Chapter 128 The Second Sage of the West is Visiting the Purple Heaven Palace?


Kunpeng couldn’t believe his own ears.

Did he hear me right?

Daozu said to protect him as a holy throne and protect him for the whole life? !

Is there such a good thing?

You are a fool if you don’t agree!

Kunpeng responded with joy.

“Thank you Daozu for giving the little one this rare and precious opportunity!”

“Little promises to complete the task!”

The ancestor Hongjun was very satisfied with Kunpeng’s response and waved his hand to make him retreat.

“Good. I look forward to your good news.”

Seeing Kunpeng’s departure, the corner of Hongjun’s mouth raised a smile.

Nuwa, do you think you can use your own power to make the Lich race avoid the war to avoid the calamity?

Lich’s calamity is determined by heaven!

Can’t hide it!

Since you are hiding and refusing to go to war, let the deity help you…

On the other side, there were two sneaky bald heads faintly flashing outside the Zixiao Hall.

“Brother, is it really okay for us to enter so hastily?”

One of the bald heads was a little guilty and frightened, and asked tremblingly.

“Why not? Brother, don’t forget, this ancestor Hongjun owes Karma from the West, and he should pay them back!”

It turned out that it was the two western sages who were talking about mentioning and receiving.

“But this time we… come to him and ask for Spiritual Roots. Will he give it?”

“Can he not give it? He owes a lot of Karma to the West!”

The lead comforted Zhun to mention a bit, and then his expression was firm.

“Don’t be afraid, we are reasonable in the West, and his ancestor Hongjun didn’t dare to do anything to us!”

“Then… Try it?”

Try it if you say it!

Zhunti led the two to open the door of the hall and walked in slowly.

“Disciple Zhunti pays respect to Master!”

“The disciple takes in and pays respects to Master!”

When the ancestor Hongjun saw that the person was the second sage of the West, he had an unknown premonition.

In the final analysis, these two people are just the two registered disciples he Hongjun gave to repay Western Karma. If you talk about teaching, it really doesn’t teach anything, if you talk about Lingbao, it really doesn’t give Lingbao.

After all, these two people must have no strength, talent and no talent, and they will not be able to achieve any major events in the future. For Heavenly Dao and Hongjun, there is really no much use value.

Therefore, Hongjun didn’t waste too much time on these two people.

But now these two people have come to the door, that’s not a good thing…

“Ahem, why did you two come to the original Zixiao Palace?”

Although I don’t want to see these two people in my heart, as the ancestor of the prehistoric world, I can’t lose my courtesy.

“Master, the two of me are here to ask Master for some Spiritual Roots…”

Jiying took the lead in speaking.

“Spiritual Roots?”

I knew that these two people came to nothing good!

Dare to love is to collect debts…

“Yeah, Master, don’t you know, the barren land in the West naturally can’t give birth to any Spiritual Roots… I and Zhunti have just been sanctified, so I thought about Ascension Cultivation Base and strengthened our heels. …”

“Yes, yes, Master! The West is poor, I don’t want the East to have many Spiritual Roots!”

Zhunti followed along with the lead.

When the two sang and got together, Hong Jun understood.

The two of them were saying that they owed them the West, which caused them to be unable to produce Spiritual Roots in the West.

Therefore, it is reasonable for them to come to ask for Spiritual Roots.

It’s so insidious!

He gives it, can’t he give it?

With a wave of Hongjun’s ancestor, hundreds of Spiritual Roots fell into the arms of Zhunti and Liying.

The two were overjoyed, holding Spiritual Roots and couldn’t put it down.

“Brother, look! It’s Spiritual Roots and Lingguo! I already feel the strong Spirit Power!”

“Me too, brother! With such treasures, our Cultivation Base will definitely be able to ascension breakthrough again!”

The ancestor Hongjun frowned slightly. Although the Spiritual Roots spirit fruit was not comparable to the Xiantian spirit treasure, it was not scratched out of thin air.

They are all collected over hundreds of millions of years, and each one is extremely precious.

Besides, there are hundreds more here? !

His flesh hurts, and his heart hurts…

Seeing the excitement of the second sage in the west, ancestor Hongjun rolled his eyes.

The Western Two Saints are so eager for quick success and quick gains, they care about these petty gains, but they can take advantage of them.

“Spiritual Roots is also given to you, the deity would like to ask you something.”

With the purchase of Spiritual Roots, the Western Two Sages are naturally willing to answer Hongjun’s ancestors’ questions.

“Master, just ask!”

“We know everything to answer!”

“Luo Hui was born and sanctified, do you know?”

The two nodded.

This is naturally known.

At that time, when Luo Hu became a holy, the scene was huge, and they naturally felt the monstrous devilish energy!

“Now the deity already knows that Luo Hu is in the cave under the Yangshan Mountain.”

The last time he used a technique to find Luo Hu’s location, he was seriously injured by the backlash instead!

Of course, it is impossible for him to talk to these two people about such a loss of Face!

This Luohu…

Shouldn’t stay in this prehistoric!

He stayed for one more day, and he would be more worried and fearful and fearful for a day!

“Have you seen the people in Yangshan?”

Both the quasi mention and the introduction are panic.

I thought of the man who tore off their lotus flower petals and drank water, causing them to lose their hair and become bald.

Damn it!

If it weren’t for him, would the Xiantian Lotus flower of Xiantian be broken?

How could they have no hair and change to look like they are now?

The two nodded angrily.

Of course they have seen that damn man!

I can’t forget it!

“That person is Demon Zu Luohu.”

The quasi mentions were all surprised.


That man is actually the devil ancestor Luo Huo?

But it doesn’t look like it!

No matter how you look at it, it is an ordinary human race!

From him, I didn’t feel the magical power as monstrous as the devil ancestor!

Could it be that the devil ancestor Luo Hu took the house?

There should be devilish energy, right?

Although the two had some doubts, in the end they were denied, and they didn’t say anything in front of Hongjun.

After all, misfortune comes out of the mouth, and if you speak too much, you will lose. They still understand this truth.

The ancestor Hongjun saw that the two did not speak, thinking that they were also bewitched by the demon ancestor Luo Hui like Tongtian and Nuwa.

Hurriedly said.

“Er Dengmo will be deceived by Demon Ancestor Luo Hu! This Luo Hu is sinister, cunning, scheming, and best at deceiving people’s hearts!”

“Nuwa and Tongtian were bewitched to do such a foolish thing!”

Isn’t that?

One of his brains was convulsed and he killed himself; the other was seriously ill, refused to be sanctified and rebelled against Xuan Sect!

Although the two sages of the West were skeptical about this, they did not immediately express their stance.

The principle of their Western teachings is to watch the changes and remain neutral.

But at the sharp eyes of the ancestor Shang Hongjun, the two were still a little confused, and immediately responded.

“Don’t worry, Daozu, we must listen to you!”

“Yes, the disciple must listen to Daozu.”

In their hearts, the two were murmuring.

Zhun mention: It is our business if you do not listen to you. You old yin is more yin than yin. If you don’t be careful and cautious, wouldn’t you be pitted by you?

Lead: Just watch the changes…

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