Chapter 290 I finally waited for you, but fortunately I didn’t give up!

“You! Baize Lion…”

Donghuang Taiyi pointed at Baize Lion “you” for a long time, but he didn’t explain why, so he could only give him a fiercely gouged out.

Because Baize Lion’s words are all words, every word is reasonable. And the logic is clear, so that he can’t find the slightest mistake.

Judging from the current situation, the monster clan is indeed not the opponent of the witch clan. If the witch clan really enters the witch clan, it is no different from the Calabash baby saving grandpa-one after another.

However, even if Baize Lion is right, it can’t be said in front of so many people!

How does this make him look so coquettish?

Seeing Taiichi and Baize Lion battling each other, Di Jun sitting on the main seat couldn’t help each other. The surrounding atmosphere gradually became tense. He couldn’t help but stretch out his hand and rubbed his eyebrows.


Both Baize Lion and Taiyi are very reasonable. It is indeed a good strategy for the Yaozu to take advantage of the Wuzu not preparing for the army, but it is also a fact that the Wuzu has the merit and protection of the body.

What should Yaozu do?

It’s not advancing, nor is it retreating, but it’s really caught in an awkward dilemma.

He didn’t know what the Yaozu was going to do next. The more he thought about it, the more worried he became. In the end, his expressions were twisted together, and his brows wrinkled into a “chuan” character.

The more he thought about it, the more anxious Di Jun, looking at Taiyi and Baize Lion in front of him, sighed helplessly, unable to make a decision.

In the end, he decided to take a trip to Zixiao Palace and ask Hongjun’s ancestors.

Then Di Jun left Heaven Court and came to Zixiao Palace.

Zixiao Palace.

When Haotian saw that it was the demon emperor Jun, he immediately turned around and reported to the ancestor Hongjun.

“Daozu, Master Demon Sovereign is here again.”

The ancestor Hongjun was healing at this time and raised his eyebrows as soon as he heard it, and he was very puzzled.

Hasn’t this demon emperor Jun just found himself not long ago?

Why are you here again?

And he still has a face?

Let him contain a witch clan, he can’t contain it well!

Actually, he watched Houtu transform Samsara, so that the Wu Clan got the protection of merit.

If you want to move the Wu Clan at this moment, it will be even more difficult!

This is a waste of inadequate success and more than failure!

The ancestor Hongjun looked at Dijun with a bad face, and his tone was extremely bad.

“What are you doing here?”

“Taozu, I have come to ask Daozu how to deal with the monster race.”

“Nowadays, the witches don’t know what they are doing, so they actually retreat if they retire! But I am worried that the witches’ mind is impure, and I am afraid that it is not just as simple as retiring…”

“Excuse me, Daozu, how should the Yaozu deal with this situation?”

The ancestor Hongjun was so angry by the Witch Clan that he was suffocated, and coupled with the injury, he was not in a very good mood.

Now that Dijun is smashing his head and covering his face, a lot of problems have struck, and the ancestor Hongjun is even more annoying.

Frowning, he said coldly.

“You can do whatever you want to do with yourself, the monster race is originally yours…”

What to do with the deity?

This day by day!

Don’t bother me with trivial things!

I’m both old and old…

Because Di Jun was worried about the future survival of the Yao Clan, he did not hear the impatience and dissatisfaction in the tone of the ancestor Hongjun, and he continued to ask without fear of death.

“Taozu, I want to ask, does the Wu Clan have other thoughts?”

Only by confirming the true intentions of the Wu Clan, can he prescribe the right medicine and make corresponding adjustments to the Yao Clan.

It’s okay for Dijun not to mention the Witch clan. When it comes to the Witch clan, Old Ancestor Hongjun’s expression is even more gloomy. He was so angry that he blushed and his neck was thick, like a rooster that was defeated in a fight.

The ancestor Hongjun was furious at the thought of what the Wu Clan had done to him.

This witch clan had disturbed his plan many times before, causing him to lose his holy face. Now he has become even more vigorous, and he has directly given him a game of chess that he has been so lonely for many years.

A mouse shit really ruined a pot of porridge!

Not only that, they also wounded him with the damn Twelve Metropolis Deity Array, so that he hadn’t fully recovered yet.

Really shameless and vicious!

The ancestor Hongjun couldn’t help snorting coldly, and a strong cold light and killing intent burst into his eyes.

“Witch? Retire? Huh, are you joking? It must be impossible.”

“The witches seem to be retreating on the surface, but they are actually unpredictable! They seem to be retiring, saying that they don’t participate in the prehistoric hegemony; in fact, they still want to get involved in the prehistoric, and their minds are vicious!”

The ancestor Hongjun scolded the Witch dog bloodly in the air, and before they could hear him, he desperately buckled the shit bowl on their heads.

If this is heard by the Witch Clan, the Witch Clan will definitely say something.

“You shit!”

Here, after hearing what Hongjun ancestor said, Di Jun further confirmed the conjecture in his heart, and he couldn’t help but get angry from his heart.

Sure enough, as he expected!

This Wu Clan is really not a thing!

I keep saying that the monster clan is sinister, but in fact, their witch clan is the most sinister!

One set on the surface, one set behind the back, what kind of noble pretties!

He looked at the direction of the underworld angrily, and once again asked the ancestor Hongjun.

“Dare to ask Dao Ancestor, how can we deal with the Wu Clan? This prestigious overlord must not be taken away by the Wu Clan without wanting face!”

“This prehistoric overlord belongs to the Demon Race, and it can only belong to the Demon Race!”

At this time, Di Jun was stunned, and there was nothing in his eyes except the position of the predominant overlord and the Wu Clan.

The ancestor Hongjun glanced at Di Jun.

But just like that, it was cold. The cold was so cold that Di Jun couldn’t help shaking his whole body, and his back felt cold, as if he was transferred into the abyss of an ice cellar.

Old Ancestor Hongjun: Demon Race?

Humph, why is the Yaozu confident that they must belong to this prehistoric overlord?

The left and right are really my pawns, and I give it to whomever I love.

The ancestor Hongjun dismissed Dijun and said coldly.

“The monster race wants to become the overlord, and the current strength…I’m afraid it’s not enough…”

A majestic and stern voice came from Di Jun’s head, and the strong pressure made Di Jun almost unable to breathe.

He naturally felt the anger between Dao Zu’s words and heard what Dao Zu meant.

Daozu is expressing his disappointment with Yaozu!

Thinking of this, Di Jun couldn’t help but burst into shock.

The Wu Clan himself did not take it, nor did the Human Clan take it, and it was indeed ineffective!

No wonder Dao Zuhui is so disappointed and angry…

What should I do now?

Daozu was so disappointed and angry at the Yaozu, would he not give the Yaozu the position of the prehistoric overlord?

Thinking about this, Di Jun panicked even more…

Anger to anger, disappointment to disappointment.

Now the monster clan still has value for use, and the ancestor Hongjun, who has always been careful in his calculations, naturally knows that it is impossible for him to abandon the monster clan so easily.

It is still useful for him to keep the demon clan, and he has to rely on the demon clan to contain the witch clan!

The ancestor Hongjun hooked his hand and motioned to Dijun to come over.

“The deity teaches you a method that will give you Sage power. This way you don’t have to worry about defeating the Wu Clan, and you don’t have to worry about the strength of the Demon Clan.”

This unexpected reversal caught Di Jun by surprise, and he couldn’t help being overjoyed.

Dao Zu, Dao Zu this is…

Don’t plan to give up Yaozu?

And also to teach him Magic power to enhance the strength of the monster race! ?

Isn’t this the change of law that clearly indicates that the right place of the prehistoric overlord is the Yaozu’s?

Di Jun was overjoyed and could not wait to sing a song at this time.

“I finally waited for you, but fortunately I didn’t give up!”

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