Chapter 291 Hongjun: This waste is not reliable!

I saw the ancestor Hongjun raised his hand, and saw a cloud of Xuan Qing Qi pouring out of his hand, directly into Di Jun’s body.

Di Jun suddenly felt that a powerful air current was flowing wantonly in his body, and the Meridians all over his body were completely opened up.

As if a bucket of ice water poured from his head, Di Jun instantly became sober a lot, and the whole bird was sublimated.

The powerful Xuan Qing Qi kept surging through Di Jun’s body, and finally merged with Di Jun’s body completely.

Di Jun’s body erupted with terrifying Dao Yun and Xuan Qing Qi, and countless golden runes and Dao inscriptions were fully displayed.

At this time, Di Jun looked at the profound and difficult to understand the inscriptions and methods of the avenue in front of him, and only felt that it was extremely simple, which was simpler than asking who he was.

Dijun quickly glanced at the rune and the method in front of him, and quickly remembered them and mastered them thoroughly.

The ancestor Hongjun nodded with satisfaction when he saw this, stroked his beard, and slowly spoke.

“There is a trace of Heavenly Dao’s power in this Xuan Qing Qi. After absorbing this Xuan Qing Qi, you can thoroughly practice the techniques taught by the Xuan Qing Qi.”

“Obtaining the deity’s method, you can quickly Ascension your strength to the Sage level, have Sage’s combat power, and even interact with Heavenly Dao!”

“With the blessings of Xuan Qingqi and Famen, even the Wu Clan can’t help the Monster Clan.”

When Di Jun heard this, he immediately closed his eyes and mobilized the fearful Xuan Qing Qi to try, and found that he could really faintly interact with Heavenly Dao, and he could sense the next trend of the kingdom.

It’s actually true!

Daozu did not lie to him!

Di Jun was overjoyed, his eyes were full of excitement, and the corners of his mouth were almost reaching the back of his ears.

With the blessings of the Dao ancestor and the power of Heavenly Dao, is it possible that their demon clan is still afraid of a witch clan?


You are not afraid at all, okay?

Wu Clan, don’t think that only you have merit blessings, I also have Daozu’s method blessings!

When I go back and have a good understanding, I will summon all the demons to march into your witch race. I will definitely catch you by surprise!

Thinking of the embarrassment that the Wu Clan might be beaten by the Monster Clan, Di Jun became inexplicably excited, and immediately thanked Dao Zu and retreated.

He can’t wait to see the Wu Clan kneeling down and begging for mercy!

The ancestor Hongjun looked at Dijun’s departure and couldn’t help but twitched his mouth. Why did he seem to see a second stunned child passing in front of own…

How did he feel that Dijun, the second stupid son, was so unreliable?

After Di Jun left, the ancestor Hongjun’s complexion was completely gloomy, and he said inwardly.

Relying on the waste of Dijun is definitely not going to work!

Behind this witch clan is protected by the immeasurable merits of Heavenly Dao, and with the support of Nuwa Tongtian, Guan Le Dijun must be unreliable!

If you want to completely uproot the Wu Clan and defeat Nuwa and the others, you still need to do some cruelty.

It seems that I am going to shed some more blood…

Thinking about this, the ancestor Hongjun’s eyes flashed, and immediately passed the order to summon Daddy and Yuanshi Tianzun.

Daddy and Yuanshi Tianzun came soon, and they were shocked and confused.

I don’t know why the Master specially called them to come here?

Is it to reward them?


The master looked solemn, his eyebrows furrowed, and Ruo Ruo Wu’s murderous intent burst into his eyes.

This face was so gloomy, as if someone owed him 8 million, but it didn’t seem to be a reward for them at all!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Master is righteous!

It’s absolutely no good to call them both at this time!

Seeing this, Master is not to reward them, but to punish them!

Thinking of this, Yuanshi Tianzun was the first to start counseling, and his whole body trembled slightly.

He reached Daddy’s ear and whispered quietly.

“Brother, I, did we put something wrong? Didn’t you make Master unhappy?”

“Xu is…no, right?”

Taiqing Although Daddy is calm on the surface and calm as a pond, there is already a storm in his heart.

He didn’t know why Master suddenly called both of them to come, but he remembered that they did nothing wrong…

“Meet Master!”

“See Master!”

After Erqing went to the worship service, there was a long period of silence, quietly welcoming the punishment that was about to fall.

But to their surprise, the ancestor Hongjun didn’t punish them, instead, with a big hand, summoned a lot of Heavenly Dao power.

Before Daddy and Yuanshi Tianzun could react, they saw the ancestor Hongjun poured Heavenly Dao power on them to help them both ascension Cultivation Base.

Two golden lights shot straight down from the sky, and fell on Erqing’s body, and the endless Heavenly Dao power penetrated into Erqing’s body.

Suddenly, the Cultivation Base of Erqing grew rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, two Realms were breakthrough.

The mighty Heavenly Dao power instantly swept across the entire Zixiao Palace and exploded in the Zixiao Palace. The dazzling golden light instantly enveloped the entire Zixiao Palace, making the Zixiao Palace particularly dazzling.

I don’t know if it is because of the power of Heavenly Dao, or because of the continuous breakthrough of Taiqing daddy and Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun, Zixiao Palace has a vision.

Three flowers gather at the top.

Five Qi Chaoyuan.

The colorful clouds rise in the sea of ​​clouds, and the Spiritual Qi is full.

There are also many visions such as the golden lotus springing from the ground, the celestial cranes flying and so on.

Purple is permeated, overflowing with color.

The five colors are blooming together, and the Taoist rhyme is awe-inspiring!

The Zixiao Palace burst out a powerful potential energy that swept every corner of the Primordial Land in an instant, drawing many creatures from the Primordial Land to look around.

Can’t help but ask that kindly.

Depend on!

What the hell is Zixiao Palace doing!

This day by day, can you make people peaceful for a while?

Although all of them were scolding in their hearts, they were also shocked by the vision produced by Zixiao Palace.

Falling into the sky?

Earth spring golden lotus?

The cranes are soaring!

It’s been a long time!

Is this stabbing the vision den?

How did one after another start to produce visions?

First the Human Race, then the Witch Race, and now it’s the turn of the Purple Cloud Palace?

Is this going to engage in a vision relay?

All beings were shocked, and of course the great powers were also shocked by this, and they all exclaimed.


Nuwa Fuxi and others also sensed the movement of Zixiao Palace, and looked at Zixiao Palace one after another.

I don’t know this, my chin is startled at the first glance.

Depend on!

What’s the situation with this Purple Heaven Palace?

Why do so many visions suddenly appear?

Don’t you need money for these visions?

Needless to say, I also know that this ancestor Hongjun must be engaged in Yaozi again to deal with them!

But this time, the bleeding of Hongjun was really big enough, so many visions were actually obtained, and it must have been a lot of money, right?

No matter what tricks Hongjun did behind his back, they could all come to cover the water and earth, and the gods would block the gods and the Buddhas.

Let’s watch the changes first…

On the other side, Di Jun, who had just walked out of Zixiao Palace, also felt the turbulence in Zixiao Palace.

Seeing the vision of Zixiao Palace, my eyes almost didn’t fall to the ground.

The whole bird was stunned, and his hands trembled uncontrollably.

Foggy grass!

What happened in this Purple Heaven Palace? !

This vision is like not needing money!

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