
The moment time and space were broken by Tenseigan, the magic of hiding Hanabi chakra was also invalidated. Yamayuki, who possessed the power of Senjutsu, immediately noticed the existence of Hanabi!


Fortunately, the mountain can't take care of Tobirama, both eyes Rinnegan opens up.

Yellow Springs Hirasaka, hit open at the top!

——Flying Thunder God Jutsu!

Tobirama flashed out in front of Yamayuki and hugged him tightly!

Sakiyama Shouted: "Haisaki, go, the fruit is right there!!!"

"!!!" Haixing was shocked and flew towards Yellow Springs Hirasaka!

"Don't think about it!" Tobirama stretched out his hand.

——The lock of the outside world!

Hah la la...The chain condensed by the power of the outside world shot from Tobirama's palm, pulling Hai Xing's body!


Although Shanhai Two-Man Team has an overwhelming strength, but in a flash, there is no effective response, so Hanabi With the fruit, slip away in front of one's eyes!

The ability of Shanyuki is activated at this moment.

Ha! Huh! Tobirama's body quickly walked towards petrify and turned into a piece of debris...

Yan Xing and Hai Xing, their complexions were extremely blue !

Hai Xing was extremely jealous: "big brother, I let you listen to me, kill him...!"

Yan Xing forced to calm down: "Don't worry, not yet In the evening, the woman's front foot had just left, we chased it out immediately, and we could still get the fruit back!"


At this moment, the black turbine was spinning, and Tobirama's true body, hidden in nothingness, appeared!

He said loudly: "Didn’t I already tell the two that the one just now is still not my real body?"

Shan Xing coldly raised his eyes: "So, finally round Come to your real body, have you come out to die? If you hide obediently and honestly, you might be able to escape!"

Haisaki shouted : "Kill you, it only takes a few seconds!"

Tobirama said: "Perhaps, but I don't want to die in vain, I will take the two to bury them together!"

——Sage Art? Light Moon Art !

The moon’s brilliance, after being enhanced tens of thousands of times, turned into a bright light that illuminates everything and obscures the field of view!

Hai Xing scolded: "It's the damned white moonlight again!!!"

Yan Xing coldly said: "I won't let you do whatever you want this time!"

He follows the sense of Sage Mode and kills Tobirama!

pa! Tobirama puts both hands together.

ka-cha...! ka-cha...!

Located in the sky just above the Divine Tree, that huge'Chibaku Tensei', there is an abnormal movement!

This Chibaku Tensei also has a great background.

A hundred years ago, it was also in this place, the end of the ten-square suction array arrangement.

"Next, is the final'Celestial', Ayu, no one can do this except you. First of all, you have to create a Sage that is independent of the main body and will not disappear. Art clone, this clone does not need to have any consciousness, only injects a kind of instinct- 'absorb Natural Energy infinitely'!"

Yu sighed at the time: "You're quite something, Uncle Tobirama... "


After speaking, a Truth-Seeking Ball floated in front of him.

Yu both eyes are wide open.

——Izanagi! !

Izanagi is not only the Dojutsu that avoids death, but also the technique used by Sage of Six-Paths to create Tailed Beast back then. Before the end of life, Sage of Six-Paths uses Izanagi and Ten-Tails chakra As the source, I created Nine Great Tailed Beast, then went blind, and died in bed at High Level!

But Yu's extinction can even eliminate the risk of Izanagi's blindness. This is the iron proof that Yu's eyes-power is better than Sage of Six-Paths!

Using Truth-Seeking Ball as a guide, Yu uses Izanagi, Yin Yi builds the shape from the invisible, and Yang-Style gives life to the shape!

Shoo! call out!

A clone that is exactly the same as Yu was created... but the clone has empty eyes and no consciousness.


Yu left his eyes flashed.


Kotoamatsukami, gave this clone the idea of ​​unlimited absorption of Natural Energy!

Yu looked towards Tobirama: "Then...what do you do?"

Tobirama said: "Use Chibaku Tensei...throw this clone into the sky, the larger Chibaku is Tensei is better, has nothing to do with your own will, even if you leave this place, Chibaku Tensei will not disappear."

"Then...there is only one kind!"



Feather palms together, the imprint of Yin-Yang's power coincides, and Rinnegan once again releases a bright light.

——Six Paths · Chibaku Tensei!

rumble long long long!

With Sage Art clone as the core, from the outer, inner, and interior of this bi-monthly space, countless boulders rise into the sky and gather over the bi-monthly forbidden land......

Dust After it settled, everyone looked up and gazed the natural phenomenon of the top of the head in awe, sighing: "This is the third Moon!"

Tobirama said: "Sage Art clone, It continuously absorbs the natural ability and stores it in the Chibaku Tensei. When the storage is will lower the chakra tide and promote the growth of the Divine Tree. After the tide is over, the next cycle of Power of Nature will be absorbed. The cycle comes back to the start Until the Divine Tree results!"


The Divine Tree has ended, and the Sage Art clone left by Yu is completely meaningless!


Chibaku Tensei broke, the Sage Art clone appeared, the eyes were still empty, and there was no consciousness!

Until, Tobirama put a kunai with a spell into its head!

"His strength's Sage Art clone should not last long..."

Tobirama's eyes were calm and determined: "Go, fight for me the opportunity to perform surgery , This is your final mission!"


Yu's Sage Art clone a hundred years ago, was given a new mission and stood in front of Shanyuki!

Shan Fortunately angrily said: "Asshole, what kind of moth is this!"

bang! bang! bang!

Ignore the roar of fighting, Tobirama Ascend 10,000 meters in the sky, untie the huge scroll behind you, and spread it out in the sky!

"Next, this Jutsu is my only SSR+ final Secret Art!"

Only one minute, as the white moonlight dissipates, it shows the sight of the earth.

The Sage Art clone that Yu has just liberated has been killed by Shanyuki, turned into slag, and completed the final mission...

Sage Art clone, which has just been liberated, has been gazed into the sky.

The scroll with golden light has spread around Tobirama, almost covering the entire sky!

"What is that...!?"

They have a very bad premonition!

"This is my invention of the "sea-sealing scroll". It is easy to understand. In each scroll, there is a sea sealed with a total of 36,500 pictures!"

Tobirama universally shocking's voice Falling down, both hands suddenly hand seal!

crash-bang, la la la! ! ! !

The immeasurable sea water, under the jaw-dropping gaze of Yamayuki and Umiyuki, gushes out of each scroll...just the split second, the entire bi-monthly space is filled with sea water!

Yes, it’s the entire space, not just limited to the earth, even the two rounds of Moon outside the sky, and the starry sky behind the Moon...

Tobirama whispered: "Have you touched the boundary? This bi-monthly space is really spherical..."

gu gu gu!

In the sea, Yamayuki and Umiyuki each try to escape...

Yanyuki: "The water pressure is too high, Yellow Springs Hirasaka... can't open it!?"


Hai Xing: "My'Aju Numa Life' can't control this sea. How much is this!?"

At the same time, both of them have a common doubt in their hearts. "What does the human named Madara want to do!!!"

Tobirama’s voice came from the deep sea: "Shan Xing, Hai Xing, your chakra is too big, rely on me The body simply cannot be sealed. Therefore, I will melt my soul into this sea, referring to the "Four-Tetragram Seal" technique, and seal you with this "Body of the Sea". After using this Jutsu, I will also I will die thoroughly and truly......!"

gu gu gu......! ! !

Shan Xing and Hai Xing, face frightened, struggling violently.

"By the way, I have to tell the two... Uchiha Madara, not my name, my real name, called-'Senju Tobirama'!"

The last one The words fall, the final Secret Art, launch...!

——God? Hai Dun Secret Art? Ba Hai seal!

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