Tobirama led Shan Xing and Hai Xing to the outskirts of the bi-monthly great valley.

From the outside to the inside of the canyon, it is a silt swamp, without half the shadow of the Divine Tree.

Tobirama hand seals both hands.

Shua! The hidden barrier appeared and opened a hole...

Shan Xing thought to himself: Almost completely hides the Divine Tree's induction. This kind of technique is quite good...

Tobirama said: "Come with me, two samas, but remember, must follow me five steps closely, because if you don’t follow a specific path and step forward, it will trigger the trap here..."

Hai Xing coldly said: "You don't dare to do any tricks!"

After entering the barrier, Tobirama did not walk in a straight line, but circled from the outside, just like a mosquito coil.

Following behind Tobirama, Yamayuki watched all around while thinking about one thing.

Speaking of which, we have always overlooked one thing. From this seedbed was taken away by the humans of the Moon Kingdom. In the past ten years, even if this piece of Time and Space Flow Speed ​​is ten times that of the outside world, It's only a hundred years inside...How did they do it, using trifling for a hundred years, let the Divine Tree bear fruit?

Could it be said that the Divine Tree that fell into their hands happened to be nine hundred years old? No, there is no rumors, my clan has a Divine Tree of a similar year that was stolen by them.

Behind Tobirama Yu Guang looked at, staying calm and collected and asked: "Sama, do you know those torii gates ?"

The torii in Tobirama's mouth is the branch All around, row upon row's'Mingshen Gate', Shan Xing had already paid attention to it.

He said indifferently: "Isn't it Wood-Style, a little higher-level redwood, there are not a few that can be used in clan, it's nothing remarkable."


Tobirama stopped: "This statement is wrong."

Hai Xing's browse frowned, was about to attack, but was stopped by Shan Xing.

"Why, what doorway do you think these woods hide?"

"The doorway is too big." Tobirama opened the chatterbox: "It is composed around the Divine Tree, It’s the ten squares, created by an amazing man in the country of our sight!"

Shan Xing lightly said with a smile: "Heh, what a great way?"

Tobirama said: "It can make the growth of Divine Tree ten times faster!"

"En?" Faced with the doubt in his heart, Yamayuki's eyes narrowed .

Tobirama is eloquent: "From the Divine Tree to the east, south, west, north, northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest, eight directions, every ten meters, there is a large Myojin gate. It stretches for 36 kilometers, a total of 7,200 seats, eight directions, a total of 57,600 seats!"

"Myojinmon, oh~, which is the redwood that Yamasaki sama said, can suppress and absorb chakra, ten directions Suction array mainly uses the'absorption' function. The absorption efficiency of a single Myojin gate may not be worth mentioning, but quantitative changes can cause qualitative changes. With such a number of Myojin gates, the chakra throughput is huge!"

Yamayuki nodded : "Oh, so that's how it is, keep on rushing..."

"Also!" Tobirama interrupted without a trace, pointing to the bottom of the Myojin Gate: "Sama, look at it, under the Myojin Gate. , What mystery is still hidden!"

Following Tobirama's point, Shan Xing looked towards, indeed, one after another strange black curse-seal, flickering indefinitely.

Not waiting for Shan Xing to react, Tobirama each minding their own business introduced: "That is Dark-Style, which originated from Land-of-Demons under the land of Jianyue, Land-of-Demons under the ghosts Kekkei Genkai of Hidden Villages...Oh, sorry, I mentioned the terminology of our country. The so-called Kekkei Genkai is a technique that can only be inherited by blood relationship and through genes. Usually, it can be inherited by people with bloodline. , Other people can’t learn [1000 words omitted here]..."

Tobirama said happily, Hai Xing’s face was getting ugly. Tobirama is torn apart!

"This is Kekkei Genkai...... Well, Dark-Style is a kind of Kekkei Genkai, which is used to absorb chakra. Although the absorption efficiency can't compare with Rinnegan's Gakido, it is Dark-Style. It's easy to get, Rinnegan is hard to find, I... We saw the great man from Yueguo who curse-sealed Dark-Style and arranged it under the Myojin Gate like this to absorb the efficiency of chakra and one step further!" sea Fortunately, unable to bear: "you say can accelerate the absorption of chakra is not on the list !!!" Tobirama as if did not hear, he fascinated: "the ten suck The profound mystery of the array is much more than that! When the two of you arrive under the Divine Tree, you can still see the "Samsara Eight Trigrams Array"!"

"The Samsara Eight Trigrams Array uses Rinnegan Gakido and Eight -Sign Seal’s dual principle!"

"Rinnegan Gakido and the two samas are certainly not unfamiliar, and the Eight-Sign Seal originated from the Land-of-Whirlpools under the Land-of-Whirlpools and Land-of-Whirlpools Hidden Villages, but it does not belong to the category of Kekkei Genkai, but this clan is good at Sealing Jutsu."

"In addition, the reincarnation Eight Trigrams Array also needs an item called'Reincarnation scroll' Props, about the reincarnation scroll, this is a long story..."

Samsara said : "You are a long story short!"

Tobirama said: "Okay, reincarnation scroll, the same is true That man invented that you can write Rinnegan’s eyes-power into scroll, and when you set up the array, it’s Rinnegan Gakido eyes-power......"

"Write eight of Rinnegan Gakido eyes-power The scroll is arranged in the Eight Trigrams Array position, so it becomes the reincarnation Eight Trigrams Array, the reincarnation Eight Trigrams Array, which is the core of the ten square suction array, wait for the two to arrive After the Divine Tree..."

Hai Xing shouted: "Then you take us quickly! ! ! "

"Let’s go..."

Tobirama smiled and started again. His mouth did not stop along the way. From astronomy and geography to local conditions and customs, Kai Xing and Shan Xing, their faces are getting more and more iron.

Because of Tobirama's underfoot, they didn't stop, so I didn't have an attack with him.

Just moved forward for about one hour, Tobirama stopped. Step: "Two people, are you thirsty? Would you like a cup of tea? "

Sakiyama coldly said: "No need! "

Tobirama said with a smile: "Sama deserves to be a god in the sky, not interested in mundane affairs, but I am thirsty..."

Speaking, he took it out I made a cup of tea and teapot on the spot and sipped it carefully...

While tasting it, he said: "Two people, have a drink, you don’t know it, letting tea is our gift to see the moon country Dao, the guests can only treat us as their own after drinking tea. Could it be that you still treat me as an outsider? ? "

You don’t want to go if you don’t drink it right now.

"I just drink it, it represents Hai Xing..."

Shan Xing strong endures I was impatient, and took a sip of the tea.

Tobirama said with a smile: "speaking of which, this tea also has a great background..."

Hai Xing no longer presses patience Unable to stop: "If you talk nonsense again, I will kill the bomb now! ! ! ! ! ! ! "

On the side, Yamayuki also cold expression, that attitude is the final warning.

"Okay, I'll take the two of them right away..."

Putting away the tea set, Tobirama started again, thinking: Is it to the limit...

After one hour.

He brought Shan Xing and Hai Xing to the Divine Tree together.

Tobirama points upwards: "Two, please look, the fruit is there..."

Shan Xing and Hai Xing looked up... On the top of the Divine Tree, there is nothing but nothing . What fruit!

Sakiyama coldly said: "What does this mean? "

Tobirama said with a smile: "It's meaningless, isn't the fruit right there..."


earth tremor.


Shanxing’s anger almost broke through Skyrim: "You dare to fight with me, inferior creatures! ! ! "

——"It's now, Hanabi! ! ! ! "

Thousands of miles away, Tobirama’s cry echoes in Hanabi’s heart.

Hanabi Tenseigan, in tears, wears the Divine Grade blessing amulet and seals it......

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