Chapter 40 Di Jun: Will the Demon Race be defeated? I do not believe

Di Jiang’s face sank, and he quickly grabbed Houtu’s hand and asked, “Sister, where do you come from?”

Hou Tu sighed, and said with a gloomy expression: “This is the senior who explored the long river of time and captured this.”


That senior?

After some reaction, the ancestor witches knew who Houtu was talking about.

For that senior, even the 12th Ancestral Witch, he was very in awe!

How could it be possible to let the Nine Sword Stargrass call it the master’s existence?

So for a while, the ancestral witches fell silent one after another, and their faces were not pretty.

Knowing this news from the senior’s mouth, the ancestral witches would naturally not believe it.

Seeing the expressions of several Big Brothers, Hou Tuji sighed and said, “The fate of the Witch Clan may be doomed. Even the senior is unwilling to take action.”

After hearing the words of Houtu, the ancestral witches fell silent.

For a while, the air pressure was very low.

After a long time, Dijiang gritted his teeth and said: “My witch clan was born to be disrespectful to the heavens and to the earth. Only respecting the father, Pangu, will surely break the shackles!”

With Di Jiang’s words, the ancestor Wu’s complexion looked a little better.

“Yes! My Wu Clan is of Pangu blood. How can I allow the Demon Race to ride on the head? We will definitely win the Demon Race!”

“Although senior said it means Heavenly Dao, but now that I already know it, it proves that it is not inevitable!”

“Yes, since the senior told you about this to the little girl, maybe he was reminding me of the monster race, but the senior can’t speak out.”

“In short, as long as we work together, the Wu Clan will be indestructible!”

After hearing the words of several Big Brothers, Houtu finally felt better.

Maybe the senior is really reminding the Wu Clan, maybe?

Although Hou Tu was still worried about this, he didn’t say much.

After all, it was still early, and she didn’t want to panic the Witch Clan.

the other side.

After talking to Nuwa, Fuxi rushed directly to Heaven Court.

The defeat of the Lich is a big deal, he has to go to the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and Di Jun Haosheng to discuss it.

When he arrived at the Heaven Court, Fuxi saw that many monster races were in a hurry, and felt a little puzzled for a while.

Seeing Fuxi coming, Emperor Jun hurriedly went to greet him.

At this time, the Yaozu was just discussing matters.

“Brother Fuxi, you just came here, and my monster clan is discussing how to take down the witch clan’s brash men!”

Di Jun said to Fuxi.

When the Eastern Emperor saw Fuxi, he was even more proud, and said arrogantly: “Huh, the Wu Clan dared to provoke me to wait, it just happened that Brother Fuxi was here, so I have to give them some color!”

Fuxi was dragged by Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi in a daze.

After that, Fu Xi frowned.

He didn’t come here to talk nonsense with Emperor Jun and Donghuang Tai!

Standing on the spot, Fuxi said with a serious face: “I’m here to see you this time because there is something important!”

Di Jun was stunned, but he did not see such a serious appearance of Fu Xi, and he immediately asked with a straight face, “I don’t know what’s the matter with Brother Fuxi?”

Seeing everyone looking at him, Fuxi sighed and said with a serious face:

“The monster race is in danger!”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the Yaozu was astonished.

What kind of monster is in danger?

Now that the monster race is in full swing, how can it be in danger?

Even if Sage wants to move Heaven Court, I’m afraid he has to think about it. Why would Fuxi say that?

Di Jun was a little puzzled about what Fuxi said, and asked, “Brother Fuxi, what do you mean by this?”

Donghuang Taiyi was also stunned, thinking while asking: “Could it be that the Witch Clan has come up with another moth?”

The demon master Kunpeng has the most violent temperament. He immediately took the scene and said directly: “Huh, in my opinion, let’s kill the Wu Clan directly and show them something awesome!”

So blindly conceited, Fu Xi was a bit speechless for a while.

After that, Fuxi sighed and waved to release the scene that Chen Sheng had put on him.

The monster clan looked at the picture in unison, and in the picture, the witch clan and the monster clan finally died together, and no one was taking advantage!

After watching this scene, the demons were shocked!

The monster race and the witch race will suffer both losses, how is this possible?

Yaozu is ambitious and wants to become a prehistoric overlord!

But I never thought that the Lich War ended like this in the end! ?

When Di Jun saw this picture, he was also very surprised, and hurriedly asked: “What is going on?”

Fuxi frowned and said to the group of demons: “This is a picture of the future captured from the long river of time.”

The demon master Kunpeng frowned. He didn’t believe that the demon clan would die with the witch clan!

So he asked: “Fuxi Demon King, you are no more than the pinnacle of the quasi-sage, Cultivation Base can already capture the future pictures from the long river of time?”

Demon Master Kunpeng’s words were slightly mocking.

Even Sage can’t capture the fragments of the long river of time, let alone Fuxi?

Therefore, when the demon master Kunpeng said this, he was questioning Fuxi.

Fuxi shook his head, and did not put Kunpeng’s doubts in his eyes.

If it hadn’t been for Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi to let this guy join the monster clan, he wouldn’t even look at this person more.

Fuxi said directly: “I am nothing but the Cultivation Base, the pinnacle of the quasi-sage, naturally it is not me, this is deduced by a great power!”

Everyone is a little puzzled, mighty?

Nowadays, the strongest besides Hongjun Daozu is Nuwa.

Is it possible?

Di Jun immediately asked: “Could it be that it is the picture deduced by Daozu Hongjun, but how did Brother Fuxi learn about it?”

Fuxi shook his head, Hongjun Daozu used his body to make up for Heavenly Dao, and naturally he would not reveal the secret.

“It’s a human from Shouyang Mountain.”

After thinking a little, Fu Xi said so.

In fact, Fuxi didn’t know where Chen Sheng came from, but he thought that he lived in Shouyang Mountain as a human race, so Fuxi said so.


Hearing that Fuxi actually talked about the human race, many monster races were so dumbfounded.

The monster races who were originally worried, felt as if they were being teased.


This is a bit ridiculous!

And the heart that Di Jun originally held was released instantly, since he is a human race, then he doesn’t need to worry!

Can the Houtian race determine the outcome of the monster race and the witch race?

Even if there is a daddy preaching, how can it be compared with the monster race?

What a joke!

Donghuang Taiyi first reacted, and then asked with a look of surprise: “Human race? Brother Fuxi, are you afraid that you were deceived?”

This kind of unthinkable remark can also be said, and it must be deceived!

It’s just that a dignified demon emperor can actually say such things, it’s really…

When Fuxi saw that he wanted to say something, he didn’t believe that the senior was a human race, but that was what the senior said!

He sighed, and continued to say to the monster races: “You don’t want to underestimate this human power, this power is extraordinary!”

After hearing this, Demon Master Kunpeng couldn’t help but sneered: “Demon Emperor Fuxi, when did you become so timid?”

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