Chapter 141 You Two Clean Up Your Face!

Everyone took a deep breath, and they secretly scolded Yuanshi Tianzun not wanting face. Is a big man embarrassed to bully other girls?

Yuanshi Tianzun didn’t say much nonsense, and suddenly threw the Sambo Jade Ruyi Scepter in his hand.

With the Spirit Power bestowed by Hongjun ancestors, Yuanshi Tianzun felt that his whole body was particularly vigorous.

Especially when he threw the Three Treasure Jade Ruyi Scepter out, it was dozens of times stronger than usual!

With a “shoo”, the Sambo Jade Ruyi Scepter flew straight to Nuwa’s position.

Wherever the Samboyu Ruyi Scepter passed, time and space were torn apart, and even left a terrifying potential that made everyone sigh.

What a terrifying power this is!

A little bit is enough to destroy the world!

And the Sambo Jade Ruyi Scepter is wrapped in this terrifying power, it seems that Nuwa is more fortunate this time…

But Yuanshi Tianzun looked excited.

Worthy of being the Spirit Power of Dao Zu!

A little bit has such a big effect!

Now Nuwa is in bad luck!

How dare you embarrass Dao Zu and try to insult Heavenly Dao?

This is the end!

“Nuwa! Take it!”

When everyone was sweating for Nuwa, Nuwa summoned the Magic Treasures red hydrangea, running the continuous Spirit Power in the body on the red hydrangea.

With one hit, the red hydrangea and the Samboyu Ruyi Scepter collided.

In an instant, the calcium carbide fired up into the sky, and the collision of the red hydrangea and the Sapphire Ruyi Scepter produced huge potential energy.

The terrifying potential energy quickly swept the entire prehistoric land, and the entire space shook suddenly, and the earth cracked.

The sky over Heaven Court was covered with dark clouds, and occasionally thunder and lightning were also accompanied.

The sentient beings can’t help but sigh:

Sage fights, the predecessor suffers!

so horrible!

“Huh! Nuwa! There is the Spirit Power of the master in this, you can’t beat us!”

“If you just confess your mistakes, maybe Master can let you go…”

However, Yuan Shi Tianzun hadn’t finished speaking, and the scene in front of him made him stupid.

I saw Nuwa jade’s hand pushing, and suddenly injected a wave of Spirit Power into the red hydrangea.

Seeing that the red hydrangea spins up quickly, and then actually knocks the Sambo Jade Ruyi Scepter into the air? !

Ah this?

What’s the situation!

Yuanshi Tianzun was stunned.

This is the Sambo Ruyi Scepter with Spirit Power!

Was actually hit by a broken ball from Nuwa? !

What the hell! ?

At this time, everyone who watched the game talked a lot.

Some praised Nuwa, and some mocked Yuanshi Tianzun.

“As expected of Nuwa! She is strong!”

“Yes, since Empress Nuwa has learned the world proof method, she has become stronger!”

“It’s not like someone~ I just yell, I don’t have the slightest strength!”

“Yeah, yeah, I think it’s too powerful to shout so loudly… It seems that Sage, who is destined to be preached by the world, is really incomparable…”

Yuanshi Tianzun’s face flushed, and he was so ashamed that he couldn’t wait to find a place to sew in.

It’s all a good thing Nuwa did!

If it weren’t for her, how could he be laughed at by others?

I must teach her a lesson!

“That’s it?”

Nuwa raised an eyebrow, quite provocative.

“Sage is nothing but that…”

“If you are like you, I will hang out in the morning!”

The corner of Fuxi’s mouth twitched.

Nuwa’s current provocative look is really carved out of someone’s model…

It’s not a dao companion, and it’s not emotional…

Big Brother knows…

Being so provoked by Nuwa, Yuan Shi Tianzun was almost furious!

Just let him lose face, and still say he can’t?

Still talking about other dishes? !

How can this be tolerated?

“The front… the front is warming up, now it’s really moving!”

When Yuanshi Tianzun said this, everyone couldn’t help but contempt.

Do you call that a warm-up?

Warm up a fart!

Who’s warming up is fatal?

Obviously he lost to Nuwa Sage, but he didn’t admit it all the time!

It turns out that Tianding Sage is just so promising!

Feeling the suspicion and disdain of everyone’s eyes, Yuanshi Tianzun’s eyes became cold, and his eyes revealed killing intent.

The power that mobilized the whole body was gathered on the Sambo Jade Ruyi Scepter, and then it was thrown at Nuwa abruptly.

“Take it to death! Nuwa!”

Nuwa: Still coming?


With a wave of his hand, as soon as the red hydrangea came out, it easily took the Samboyu Ruyi Scepter.

Seeing this, everyone was shocked!

Houtu: How easy is Nuwa Empress? It can be seen how strong this world is! It seems that I have to consult with Nuwa Empress in the future!

Kunpeng: Damn it! When did Nuwa become so strong?

Is it really because of the World Evidence Law?

Never imagined that this world’s Dao Fa is so strong?

Yuanshi Tianzun opened his mouth in disbelief.

“Why, how could this be?”

That was a blow he tried his best!

Was it so easily blocked by Nuwa?

Taiqing Daddy also expressed shock.

How easy is it?

This is the Spirit Power of Dao Ancestor!

How strong is this Nuwa…?

No, in other words… how strong is this world’s Dao Fa?

“Then next, it’s time to sit here!”

Nuwa has always been a person who doesn’t like to be contaminated with Karma, so she can avoid fighting as much as possible without fighting.

But this does not mean that she can be bullied wantonly!

This Yuanshi Tianzun pained her assassins many times, how did she swallow this breath?

Beautiful eyes burst out with chills, and the slender jade hands dragged the red hydrangea, standing impressively above Yuanshi Tianzun.

“Take it!”

A red hydrangea was thrown out and headed towards the head of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Seeing Yuanshi Tianzun at a disadvantage, daddy flew up to Yuanshi Tianzun and joined the battle of Sage.

As soon as the Buddha Chen came out, the mighty Spirit Power rushed towards his face, instantly blocking the attack of the red hydrangea, and drew a tie with Nuwa.

“Daddy, are you coming to the war too?”

Nuwa frowned, slightly unhappy.

The battle of Sage has always been one-on-one, frank and frank!

What is daddy’s move now?

Two to one, do you bully less with more?


Taiqing Daddy stroked his beard, lifted up the embarrassed Yuanshi Tianzun, and patted his shoulder.

“Second brother, let’s be together.”

He didn’t believe it. Could it be that their two Sages, plus the two Spirit Powers of the ancestor Hongjun, couldn’t beat Nuwa?

Seeing Taiqing daddy came to support, Yuanshi Tianzun’s morale skyrocketed, and he did it again!

Nodded sharply: “Good! Brother, let’s go!”

The two attacked Nuwa one after another. Nuwa was only Sage after all. Although it was a Sage sanctified by the world’s sermons, it was still difficult to deal with them.

Coupled with the Yuanshi Tianzun and Taiqing daddy, there is also the Spirit Power of the ancestor Hongjun in his body, Nuwa is beginning to be a little overwhelmed…

This is the moment!

Erqing seized the moment when Nuwa was weak, a jade Ruyi Scepter flew out and went straight to Nuwa.

“Nuwa, be careful!”

The ancestral witches couldn’t help but sweat for it, but Emperor Jun was anxious that Nuwa would be smashed to death!

Who told Nuwa to make things difficult for him before?

Still always standing on the side of the Witch Clan to speak for the Witch Clan?

What is even more annoying is that he tried to kill himself!

Kunpeng took this hatred for him!

Nuwa was smashed to death just right!

But Nuwa jumped flexibly and escaped the attack of Ruyi Scepter perfectly.



Nuwa asked Erqingdao angrily.

“To bully the less by the more, bully the minor by the big? Do you two clear points?!”

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