Chapter 127 Kunpeng: Dao Ancestor is looking for me? I’m terrified!

Zixiao Palace.

The ancestor Hongjun felt more and more disturbed.

How can you say it after so long?

Besides, the Lich races have always been enemies, and I really don’t understand what they have to say!

Couldn’t it be Nuwa who revealed the wind, and what did the Lich family know?

This can’t work!

This is really bad for me!

It seems that the deity can’t just sit back and wait. You have to find someone you can trust to disturb the two groups of Lich, stimulate their conflicts, and promote the Lich War!


The witches are all elm-wood heads.

When things are not done and you take yourself in, then you will lose out!

After thinking about it, the ancestor Hongjun raised his mouth on the evil ground.

The Yaozu seems to have a chess piece that can be used…


The ancestor Hongjun called Haotian.

“Yes! I don’t know what the ancestor has ordered?”

Haotian bowed respectfully, but his heart collapsed.

I don’t know what kind of wonderful mission Dao Zu will send him this time?

Last time I went to listen to Nuwa’s sermon, and inquired about the news by the way. After I returned to report truthfully, I was scolded by Hongjun ancestor with a disheveled face.

Last time, I went to investigate the news of Demon Zu Luohu, and almost even got in with his own life.

This time…what kind of crazy mission?

“Go and summon Kunpeng, the demon master, to the Purple Heaven Hall, and say that the deity has something to discuss.”

As soon as he said this, Haotian’s hanging heart finally let go.

Fortunately, this time it was just an errand task, which was much more normal than the previous tasks.


Haotian responded happily, and soon led the demon master Kunpeng in.

Kunpeng took Haotian to the Purple Heaven Hall with a look of trepidation.

He really couldn’t understand why Dao Ancestor would suddenly call him to the Purple Heaven Hall. Could it be because of what he committed?

So Dao Zu specially called him to punish him?

Although Kunpeng repeatedly asked Haotian why Dao Ancestor would send him to the Purple Heaven Hall along the way, Haotian only smiled and replied: “You will know when the demon master arrives.”

This kind of clueless and uneasy feeling is too bad…

That’s Dao Zu!

Kunpeng: Dao ancestors are looking for me, I am terrified!

“Taozu, the demon master Kunpeng has brought it here.”

“Then go down, Haotian.”

At the order of Dao Zu, Haotian retreated silently, leaving only Kunpeng and Hongjun ancestors looking at each other in embarrassment.

Kunpeng trembled and asked with a feeling of anxiety and confusion.

“Dare to ask Dao Ancestor why he suddenly called the young man into the hall? But the young man…what did the young man do wrong?”

Old Ancestor Hongjun squinted his eyes, and his majestic and solemn voice resounded through the Zixiao Hall.

“Demon Master Kunpeng, why did the deity call you today, don’t you know?”

The sharp eyes of the ancestor Hongjun made Kunpeng tremble.

“Forgive the little one for incompetence, the little one really doesn’t know…”

“That deity will know it for you.”

After a pause, the ancestor Hongjun spoke.

“You secretly let go of the ten Golden Crows, right?”

Kunpeng only felt a chill on his back, and his hairs were erect.

How did Daozu know?

Although the little Golden Crow ran out by himself, the little Golden Crow would not be able to go out without being stunned by the guard.

So in a sense, the little Golden Crow really let go…

But this matter obviously didn’t leak, how did the Daozu know?

“Taozu can really laugh, and the top ten Golden Crow obviously ran away naughty…what’s the matter with Kunpeng?”

Old Ancestor Hongjun: Humph! The dead duck has a hard mouth!

Don’t you really know the deity?

All these are the calculations of the deity…

“If you have anything to do with you, you must be very clear in your heart.”

Kunpeng was a little panicked when said by Hongjun’s ancestor, but he remained calm on the face.

“Taozu, letting go of the top ten Golden Crows is not a benefit except for being punished and scolded.”

“Why do the little ones do such thankless things?”

“It’s for sanctification.”

The ancestor Hongjun smiled slightly, his sharp eyes seemed to see through Kunpeng.

“The inner core of the top ten Golden Crow is conducive to sanctification. If you can’t get the sun crystal, you will naturally put your thoughts on the inner core of the Golden Crow.”

“What the deity said… is it right?”

Suddenly, the ancestor Hongjun shook out all the good things Kunpeng had done.

Every sentence came to the point, and every word was utterly condemned.

Kunpeng was speechless in shock, with a look of panic on his face.

It’s over! Daozu discovered everything he did!

No wonder Dao Zu suddenly called me into the temple, it turned out to be for this matter!

Then will he talk to Demon Emperor Jun?

If Di Jun knew about this, he would have to lose his skin if he didn’t die!

After all, the little Golden Crows are Dijun’s most precious children!

Then there will be no chance of sanctification!

Co-authoring myself is dead today…

Seeing the panic and panic on Kunpeng’s face, Old Ancestor Hongjun spoke lightly.

“I didn’t come here today for this. You can rest assured.”

Kunpeng’s eyes lit up, and the whole person seemed to be doing a roller coaster, and he was overjoyed.


“The deity speaks for words.”

Kunpeng was about to cry with joy.

Is this the so-called rebirth?

Thank you Daozu for not killing! !

The rock in my heart finally fell to the ground.

Kunpeng breathed a sigh of relief and asked.

“Then Dao Ancestor is looking for a little one to come, what’s the so-called?”

The ancestor Hongjun smiled meaningfully.

“This will answer you later.”

“Now what the deity wants to tell you is the Lich War, which is a certain calamity determined by the heavens. Moreover, the outcome of the Lich War and the defeat of the Liches is also fixed by the heavens and cannot be changed.”

What, what?

Kunpeng was shocked again and froze in place.

Nuwa said this too!

In the Lich War, the Lich is defeated. This is the destined ending, and it is bound to be unchangeable!

Now the ancestor of Hongjun actually admitted it himself!

That said…

Liches are all defeated, it turns out to be true! !

Isn’t it true that Heavenly Dao and Daozu kept animals… also?

Sage uses all things as a dog, Heavenly Dao uses Sage as a dog…

Capturing the panic and shaking of Kunpeng’s look, the ancestor Hongjun threw out an olive branch in a timely manner.

“Do you want to save yourself from the Lich Catastrophe?”

Kunpeng nodded like garlic, and responded without hesitation.

“Yes! Of course I do!”

That’s a great catastrophe for the Lich!

The death and injury were heavy, and the Lich Clan was defeated!

Naturally, I can try not to wade in the muddy water as much as possible!

Since Dao Ancestor had opened his mouth to protect himself from the catastrophe, he must seize the opportunity.

Putting on the thigh of the ancestor Hongjun, you will be completely Wu You!

“The deity can let you survive the catastrophe safely…”

“However, you need to do one thing for this seat.”

Kunpeng nodded frantically, he could save himself, let alone one, he would like to take ten!

Seeing this, the ancestor Hongjun nodded in satisfaction and spoke slowly.

“The deity wants a battle between the two clans of the Lich, to facilitate the smooth progress of the Lich’s calamity.”

“It shouldn’t be difficult for you Kunpeng, right?”

Kunpeng shook his head.

“It’s not difficult, it’s not difficult, Dao Ancestor’s orders must be done as hard as possible!”

Kunpeng patted his chest and responded.

Isn’t it just to provoke the contradiction between the two clans of the Lich?

He is the best at fanning the flames!


Old Ancestor Hongjun nodded.

“It’s done, the deity protects you a holy place, and protects you for the whole life.”

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