Chapter 174 It was born from the same root, why is it too anxious?

The fierce Sword Qi attacked Yuanshi Tianzun like a giant dragon. Yuanshi Tianzun was obviously shocked and turned around to avoid the terrifying Sword Qi.

At the same time, Yuanshi Tianzun threw out the three gems Ruyi Scepter in his hand to resist the horrible Sword Qi.


Another loud noise exploded in the air.

But unlike the last time, this time even Xiantian’s most treasured Sambo Jade Ruyi Scepter could not completely withstand Sword Qi’s attack.

I saw the sky-reaching Qingping Sword Qi, some of them actually passed through the Sambo Jade Ruyi Scepter, scorching the ground, and even cut a hole.

And the Samboyu Ruyi Scepter also appeared cracks because of carrying too much Sword Qi damage!

I distressedly retracted the Samboyu Ruyi Scepter, trying to heal the cracks that were injured by Sword Qi on it. Yuan Shi Tianzun was a pain!

This is his companion Magical Item!

After following him for so many years, he was actually injured by Sword Qi, who had been through the sky! ?

In this regard, Yuanshi Tianzun was frightened.

This…what a terrible Sword Qi!

Had it not been for him to hide fast, he was the one who was cut into a big hole now, right?

And also split his three gems Ruyi Scepter! ?

This damn sky!

Actually dare to cruel him against him? !

What’s even more annoying is that he can’t suppress Tongtian strongly with Sage’s strength?

It’s shameful that it can’t be suppressed! And the dignified Sage in front of him was almost beaten by the quasi-sage Tongtian?

Is this reasonable?

When did Tongtian become so strong?

Swordsmanship actually cultivated to such a terrifying Realm? !

If this and this product continue to be consumed, he may really be unable to beat this product!

At this time, Tongtian was looking at Yuanshi Tianzun coldly, his eyes full of disappointment and resentment.

The whole body exudes the cold Sword Qi and the profound energy representing the pinnacle of the quasi-sage, and the whole person exudes a strong aura, which crushes Yuanshi Tianzun and Daddy to death!

Taiqing daddy was obviously surprised by this.

This Tongtian… is his kendo law even stronger than before? !

You can actually fight against Yuanshi Tianzun who is Sage!

And there is actually a trend to overwhelm Sage?

How terrifying is this law of kendo? !

And how terrifying is Tongtian’s ability to comprehend the laws of kendo?

What shocked him even more was that-Tongtian’s Cultivation Base didn’t know when it also broke through to the pinnacle of Quasi-Sage!

You must know that the last time I saw Tongtian was only a few years ago, when Tongtian’s Cultivation Base was not the quasi-sage middle stage.

In just a few years, there was such a big breakthrough, directly from the middle stage of the quasi-sage to the pinnacle of the quasi-sage! ?

This cultivation breakthrough speed is simply dozens of times that of ordinary people!

too frightening!

If Tongtian becomes a saint, it will definitely be the most potential and talented of the three of them!

Thinking about this, Daddy couldn’t help but fall into deep thought.

That’s not right… The cultivation speed before Tongtian was obviously about the same as theirs. Where could there be such a horror? !

Then why…

and many more!

Daddy suddenly thought of something, but was not sure.

Is it because Tongtian uses force to prove Dao Fa, not because of merits?

If you think about it, Tongtian was the same as them before proving the Dao with strength, using merit to prove Dao, obeying Heavenly Dao, at that time his strength was far inferior to him and Yuanshi Tianzun.

However, since Tongtian slayed the holy throne and began to prove the Dao with strength, his strength has not been controlled by Heavenly Dao, and has begun to grow rapidly.

But he and Yuanshi Tianzun have not changed much!

In the same way, the strength of Nuwa who used the world to prove the way has also increased significantly, and there is a faint trend above his Taiqing daddy, and even Hongjun…

Are they really wrong to prove their merits?

Is it true that what Nuwa and Tongtian said are true?

The meritorious testimony is simply Heavenly Dao’s control over Sage. It constrains the space of Sage ascending. Is Heavenly Dao the conspiracy of the Dao ancestor?

Only the sermons freed from the shackles of Heavenly Dao are correct?

At this moment, Daddy’s heart inevitably began to shake…

However, Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian were still at war, and the atmosphere was extremely tense.

“Bold to reach the sky! You dare! You dare to do so!”

“You dare to cruel against the deity-Heavenly Dao Sage next time! You are presumptuous!”

Facing Yuanshi Tianzun’s barking, Tongtian also relentlessly slammed back.

“You are not benevolent and I am not righteous! You will be cruel to me first, then don’t think I will be merciless!”

Yuanshi Tianzun’s anger was once again aroused!

He is dignified Sage, how can he allow this quasi-sage to provoke him and insult him again and again?

“you wanna die!”

“Bong to the end!”

So the two fought together again.

Daddy is tired!

Why did the fight start after a while?

How are these two like children?

Seeing that the war became more and more intense, Daddy knew that they were also really moving, and immediately stopped the two Yuanshis.

“Stop! Second brother, third brother, you all stop me!”

“Originally born from the same root, why are you too anxious? What do you look like now when you kill each other?!”

In the face of these two naive Little Brothers, as the older brother Taiqing Daddy also hates iron but not steel.

The two who were forcibly separated both looked at each other angrily, wishing to cramp each other.

Seeing this, Taiqing daddy kindly persuades each other.

“There is no overnight hatred between the brothers. Let’s forget about it. Our three brothers still have to live in harmony as before.”

Listening to this, Yuanshi Tianzun snorted coldly.

“Huh, brother? In my opinion, Tongtian doesn’t treat us as brothers at all!”

“Every time I sing against us, and fight against us!”

“Dage, Tongtian has been completely brainwashed by the devil! He even tried to kill me with a ruthless hand earlier!”

Hearing Tongtian is also extremely angry.

This Yuanshi Tianzun can’t do anything else, but splashing dirty water is very good!

After these words, it was his Tongtian who was wrong, and Yuanshi Tianzun himself seemed to be the victim, and there was nothing wrong with it!

“That said, as if you were kind to me! Who on earth didn’t the two of us consider whom to be brothers?”

“You Yuanshi Tianzun also really said it!”

“Why don’t you say that you are trying to kill me?”

Being so shocked by Tongtian, Yuan Shi Tianzun flushed with anger and pointed at Tongtian.

“you you!”

Seeing this, daddy quickly stopped Yuanshi Tianzun who was about to rush up to beat the sky.

“How about both parties taking a step back in this matter?”

“After all, the family still has to be friendly…”

Daddy casts hopeful eyes at Tongtian, hoping that Tongtian can show weakness first and end the battle.

The light in Tongtian’s eyes dimmed completely.

Unexpectedly, Dage would still maintain the second brother in the end…

Dage will always stand beside his second brother, not beside him…

Every time, he was wronged and wanted to make big things small and small things into small things.

It is precisely because of this that has contributed to the arrogant arrogance of Yuanshi Tianzun!

This time I actually want him to be wronged, so I should give in first?

They don’t think about it! Go dreaming!

This time, he will not give in anyway, and will not wrong himself!

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