Chapter 230 Don’t Come Over! !

On Shouyang Mountain, Chen Sheng had a lot of fun, but the missing animals were miserable and completely turned into Chen Sheng’s pets.

Chen Sheng first came to Baize Lion’s cage and raised his paw to make him perform various such movements. Baize Lion is manipulated by Chen Sheng just like a puppet, allowing him to fiddle with it.

Not only that, Chen Sheng also liked Baize Lion’s shaggy white hair very much, and he slapped his chin and touched his head.

That’s a lot of love for his pile of fluffy hairs!

“Xiao Bai, call one, cheer up and have bones to eat!”

Chen Sheng caressed Baize Lion’s furry and fleshy head, picked up a bone and dangled in front of him.

Baize Lion:…

I am an arrogant monster, a powerful attendant by your Majesty’s side!

What does it mean to give me a bone?

Really treat me like a lowly dog?

Still called?

What’s your name, call you a big-headed ghost!

Kunpeng and the three demon saints on the side could not help but laugh at the sound of birth.

“Hahahahaha… I didn’t expect it! Our arrogant Baize Lion attendants were actually treated as puppies and gave back bones…”

“White Gougou, I have bones to eat after barking~”

Among them, Kunpeng laughed the loudest.

The other three demon saints held back their own smile and tried not to let it gush out.

They really can’t equate the Baize Lion servant who was teased as a puppy at this moment and the majestic and upright Baize Lion servant who was by his Majesty before.

Seeing this, Baize Lion couldn’t help being full of anger, and his face was speechless and resisting, trying to break free from the shackles of Chen Sheng.

Smile laugh!

What are you laughing laughing? !

Why didn’t you cramp your mouth?

At this moment, two cold rays of light came straight towards him.

This cold light is like the cold lake water in winter, it is biting to the bones; it is also like a sharp cold blade, which can cut him into pieces in minutes, and chop it into mashed meat.

A cold light came from Luohu on the side, and the other came from Broken Sword not far away.

They “reminded” Baize Lion with a voice that only a demon could hear.

“If you make the master unhappy, this sword will make you unhappy!”

“Be obedient to the master, otherwise tomorrow’s lunch will be a stir-fried Baize Lion!

Not only Baize Lion was so frightened by the threat of Broken Sword and Luo Hu that he didn’t dare to utter a mouthful. Even the three demon saints and Kunpeng beside him obediently closed their mouths without moving.

Where do they dare to move? !

They have now been beaten back to their original form, locked up in cages, and left to be slaughtered.

Their current situation is the meat on the knife board. They have no right to choose, but are forced to accept all this!

What their final result will be depends on the mood of the knife holder. If this knife bearer is not happy, maybe their life is gone!

And now the ordinary and ordinary Daluo Jinxian human in front of them is the knife-bearer.

Broken sword and Luo Hu on the side are the swords of this human race!

Now that the knife is resting on their necks, where do they dare to talk indiscriminately?

Naturally all of them are very well-behaved!

I didn’t dare to say anything, I didn’t dare to breathe!

“Xiao Bai, come, call one.”

Chen Sheng put the bone in front of Baize Lion, hoping to get his response.

Although Baize Lion resisted with all his heart, under the two terrifying Death gazes, Baize Lion still suffocated his stomach, obediently ate the bones clean, and yelled twice after he was finished.

Baize Lion is called an aggrieved one!

If it wasn’t for survival, how could he do such a demon-faced thing? !

“Xiao Bai is so good.”

Chen Sheng stroked his head lovingly and smiled with satisfaction.

Kunpeng on the side couldn’t help it anymore. He couldn’t help but laughed with a “pouch”, his wings fluttered up and down happily, and he leaned forward and backward with laughter, and couldn’t stand still.

“Ahahahahahaha, this is too stupid!”

“The powerful servant of the dignified monster is actually trained as a dog? And you still follow the Baize Lion servant?”

“It’s so amused!”

Chen Sheng looked at these animals in front of him and found it interesting. For example, this little white who looks strange and strange, but unexpectedly obedient and well-behaved!

There are also these three old pheasants. Although they don’t look good, they are whispering as if they are spiritual.

They were whispering when they were teasing Xiaobai in front of him, and now they are still whispering!

The most fun is this beautiful bird!

He was laughing when he was teasing Xiaobai before, but now he is still laughing, and he doesn’t know what happy things he has experienced. He has been laughing forever.

Now he laughed so hard that he couldn’t stand firmly, and he laughed directly from the pole in the bird cage and fell off.

Seeing this, Chen Sheng immediately shifted his target, picked up an enlightened tea branch and started teasing Kunpeng.

Seeing that Chen Sheng had shifted his target, Kunpeng gradually walked towards him and couldn’t help but retreated a few steps in fear.

What’s happening here?

Why does this make people come towards me?

Are you teasing Baize Lion?

It’s not my business? !

You… don’t come over! !

But the resistance was ineffective, and Kunpeng was still caught by Chen Sheng.

Chen Sheng put the tea branch of Wudao in, poked Kunpeng’s small pointed mouth, and slowly asked.

“Is it funny? Big bird?”

Kunpeng froze for a moment, is this asking him?

Sleepy immediately nodded, then shook his head again.

Seeing this, Chen Sheng found it more interesting, and he concluded that this was a beautiful big bird with spirituality.

“Sure enough, you are a spiritual person, you can understand my speech.”

Kunpeng couldn’t help being frightened.

Oops! It was discovered!

Then… Then this person won’t kill himself, right?

Kunpeng immediately shook his head, flapping his own wings up and down.

“Not funny? But I saw you smiling happily before, although I don’t know what you are smiling…I even fell off the laugh!”

Kunpeng is embarrassed now, so does he want to nod or shake his head?

Seeing Chen Sheng shifted the target, Baize Lion, who was laughed at by Kunpeng at first, was delighted, his eyes narrowed into a line of smile, and the corners of his mouth almost reached the back of his ears.

Haha, Kunpeng!

You have today too!

This is called Feng Shui taking turns!

Heavenly Dao is good Samsara, who has God spared?

Let you laugh at me, now it’s time for me to laugh at you!

I really look forward to your tortured scene!

Seeing that Kunpeng had no reaction, Chen Sheng thought that he might be exhausted with a smile, so he intimately caught a fresh blue worm that was still wriggling from the soil and placed it directly in front of Kunpeng.

“Big Bird, you must be hungry. Come! This is a fresh caterpillar…”

“Will move, open your mouth.”

Chen Sheng took the caterpillar to Kunpeng with a “kind” face, and frightened Kunpeng directly, trying to escape this terrible place quickly.

I am not hungry, not hungry at all!

You, don’t come over!

Take it away!

What is this? !

He has no desire to eat such a disgusting little caterpillar!

The little caterpillar got closer and closer, Kunpeng watched the little caterpillar squirming in front of him, and then he retched.


While Kunpeng was retching, Chen Sheng threw the little caterpillar into Kunpeng’s mouth, then nodded in satisfaction and smiled.

“Really good, enjoy the food.”

Kunpeng felt the caterpillar squirming in his mouth and slipped directly into own’s stomach. He directly “vomited”, but he didn’t vomit anything.

Kunpeng was anxious, but dared not to speak, the demon was in the cage and had to bow his head.

So he can only mutter inwardly.


Delicious shit!

Daddy is going to spit it out!


If it weren’t for being trapped, coupled with the blockade from Broken Sword and Luo Hu, he would have to rush out and kill this man!

Actually swallowed such a disgusting caterpillar! ?

What a bad luck!

Kunpeng wants to cry without tears. He is so angry that he can’t scream, and if he has grievances, he can’t spread!

Good majesty, come and save us!

If you don’t come again, we have not been beaten to death, and we will be tortured to death by this fellow! !

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