Chapter 175: Three Cleansing Homes? !

“I! No! Retreat! Let!”

Tongtian bounced out word by word, biting hard every word, to show his firmness and anger!

“What did you say?!”

Yuanshi Tianzun saw the appearance of Tongtian and wanted to press him to the ground and explode with a hammer!

“I originally thought that Yuanshi Tianzun just had a bad brain, and had that serious illness! I didn’t expect Yuanshi Tianzun’s ears to be bad, I’m afraid it’s not far from being deaf!”

Tianzun’s cynicism made Yuanshi Tianzun jump his feet.

“You you you! You are bold, Tongtian! How dare to say that to my deity?!”

His noble body of Sage was scolded for having a brain problem, and he was also said to be deaf?

This Tongtian is now completely lawless!

“Dage, look at him! Where is the slightest way of admitting mistakes and reconciliation?”

Daddy caught in the middle is also very embarrassing.

This Yuanshi Tianzun’s righteousness is on his head, coupled with his arrogant temperament, he wants to face, and it will be difficult for him to apologize!

Originally wanted to let the honest duty of Tongtian compromise, so that this matter was made trivial.

Unexpectedly, Tongtian didn’t play cards according to the routine, so he refused it directly?

The attitude is still so tough…

This is really hard to persuade from both sides!

After thinking twice, Daddy decided to start from Tongtian.

Tongtian has never lost his temper in the past. Maybe Yuanshi Tianzun did too much today. This annoyed him, right?

But I believe that Tongtian must still be the Tongtian who values ​​love and righteousness in essence and has an honest duty.

“The third brother… Yuanshi Tianzun is also your second brother after all. Isn’t that a bit… bad? Or you should apologize to your second brother…”

Now, Dage still has little meaning to protect his own!

Or, as always, favor Yuanshi Tianzun? !

Tongtian was completely chilled and spoke coldly.

“Acknowledge your mistake? Apologize? This is not my fault, why should I apologize?!”

“Obviously it is Yuanshi Tianzun. He must first kill my love, and then everything will happen afterwards! To blame is also Yuanshi Tianzun!”

“It is Yuanshi Tianzun who wants to admit mistakes and apologize. Why am I here? I have not been wronged enough over the years?”

Yuanshi Tianzun exploded instantly.

What? !

This Tongtian actually wants to admit his mistake and apologize to him? !

Haven’t you woken up yet?

“The deity is Sage! How dare you let the deity admit your mistakes and apologize?!”

Seeing Yuanshi Tianzun was about to rush up to get through the sky again, Daddy quickly stopped.

“The third brother, let’s have something to say…”

“Nothing to say! This family has me without him, and he without me, Dage, you choose!”

“You actually want to drive me away? Tongtian!!! Who gave you the courage!?”

“You’re going to leave, why should I leave?!”

Daddy was embarrassed and didn’t know what to do.

Seeing this, Tongtian couldn’t help smiling.

“It seems that Dage has made a choice…Every time Dage is standing next to your second brother, what else can you say?”

“I am leaving!”

“But Yuanshi Tianzun, remember, you owe me the confession and apology I will ask for back one by one in the future!”

Speaking of Tongtian holding the Qingping sword, holding the spirit snake, he wanted to seize the door and leave.

“My third brother, we are all in the same family. It’s better to make the decision to split the family wisely.”

“Or don’t leave first, wait until the anger is gone, sober up and then make this decision…”

Seeing that Tong Tian really raised his foot to leave, Daddy rushed to him and tried to stop him.

After all, it’s not a glorious thing to separate the family from three cleansers!

This incident will surely shock the prehistoric world, where will their sacred faces go?

Moreover, Sanqing is the number one existence in the prehistoric world. Once the family is separated and the power is dispersed, in the future, there will be one more enemy and one less friend.

No matter how you think it is not worth it…

“My third brother, impulse is the devil! You must make a clear and careful decision…”

“Once the family is separated, you will no longer have Sanqing asylum, and you will not be able to intervene if you are bullied as a brother…”



Staying here in Kunlun Mountain will be bullied!

Still shelter?

Don’t let Yuanshi Tianzun beat me, it’s not bad. Where can I expect his protection?

It’s ridiculous!

“No, Dage! I’m sober and not impulsive!”

“I just want to separate, I just want to leave!”

Tongtian pushed away Taiqing Daddy’s hand in front of him, and left with anger!

Yuan Shi Tianzun was also shocked and angry about this.

He never thought that Tongtian would really want to separate from them? !

“This is sky-high!!!”

“So disregarding Sanqing’s face and insisting on separating families?”

“Damn it!”

“Dage, look, this Tongtian has been completely demonized!”

Seeing the figure of Tongtian leaving angrily, Daddy felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

Tongtian is also right. Although he has acted as a peacemaker over the years, he has always favored Yuanshi Tianzun intentionally or unintentionally.

Because he thinks he and Yuanshi Tianzun are in the same camp.

Before, Master always preferred Tongtian and ignored both of them.

This made them hate Tongtian a little bit.

Different from Yuanshi Tianzun’s Minghate, he showed his disgust towards Tongtian on his face; Taiqing daddy always secretly admires and hates Tongtian, but on the surface he still has a kind expression.

After Yuanshi Tianzun bullied Tongtian, he would let Tongtian retreat first to admit his mistakes and favor Yuanshi Tianzun.

Nothing else, because he hates the sky.

Now that Tongtian is gone, he is afraid that he will have another enemy in the future…

Think about it carefully, all of today really has something to do with him…

Daddy had mixed feelings. Seeing Yuanshi Tianzun was still talking, he sighed helplessly, and said to Yuanshi Tianzun earnestly.

“Second brother, sometimes you have to reduce your arrogance in a timely manner, otherwise you will suffer.”

“Hey… I made a big mistake for making you look like you are now…”

Yuanshi Tianzun was a bit stunned.

Why did Dage suddenly say this to him?

Why does he have an ominous premonition?

“You are good to take care of yourself, I am leaving.”

After that, Daddy also left Kunlun, and Sanqing was completely separated.

Yuanshi Tianzun didn’t slow down the whole person.

Why is Dage gone too?

Sanqing… Is this completely separated?

How could this be?

Just because he had a fight with Tongtian, Dage was pissed off?

Blame the sky…

The news of the separation of the three cleansing families exploded in Honghuang.

Why didn’t everyone expect that the brotherly Sanqing would separate their families?

Still split up so vigorously? !

“Did you know that there is another explosion in Hong Huang!”

“What what? Let me listen?”

“Three clears are separated!!”

“What?! You mean Sanqing Daoist? Split up?!”

“Yes, yes.”

“How is this possible?! Could it be a rumor?”

“Oh, how can’t it be! I saw it with my own eyes, it was in the direction of Kunlun Mountain! The three clears quarreled, and then it was divided in one shot!”

“Oh my God! This is too hot, right?”

“Yeah! I didn’t expect that Sanqing, who was deeply brotherly and more affectionate than Jin Jian in the past, would actually break up the family?”

“Hey, this world… has really changed… I don’t believe in true love in this wild world…”

“Yeah, so am I…”

The information in the Great Majesty spread quickly, and soon the entire Majesty’s people knew it.

The great powers were also very shocked by this, and they felt incredible!

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