Chapter 41 Tongtian: Please accept me as a disciple!

As soon as the demon master Kunpeng said this, the demon clan who was holding back suddenly burst into laughter.

Fei Lian echoed the demon master Kunpeng and said, “Yes, Demon Emperor Fuxi, 80% of you think too much, right?”

Then, everyone in the Yaozu started talking.

Fuxi’s face was a little unnatural, but only now did he understand that the Yaozu was so arrogant!

As the Demon Sovereign, Di Jun saw that the scene was a little out of control, and said to everyone, “Okay.”

Hearing Di Jun said this, everyone suddenly became quiet.

Di Jun said to Fuxi: “Brother Fuxi, you are too worried, my monster clan is so powerful, how can I die with the witch clan’s brash men?”

Donghuang Taiyi also said dismissively: “That is, I think we should discuss how to clean up the witches of the witch race!”

The demons nodded.

Demon Master Kunpeng is very confident, holding his head high and said: “Huh! In my opinion, attack the Wu Clan directly! My demon clan is strong and strong, and I can definitely win the Wu Clan in one fell swoop.”

Di Jun shook his head, and said rather disapprovingly: “In my opinion, so reckless, aren’t we inferior to the reckless witches?”

“Why don’t we kill some people and put the blame on the Wu Clan?” Dong Huang Tai thought for a while and said to the monsters.

Di Jun still shook his head and said, “No, the Wu Clan is extremely powerful. Even if they did this, the primordial beings probably only dared to be angry but didn’t dare to speak.”


Soon, the Yaozu enthusiastically began to discuss how to suppress the Wuzu, and completely put Fuxi aside.

Fuxi was helpless, but since the Yaozu didn’t listen, he wasn’t talking too much.

Soon, Sanqing came to Shouyang Mountain.

Sanqing originally wanted to visit Chen Sheng together after Tongtian visited Chen Sheng.

After that, Chen Sheng pointed daddy to create the Gold Core Avenue, and his merits were sanctified.

Three cleanups should be well thanked Chen Sheng, plus Yuan Shi Tianzun and Tong Heavenly Dao people also want to meet this legendary hermit master, to see if he can get the chance of sanctification from him.

So, after the daddy Sage Cultivation Base became stable, they went to Terran together.

The Human Race was quite surprised when faced with the arrival of the Three Qings. You must know that any one of these three cleans is a well-known existence in the prehistoric!

It is a great honor for the human race to descend to the human race at the same time!

The people came to greet them respectfully.

Suiren’s cupped hands said respectfully: “Humans visit Taiqing Sage, Yuqing Daoist, and Shangqing Daoist.”

Daddy came to Terran because he didn’t want to make much movement to see Chen Sheng, so he waved his hand and said, “Go ahead and don’t care about me.”

The Terran originally knelt on the ground in fear, and felt relieved to hear that Daddy was so approachable.

Afterwards, Daddy went to the hill to find Chen Sheng with Yuanshi Tianzun and the Heavenly Dao people.

Daddy thought about what Nuwa had told himself, and cupped hands respectfully said: “Old gentleman, come to meet fellow daoist.”

In fact, with Chen Sheng’s strength, daddy should call Chen Sheng a senior.

But Chen Sheng insisted on asking them to call themselves fellow daoist, saying that he was not too strong!

Therefore, daddy had no choice but to call it that way.

Chen Sheng was holding a recliner and was about to go out to bask in the sun, when he heard Daddy come to visit.

Chen Sheng reacted deeply, old gentleman?

Could it be that the old man was brought by Nuwa last time?

One day, the old man ran away, and he didn’t know what he realized.

Thinking of this, Chen Sheng directly let daddy in.

Entering Immortal Cave, daddy respectfully saluted Chen Sheng and said, “I have seen fellow daoist.”

Although the Heavenly Dao people did not understand why the senior in front of him was actually Luo Xiuwei, he also bowed to him.

But at this time Yuanshi Tianzun was extremely dissatisfied!

Is Dage the only one who pointed Dage to sanctification?

How ironic it sounds!

Yuanshi Tianzun felt that he had been tricked!

He frowned and said, “Dage, the hermit power you said is a big Luo?”

Daddy was taken aback, then nodded and said, “Second brother, you…”

Yuanshi Tianzun didn’t listen to Daddy’s explanation, and directly sneered and sarcastically said: “It’s ridiculous. A mere Daluo also tried to point fingers at the deity?”

Yuanshi Tianzun thought that it was Dage who was blinded by his rhetoric!

Or, daddy doesn’t want to let itself know the opportunity of sanctification at all!

Therefore, after saying this, Yuanshi Tianzun left directly angrily!

Chen Sheng looked dumbfounded, what happened to himself?

Hasn’t he always been Ronaldo?

Seeing Yuanshi Tianzun walking away, fearing that Chen Sheng was upset, Daddy quickly said with a smile, “Fellow daoist, my Little Brother has a bad temper. Don’t be offended.”

The Heavenly Dao person was stunned, although he also felt a strong Sword Qi here before!

However, daddy is now Sage, is it necessary to be so respectful to this person?

Chen Sheng nodded helplessly, and said to daddy, “Why are you looking for me?”

Daddy quickly said: “I came here today to thank fellow daoist.”

Chen Sheng was a little puzzled, and asked: “It’s just a cup of tea, why do you want to thank you?”

Daddy was taken aback, but he was still self-righteous, and now he is finally sanctified and triumphant.

But Chen Sheng didn’t even care about his Chen Sheng’s affairs at all. With such a temperament, Daddy couldn’t help but admire it even more!

The Heavenly Dao person remembered the wisp of Sword Qi that he had spotted outside Chen Sheng’s Immortal Cave that day, so he arched his cupped hands and asked, “This fellow daoist, I wonder if you are proficient in kendo?”


Chen Sheng was a little embarrassed when he was asked, and then shook his head and said, “I’m just an ordinary Ronaldo, and I don’t know much about kendo.”

will not?

The Heavenly Dao people were taken aback.

He felt a powerful Sword intent here that day, right?

According to his speculation, isn’t it the fellow daoist who lives here?

Could it be that I have found the wrong person?

After hearing Heavenly Dao talk about kendo, Chen Sheng picked up the broken sword on the side and stroked it, and couldn’t help feeling deep in his heart:

Alas, other people passing through are all kinds of Divine Armament weapons, and he, the system gave him this broken sword?

Others practiced at a rapid pace, and he has practiced for so many ten thousand years, and he is still a parallel importer.

He noticed the Heavenly Dao of this sword, but his whole body trembled fiercely!

Because she felt the law of kendo that he had felt at the time from this ordinary broken sword!

Through Heavenly Dao people are very excited!

Such a kendo Cultivation Base, even the Heavenly Dao who is known as the number one kendo, is beyond the reach!

That’s how it feels!

Heavenly Dao people have been obsessed with kendo for many years and have never had a Sword intent that made him so intoxicated!


The Heavenly Dao fell to his knees with a plop, and respectfully said: “Please accept me as a disciple!”

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