find an opportunity for sanctification here, then this is ours!”

While chatting, the two of them walked deep into the Immortal Cave.

It didn’t take long for the two to see the familiar divine light and the familiar tea tree again!

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