"Please give me your advice, Yubi Di is sensei..."

Dragon style stretches out a small hand and holds Yu Bi Di's big hand.

Behind Yubidi, Branch House Clan Leader Xuanli and many Branch House children have already gathered.

Yubi turned his eyes coldly and said: "This child, I will take it away, is it okay?"

Xuan Li is busy in fear and trepidation, kneeling down: "Where is the word , It is a great honor for Branch House, the family’s Yubi Di is sama!!!"

Big hands holding small hands, Yu Bi Di turned around and walked back with a dragon.

Branch House dísciple gave up a path one after another and watched the two leave. Their eyes were mostly jealous and envy. Of course, not all of them. People are not vegetation, and many of them have sympathetic dragon encounters. It's just because of the environment, it can't show up.

The dragon-like encounter, isn't it the sorrow of being born in Branch House? Nowadays mountain road twists around each new peak, they feel more or less gratified in their hearts, and at the same time they also wonder if we can be as strong as the dragon pose in the future, will we be able to rely on our own destiny?

"Dragon style...there will come a day, I will kill you! Before that, don't die!" Suddenly, the youngster in the Branch House crowd made an untimely shout , Provoked Xuanli's panic glared!

The youngster who is vocal has an appearance that is very similar to Tianyudou, except that the skin color is darker, which is an undisguised hatred.

That's the younger brother of Tianhaodou, Demon Dou!

The "..." Dragon type was slightly startled, and he was relieved immediately without any response.

Under the gaze of the Branch House member, the dragon has left this place of right and wrong.

Bipo Mountain, revisit an old haunt, the traces of that battle have been cleaned up. Standing on the top of the mountain, the vastness in front of you is Awa Sakihara...the territory belonging to the Main House.

Yubidi exhorted: "Since ancient times, there has never been a precedent for my family to accept Branch House as a dísciple. Therefore, your current identity is Main House. From now on, no matter who asks about the inside information, you have to say It’s Ancestral God Founder, thinking of your father’s contributions, and you are promoted to the Main House exceptionally, understand?"

"Understood." Dragon-style nodded.

"According to the current situation, the merger of the Main House and the main house is the general trend. In the future, you will also become a member of the house..."

Jump from the clouds.

This is a big deal for the dragon style, and it can be said that the time comes.

Bipo Mountain is just a small corner of Gaotianyuan. If Gaotianyuan is compared to a fruit cake, Bipo Mountain is the unremarkable particles on strawberries.

Awa Sakibara, an area of ​​about one-tenth of Takatenbara, Main House 312 members, sits on this land,

The land is vast and sparsely populated. They are not destined to be like Branch House. They live in groups, the palaces and castles they normally live in are scattered in scattered places.

I met on the road like this, almost impossible, but also not impossible.

No, I just ran into it just after walking.

A man with a tall stature and spiral horns, one-knee kneels prayed: "Main House is one style, pay homage to sama Yubi!"

"Un." Yubi is lightly nodded, passing by.

With one look up, Byakugan's back is deeply gazed.

After a long time, seeing the dragon's ecstasy, Yubi said with a smile: "Is there any confusion?"

Dragon-style said: "The eyes of the person just now, give I have a very subtle feeling..."

Yubidi was slightly nodded: "That is an ambitious person, with a peculiar look. He did not take the chakra fruit. He has at most three thousand lifespans. He is more than two thousand years old. He, who is not reconciled but for the rest of his life, will definitely act. It is difficult to stay on Gao Tianyuan. I think he will choose to go to a place away from the supervision of clan..."

Long look Yubi said: "What about you, sensei, how old are you?"

Yubi said with a smile: "Well, I am 2,300 years old, and 700 years later, my life , Will also come to an end..."

The dragon startled said: "Aren't you taking chakra fruit? You are your own family and you have the authority to take it."

Yubi Di Wei said: "If I have that idea, it will not be difficult, but..."

In front of the two, there is a barren land.

"Gao Tianyuan has been planting Divine Trees since the Great Chaos Period. With just twelve trees, they almost squeezed the vitality of this land. Clan began to expand abroad. After that, we got everything we got. Each fruit symbolizes the withering of hundreds of millions of lives in a country!"

"..." Hearing this, the dragon's eyes were sad.

Yubidi's eyes are long and deep: "But this is also not altogether inexcusable. Everything must be treated dialectically. The so-called survival of the fittest..."

Dragon Confused: "Then...clan's approach is not wrong?"

Yubidi didn’t answer right or wrong. He didn’t want to freeze Dragon Transformation thinking prematurely, but wanted him to go independently Think and find the answer by yourself.

He persuades him in a good manner: "The extremes of things must be reversed, and the desires are endless. If you do not exercise restraint, sooner or later you will suffer from evil results. The reality is that even if all the land is plundered, a large number of Undying and Inextinguishable gods will be created, spending billions of dollars. The death of living beings, in exchange for the carnival of a very small number of people, do you think that living in such a world is a nightmare?"

"..." Dragon pose, falling into deep thought.

Ubily said casually: "700 years later, before my deadline, I will do something. I don’t know how much impact this thing can have on this pathological clan. , At least, this is the only thing I can do..."

The two master and disciple trek over Xianggu Mountain, Deer Mountain, Uteng Mountain, Okuyamajin, Anshanjin, Zhiyi Sanjin, Hayama Tsu, Harayamatsu, Toyamatsu... After passing the Kusu Po's crossing, finally set foot in the territory belonging to the family!

——Yunnengqi Ludao!

In addition to the ocean surrounding this island, the area occupies 30% of the entire Gaotianyuan!

"Okay, amazing..." At first sight, the dragon style was shocked by the magnificent weather on the island!

The mountains, rivers and lakes, plants, trees, bamboos and rocks, birds and beasts are really alive. They are not like the half-dead land before, and even the hazy fog is formed by Natural Energy!

Ubi is not surprised by the dragon pose. He pointed at the end of the tall and erect, reaching through the clouds, and said without seeing the foot of the head: "The foothills of Mount Ucano, the Spirit Peak of Takachiho, is to be a teacher. Your residence is also your future training place."

rumble long long long!

Suddenly... there was a roar in the mist.

Longshi said: "It seems that there is something coming here!"

I looked intently, and saw that the three-headed body is extremely large and the face is extremely hideous and ugly. Demon, rush over!

Yubidi is very strange: "It's Ten-Tails, how did they get out..."

Dragon-style surprise: "Is that the Ten-Tails pupil, chakra and A collection of eyes-power..."

When the three Ten-Tails get closer, you can see three chains entangled around their necks, led by a girl behind, and the girl drags Holding the chain, he made a strange laugh of "jié jié".

Yubidi slapped his forehead helplessly, didn't know whether to cry or laugh: "It turns out that this is the case..."

Dragon-style curiosity: "sensei , Who is that?"

Ubily said: "That's Yunengqilu Island, no, it's the most naughty child in the entire Gaotianyuan..."

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