Chapter 195 Need to wake up the earth and the people first? !

“Well, according to what senior said… the tunnel was also designed by Heavenly Dao?”

“That’s for sure, otherwise why would the tunnel fall well?”

Chen Sheng took a sip of tea, took a while, and then continued.

“Tunnel was completely suppressed when Houtu was transformed into Samsara. It is really miserable to say that Houtu empress.”

“It was a good idea to save these prehistoric souls, but it was designed by the ancestor Hongjun and Heavenly Dao. As a result, Samsara was physically damaged and could not be sanctified.”

“Not only that, Houtu will not even be able to form a great formation with the ancestor witch in the future due to his own damage.”

“It is precisely because of this that the Wu Clan was then easily annihilated by the Demon Clan.”

“What?! Samsara was also designed?”

Nuwa was shocked by this.

She originally thought that Samsara was an opportunity for Hou Tu Hua, but she never expected that it was also a conspiracy between Hongjun Lao Yinbi and Heavenly Dao!

Once Hou Tu transforms into Samsara, the power of the 12 Ancestral Witches of the Witch Clan is bound to be greatly weakened.

At that time, the Wu Clan will be slaughtered by Heavenly Dao!

Heavenly Dao calculated them in this way to suppress humanity and authenticity, so that Heavenly Dao can stand alone!

What a vicious mind!

“Yeah, these are the calculations of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun. They will always calculate more than others. They are accurate and terrifying!”

“Then senior, can Hou Tu and Nuwa really have no way to defeat Heavenly Dao? Can they really only be at the mercy of Heavenly Dao for a lifetime and be the puppets of Heavenly Dao?”

“If you want to defeat Heavenly Dao, you must thoroughly awaken the tunnel and the humanity. But this method is really too difficult and too difficult…”

“Heavenly Dao has dominated the prehistoric world for many years, and has suppressed humanity and tunnels for many years. They have been suppressed during their infancy.”

“At this time, it is extremely difficult to be awakened by humanity and authenticity, and it is almost impossible to accomplish…”

“Wake up humane and authentic?”

Nuwa muttered thoughtfully.

Seeing that the goddess of the small palace was firm and thoughtful, Chen Sheng couldn’t help being amused.

“What are you doing so seriously?”

“This is something that big people like Nuwa should consider, not something that little people like you and me should worry about.”

Hey, this little palace lady is afraid that she is not thinking of herself as Nuwa again…

Everyone in this wild world is fantasic, none of them is normal…

Obviously a group of his own dishes, but always fantasize that he is a great figure in the prehistoric world.

This is very sick…

“Ah, I get it! Thank you senior for your advice!”

After speaking, the haze on Nuwa’s face was swept away, and after thanking Chen Sheng, he left with joy.

Chen Sheng: Give pointers? ?

When did I inexplicably point to others?

What does this little maid know?

Jing said something he didn’t understand…

It seems to be very sick indeed.

Witch tribe.

Pangu Temple.

Since returning from Heaven Court, all the ancestors and witches have had a gloomy face, full of resentment, and are silent.

This weird and tense atmosphere lasted for a while, and the violent co-worker couldn’t hold back, and took the lead to speak.

“Why don’t everyone say a word? Isn’t it miserable enough for our Wu clan to be bullied?”

“It’s because I was bullied so badly that I have nothing to say! If you have something, just say it, nagging, nagging!”

Zhu Ronghe and Gonggong have always been at odds. At this time, he was getting angry. Gonggong happened to be the early bird, so he went back unceremoniously and let his anger on Gonggong.

“Why are you angry at me? I’m not your punching bag!”

Gong Gong was also angry.

Is this Zhu Rong sick?

What kind of annoyance do you get angry with him?

“Are you deliberately arguing with me?”

“Who is unreasonable!”

“I’m too lazy to talk nonsense with you, just do it!”

“Come on! Make a game!”

Gong Gong and Zhu Rong, who have always been incompatible with each other, stared at each other fiercely, and they were ready to fight.

“Stop! When are you still arguing?”

Di Jiang sternly said.

“Our current enemy is Hongjun ancestor and Yaozu, but not our own!”

“At that time, the enemy didn’t hit him, but he was in conflict. Wouldn’t it be laughable if you said it?”

“I know everyone is very angry and wronged now, but don’t let the anger go everywhere. Let’s calm down and think about what to do next?”

With that said, Di Jiang glanced at Gonggong and Zhu Rong.

“Especially you two need to be calm.”

Dage has spoken, Gong Gong and Zhu Rong did not dare to make any moves.

Slowly put down the hand that was about to attack, suffocated his breath and sat back in his seat obediently.

“Dage, what should we do next?”

“Yes, Dage. This ancestor Hongjun is already on the side of the Yaozu at this time. If we want to take revenge, I’m afraid it’s not easy to start!”

“Yes! And this ancestor of Hongjun still kept us from fighting for ten thousand years? I really don’t know what to think!”

When they thought of this, they were so angry that their teeth tickled, and they wanted to crush the damn monster race directly.

“Now we really can’t do much.”

At this moment, Houtu spoke.

“I can only wronged everyone and watch the changes first.”

“There will always be a way.”

Hou Tu had said so, and the ancestor witches also felt that it was reasonable, so they stopped making noise, and listened to Hou Tu—watching the changes.

On the other side, Heaven Court.

Seeing that the annoying Wu Clan was gone, the Monster Clan was all cheering and happy.

Not only they cheered that they were lucky enough to survive, but at the same time, they were also fortunate that their demon race had the backing of Hongjun ancestor.

Seeing that Di Jun was in a good mood, Kunpeng walked up to Di Jun to cheat on Di Jun.

“The monster race was able to survive the disaster and fortunately survived, thanks to your majesty’s wise move at that time!”

“If it weren’t for your Majesty, you chose to cooperate with Dao Ancestor, how could Dao Ancestor save you today?”

Di Jun said that Kunpeng’s flattery was very useful, and he was overjoyed.

“Hey, if you talk about this, then the biggest hero still belongs to you, the demon master!”

“If it weren’t for you to persuade the emperor to let the emperor go astray, he would almost foolishly go on the way of the Wu Clan!”

“Such a sorcerer! Damn it! At the beginning, it looked like a benevolent and hypocritical person. He said he would avoid fighting and not fight, but now he sneaks on the monster?”

“What a hypocrite!”

“Yes, yes! Your Majesty, you are a wise and martial artist, and you have made a very wise decision!”

“The emperor now thinks that the demon master you are very right!”

“The entire prehistoric ancestor belongs to the ancestor Hongjun and Heavenly Dao. Offending Dao ancestor will not end well!”

“Only by obediently obeying Dao Ancestor’s orders can we have a bright future!”

“Your Majesty is wise, Daozu is wise!”

Kunpeng raised his head, and then the whole monster clan shouted.

“Your Majesty is wise, Daozu is wise!”

“Your Majesty is wise, Daozu is wise!”

Compared with the dull and angry of the Wu Clan, the Yao Clan seemed extremely excited and excited.

Two completely different images are formed on both sides, forming an extremely strong contrast…

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