Chapter 231 Why is it a Golden Crow again?

Kunpeng and others were tortured in Chen Sheng’s Immortal Cave, and they kept crying out to Emperor Jun for help.

And here, the rescuer sent by Emperor Jun-Donghuang Taiyi was coming on the clouds.

He is getting closer and closer to Shouyang Mountain, and the resentment in his heart is getting stronger and stronger.


Who on earth is he who dares to oppose their monster race?

Dare to detain the people they sent by the Monster Race over and over again and again?

Do you want to die?

It’s better not to let him know who it is!

If you let him know which bastard dared to fight against the monster race, he must be good-looking!

When he arrived at Chen Sheng Immortal Cave, Donghuang Taiyi immediately jumped down from the cloud.

The first thing that catches the eye is a low hill with a dilapidated hole in it.

Weeds grow at the entrance of the cave, and the flowers and plants that have not been trimmed for a long time grow arbitrarily, and the entrance of the cave is a mess. In addition, the entrance of the cave is still covered with moss and spider webs, making the originally unbearable cave even more messy and dilapidated, and people’s impression of it has directly fallen to the bottom of the valley.

Donghuang Tai frowned as soon as he saw such a depressed and dilapidated entrance to the cave. His eyes were full of disgust.

This… is this where people live?

Why is it so broken?

Didn’t the elder brother say that this is the place where Demon Zu Luohu lived?

The Mozu Luohu lives in such a small hole? ?

This hole is for the beggar to live in, but the beggar may not live, it turned out to be Luo Hu’s residence? !

Donghuang Taiyi’s eyes stared like bronze bells, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Who is Rahu?

Before he was destroyed, it was the most awesome existence in the prehistoric times, and it was also the most heaven-defying existence.

He not only created a complete world of Modao, but also became the famous Demon Ancestor at that time. Even when the Dragon and Han were weighing the calamity, he was defeated by one enemy and four, and was finally defeated by the four ancestors.

But before his death, he still attacked towards the west. This has also led to the destruction of the Western lands, and the barrenness of the Western lands, which gave birth to no spiritual treasures, which led to the barrenness of the West.

It can be seen that Luo Hu is a very powerful and heaven-defying existence, and one person is enough to smooth the existence of the entire monster race!

How could such a powerful adult live in a magnificent and magnificent palace as wide as the Heaven Court, right?

How can I live here?

Live in this small, shabby, dirty and messy hole?

Also… Demon Master, Baize Lion, they may also be locked in this broken place!

Wouldn’t they all cry out?

Thinking of this, Dong Huang Taiichi endured the nausea and walked forward slowly.

After all, he was here to save people, not to go sightseeing.

After not taking a few steps, he saw a dark-skinned Zhengtai boy walking leisurely at the entrance of the cave with his short legs.

Donghuang Taiyi suddenly beamed her eyes, a little shocked.

Yo, I didn’t expect someone to be in such a broken hole?

It looks like a boy…

Just in time, I went up to ask him if Luohu lived here, and then asked him if he had seen the demon clan who had come before.

Donghuang Taiyi straightened his collar, cleared his throat, and walked over very proudly.

In between, he held his head high, and asked Luo Hui extremely proudly.

“This boy, does Luo Hu live here?”

Luo Hui gave Donghuang Tai a look with extreme dissatisfaction, full of anger.

Then he said to himself.

“Why is it only Golden Crow? Master seems to dislike Golden Crow…”

Also, this stinky Golden Crow just asks for directions. Is this arrogant attitude asking for directions?

Do you dare not look at the deity while holding your head high?

The deity doesn’t owe you any money, so who do you show to you?

Luo Hu simply ignored him, why should he go on?

Seeing that a little boy dared to ignore him, Donghuang Taiyi felt that he had been insulted, so he raised his voice and asked again.

“This boy, I’m talking to you! Do you know who I am?”

“I am the demon emperor, the Eastern emperor Taiyi! You dare to ignore this emperor, are you going to die?”

Luo Hui: …

I’m afraid it’s not because of that serious illness!

I am not blind, of course I know that he is the Eastern Emperor Taiyi!

I just simply don’t want to pay attention to that stupid Golden Crow!

Unexpectedly, Luo Hu didn’t want to pay attention, but Donghuang Taiyi kept asking, and the question was annoying.

“Hey! I want to ask you something! Does Luo Hu live here?”

“And the demons who came here before, have you ever seen it?”

“One is Kunpeng, and the other is Baize Lion…”

Seeing that Donghuang Tai didn’t want to stop at all, Luo Hu couldn’t help it, and the accumulated anger burst out in an instant.

“You stinky Golden Crow is endless? I’m so annoying!”

Donghuang Tai was immediately stunned when he heard it, in disbelief.

This broken boy actually dared to call him a stinky Golden Crow?

Say he is annoying? ?

How can he accept this, who has always been arrogant?

Dong Huang Taiyi was also angry, frowning, clenched fists in both hands, and stared at Luo Hu with gritted teeth.

“You dare? You dare to do this to the emperor?”

“Just looking for death!”

Luo Hui sneered at this and stared at Donghuang Taiyi.


Under Luo Hu’s Death gaze, Donghuang Taiyi felt a horror and chill, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

This is really an annoying look!

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi was angry and immediately offered his own companion Magical Item Chaos Clock.

I saw the chaotic clock exuding the aura of black and yellow, and it revolved rapidly above Donghuang Taiyi’s head. With every rotation, countless chaotic energy burst out and entangled Donghuang Taiyi’s body.

Dong Huangtai’s qi bell fell with one hand, and it was a fatal blow to Luo Hu by the endless chaotic energy of the chaotic bell.

“Boom–” A loud noise cut across the sky and pierced the sky. The five-color light shines on the heavens, and the Pangu saint is awe-inspiring to the world!

Donghuang Taiyi is very powerful here, and the accumulated terrifying power of Chaos is about to reach its peak. As long as it comes again, the boy who is overpowered will definitely be beaten up and cry, crying father and mother, and be beaten directly. Kneeling and begging for mercy.

As a result, Luo Hui waved his sleeve away, and a strong demon energy instantly filled the entire Shouyang Mountain.

The powerful magic energy swallowed the chaotic energy of the Chaos Clock completely and turned it into its own use. This makes the already strong and strong devilish even stronger!

Luo Hui sneered, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rose up, letting out a terrifying smile.

“Hehe, overwhelmingly!”

“The trivial Golden Crow dare to fight in front of the deity?”

Luo Hui slapped it down, shaking the space and cracking the ground.

Not to mention that there is no chaos clock that has been completely refined, even the Eastern Emperor Taiyi can’t escape the attack of this slap.

With a “bang”, the Chaos Clock was completely smashed into the air and disappeared in front of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

Not only that, the whole person of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi was also photographed, and his stomach was overwhelmed, and then the whole ladyboy lost his strength, and was so weak that he showed his original form-a black and black vaguely. Golden Crow reveals the golden light!

Seeing this, Luo Hui sneered and kicked the beaten Donghuang Taiyi.

“Now let’s see if you are looking for death or me looking for death?”

“Even if it’s Demon Emperor Taiyi? The deity still hits you on the ground!”

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