Chapter 194 Under the whole world, only Heavenly Dao dominates!

Wa Palace.

Nuwa and Fuxi didn’t expect Hongjun to come.

This is simply beyond their expectations.

“What? The two groups of Lich have only been used for ten thousand years?”

“Sister Wa, what is Hongjun doing?”

Nuwa didn’t understand Hongjun’s ancestor’s confusing operation at first, but after thinking about it, he suddenly understood.

Sneered: “Huh, this Hongjun is very gloomy!”

“Of course I know he is very dark! It’s just… I really can’t understand his operation.”

“Sister Wa, you said that this Hongjun tried every means to provoke the divorced lich clan at the beginning, didn’t he just hope that the lich clan would provoke a war and trigger a war between the lich?”

“Why now the Lich is fighting, he is not happy anymore, and he still tries to stop it, or even stop the fight?”

“That’s because Hongjun’s original intention was not to let one of the Wu Clan or the Demon Clan die… but the two clan to die together!”

Perhaps it is because I have dealt with Chen Sheng a lot, he knows more Hongjun ancestors from his mouth, and Nuwa has become more able to spy on the psychology of Hongjun ancestors.

The ancestor of Hongjun wanted to conform to Heavenly Dao. In Heavenly Dao, the end of the Lich War was that both of the Lich races would lose out, so that the Human race could successfully rise to the top.

Therefore, in order to maintain the balance between the predecessors and the wild, the ancestor of Hongjun allowed the two groups of Lich to perish together, and it was definitely impossible for them to be too far apart in strength.

Like today’s battle, the Wu Clan’s strength is too stronger than the Demon Clan, and it can’t do both.

That’s why the ancestor Hongjun would show up to stop the war and let the lich stop fighting for ten thousand years. All this was in the calculations of the ancestor Hongjun.

“It turns out to be so?!”

Fu Xi was also shocked when he heard that, she never expected Hongjun’s ancestors to be so precise in their calculations!

It’s terrible!

“Unexpectedly, we have been around for a long time and we are still in the calculations of Hongjun ancestor and Heavenly Dao…”

Nuwa couldn’t help smiling, how ridiculous what she had done before now looks so ridiculous?

Not only did it not stop the war between the two clans of the Lich, it also intensified the conflict between the two clans, intensified the war, and even made himself inhumane inside and outside.

Even so, they are still in the calculations of Hongjun ancestor.

Are they destined to not conquer the sky?

Are you destined to be bound by Hongjun and Heavenly Dao?

Nuwa really has no solution to the current situation and situation of the Lich race.

After thinking about it again and again, she decided to go there for a while and decided to ask him for help.

“Brother, I want to go there.”

“Oh, Little Sister is going to find her brother-in-law, right?

“Brother, what are you talking about!”

Nuwa flushed with shame, and Shuangxia flew across.

“I know, I know, go go…”

With a look of “I understand” on Fuxi’s face, the thief pushed Nuwa out with a smile.

Why! This big brother must be thinking about something again…

Nuwa shook his head helplessly, and walked towards Chen Sheng Immortal Cave.

When Chen Sheng saw Nuwa, he was a little shocked.

“Little maid, are you here again?”

“You have come so often recently…I’m not used to it.”

“By the way, why didn’t the little girl come with you this time?”

“Ah, little girl… she didn’t come with me because she had something to do with her family.”

“By the way, is the little girl’s Dage better?”

“Thanks to senior, it’s almost better.”

As soon as Nuwa entered the door, Chen Sheng noticed that Nuwa was depressed and worried.

“Why are you so sullen since it’s almost good?”

“Little maid, you have something on your mind.”

Although it is an interrogative sentence, it is a positive tone.

As expected to be Senior, he has insight into himself at a glance, and sees himself clearly and thoroughly.

“It’s true that the girl came here this time to ask senior for something.”

“Just ask.”

Chen Sheng could guess with his toes that the little palace lady must have asked a lot of strange questions, but fortunately, he was in a good mood now and didn’t resist answering the questions.

Nuwa was slightly stunned.

Worthy of being senior!

She even knew exactly what she thought!

Senior is so powerful, and it’s a perfect fit for the Lich race to find him!

I haven’t taken this trip in vain!

“Senior, it’s like this… Now that the ancestor of Hongjun has allowed the Lich race to stop for ten thousand years, he must want to restore the strength of the Monster race and then fight the Wu race, and then get a situation where both losers.”

Chen Sheng glanced at Nuwa with admiration.

“Yes, very smart.”

After a few days, this little girl has become smarter.

“I, no, Nuwa has done a lot of efforts before this, trying to stop the Lich War and prevent the tragedy of the Lich family from happening.”

“But to no avail… All this is still in the calculations of the ancestor Hongjun and Heavenly Dao… Is it really destined to not conquer the sky?”

When Chen Sheng heard this, he couldn’t help laughing.

“Nuwa is so stupid and cute that he really wants to defeat Heavenly Dao? Can he change his life heaven-defying?”

How could Nuwa bear it when Chen Sheng said he was stupid?

Immediately he went back.

“Ben… Nuwa is not stupid!”

“Attempting to confront Heavenly Dao is simply overpowering, isn’t it stupid?”

“Unexpectedly, Sage would make such a low-level mistake.”

Nuwa is a little hoodwinked.

“What does this mean?”

“I remember I once told you that there are three ways of heaven, earth and human beings in the prehistoric world, three of which were suppressed by Heavenly Dao. Heavenly Dao is the supreme ruler of the entire prehistoric world.”

“Even the ancestor Hongjun is subject to Heavenly Dao.”

“This is the so-called universal world, only Heavenly Dao alone!”

“Heavenly Dao is so scary?”

“How is it called Heavenly Dao?”

Chen Sheng looked at the little palace lady in front of him with some amusement. Isn’t this girl too naive?

I don’t even know the horror of Heavenly Dao…

“You know that Heavenly Dao has done everything in order to suppress the other two ways, doing everything he can!”

“The spokesperson of humanity is Nuwa. In order to suppress the humanity, Heavenly Dao specially designed the enshrined spirit to involve Nuwa and humanity.”

“Humanity was completely suppressed after the Conferred Gods and Quantitative Tribulation occurred.”


Nuwa was a little unbelievable.

“Senior, you said that humanity was suppressed after the confession of the gods and the calamity?”


“But, but the Conferred God Quantitative Jie was clearly produced for the Sanqing, Guan Benzun, what is the matter with Nuwa Empress and Human Dao?”

“This is Heavenly Dao’s calculation, there are many calculations that can be calculated!”

“Although it is said that this Divine Quantum Tribulation was created for the Sanqing, Heavenly Dao also took this opportunity to calculate Nuwa and Human Dao.”

“Daddy is the leader of the human religion, and it is related to humanity. He suffers disaster and humanity will also be implicated. And Nuwa is the human Sage, and at the same time the spokesperson of humanity, so affected by the influence of daddy, it is hard to escape the influence of the gods. ”

After Chen Sheng spoke, Nuwa turned his head straight up.

His eyes were full of anger, and fire could burst into his eyes.

This damn Heavenly Dao! !

Damn Hongjun!

Actually even her and Human Dao were designed in? !

Really sinister and cunning!

Now that she knew that Heavenly Dao would design her to be humane, she must not allow this to happen!

She will try her best to stop the conspiracy of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun! !

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