Chapter 142 Master, go and save the little palace lady!

Although Yuanshi Tianzun and Taiqing daddy felt in their hearts that as long as they could win, it didn’t matter whether he bullied the small by the big or bullied the less by the more.

But both of them are good-faced people. When Nuwa spotted them in person, the old face would inevitably blush and become a little embarrassed.

Everyone can’t help but criticize it.

“At any rate, I was still the same door before, and I didn’t show any mercy to Nuwa’s subordinates at all!”

“That’s it, I didn’t expect Tangtang Yuqing Sage and Taiqing Daddy to be this kind of people! Bullying the small by the big and bullying the less by the more.”

“I really lost Sage’s face!”

Sentences of unbearable comments came to Yuanshi Tianzun and Daddy’s ears, and their faces became more gloomy and embarrassed, and their hatred for Nuwa grew stronger.

Damn Nuwa!

How dare they lose their holy face?

How will they still gain a foothold in this predicament in the future?

They took down this grudge!

“Bold Nuwa! You are cultivating magic and trying to deceive people’s hearts! We didn’t cure your sins. It’s okay for you to ask us instead?”

“Yes! Nuwa, are you convicted?”

Nuwa’s mouth twitched sharply.

Cultivation magic?


Good guy, abruptly convicted her, trying to change the subject?

These two are enough to divert everyone’s attention…

“Why do you want to commit a crime?”

“Nuwa, you are bold!”

“How dare you talk to me like this?”

Yuanshi Tianzun and Taiqing daddy caught Nuwa’s fault and began to “ask”.

“Second brother, come on! We captured her together! We must let this little girl who knows the height of the sky know how good we are!”

“Just thinking about me, brother!”

Yuanshi Tianzun and Daddy looked at each other tacitly, and then the two approached Nuwa from left to right.

Nuwa: Co-authoring so much nonsense in front of you is to find a reasonable excuse to teach me…

Nuwa quickly fought with the two again, but gradually became overwhelmed…

On the other side, Tongtian came to the entrance of Chen Sheng’s Immortal Cave and successfully met Chen Sheng through Luohu.

The master is still the master, and Chen Sheng is also the Chen student.

I saw Chen Sheng sitting leisurely in a wooden rocking chair, enjoying the flowers and sipping tea, and his little days were very chic.

“Master, someone wants to see you.”

Luo Hui respectfully saluted Chen Sheng.


Still drinking tea leisurely, without lifting his head.

Just as Luo Hui was about to answer, he saw Tongtian kneeling directly in front of Chen Sheng, his face full of anxiety.


Oops mom!

Chen Sheng was so frightened by the sudden voice that he almost spilled his tea.

Take a closer look, it turned out to be own silly apprentice!


“Master! Please help Nuwa fellow daoist!”

“Nuwa… fellow daoist?”

What did Nuwa do to him if something happened?

He is just a parallel importer.

Who is Nuwa?

The Mother of Human Race, Sage of Heaven, is much stronger than his parallel importer!

How can he solve something that even Nuwa can’t solve?

“Are you joking?”

“Nuwa is Sage. It’s useless for me to go with a parallel importer if she has an accident. I will only die in vain.”

“Don’t go or go…”


The sky slapped his head.

Look at his head!

How did you forget the special hobby of Master?

The master is very humble. He is obviously a hermit, but he claims to be a parallel importer in front of others.

Even Empress Nuwa was just a little palace girl in his eyes.

“Furthermore, someone will help if something happens to Nuwa, what are you worried about?”

Tongtian hurriedly explained.

“Master, the disciple is wrong…”

“It’s not Nuwa, but the little palace girl beside Nuwa!”

“Yes! Something happened to her!”

“Master, go and save the little palace lady!”

Little palace lady?

The little palace girl beside Nuwa?

When Tongtian said so, Chen Sheng immediately got an impression.

I’m afraid it’s not the girl who often visits her Immortal Cave and likes to bring a bunch of people to her Immortal Cave, a little naive?

After thinking about it, Chen Sheng was sure that she was undoubtedly.

After taking a sip of tea, he asked faintly.

“What’s up with her?”

“Master, you don’t know anything, girl… the little palace lady was beaten by a group of people!”

The sky is full of emotion and tears.

“Master, if you don’t save her, I’m afraid no one can save her!”


I don’t know what the Nuwa fellow daoist is now. Is everything okay?

After all, it is a battle against the two Sages, daddy and Yuanshi Tianzun, so the situation must not be optimistic!

Chen Sheng raised his eyes.


The little palace lady was beaten?

Will you be beaten in the Wa Palace?

She must have offended someone because of her bad words…

In Chen Sheng’s view, this is just a group of children fighting, how can any apprentice say it is so serious?

Still need to save?

“It’s fine to be beaten and beaten back, but it’s just a fight between children…”

I want to cry without tears.


That’s not a fight between children, and it’s not as simple as fighting back. This is a matter of life and death!

If you delay yourself for a second, the situation of Nuwa fellow daoist will be dangerous!

“Master, this is a matter of life and death!”

“Master, the little palace lady is very dangerous now, so go and see with your disciple…”

Seeing that Tongtian said so sincerely and touchingly, Chen Sheng finally relented and decided to go with him.

But when he walked to the entrance of the cave, Chen Sheng was stunned.

“Master, why don’t you leave?”

its not right……

I’m just a parallel importer, so what do you use to fight others?

The current prehistoric world is very dangerous-Sage quasi-saint is like a dog, big Luo Jinxian walks everywhere!

I’m afraid I’ll be beaten to death as soon as I get out of the entrance of Immortal Cave, right?

It is still a question whether we can live to the little palace lady…

No, no, I can’t go by myself, the prehistoric land is too dangerous.

Although he loves the little palace lady very much, he Chen Sheng is even more cherish his life!

After Chen Sheng was overwhelmed, he turned his head abruptly and said to Tongtian.

“I’m not going.”

The sky is stunned.


not going?

What about this f*ck?

The last second was fine, how can I not go?

“Master, why?”

“Now Honghuang is too dangerous, I’m afraid I will die as soon as I go out.”

“It’s better inside—safe.”

Seeing Chen Sheng sitting down again to drink tea, Tong Tian almost cried.

Master, don’t be humble at this time, right?

Life is a matter of life!

Seeing Chen Shenggou in the cave, with no intention of moving at all, Tongtian eventually lost the battle.

Forget it, just rely on yourself…

When he was about to turn around and leave, the broken sword in the corner attracted Tongtian’s attention.


Isn’t there a broken sword senior?

Why did he forget Broken Sword Senior?

Broken Sword Senior’s swordsmanship Dengfeng made extremely, far above him, Broken Sword Senior is sure to save Nuwa’s life!

Tongtian’s eyes gleamed, and he returned to Chen Sheng’s side.

“Master, Master, then would you let senior go with me?”


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