The top of Bipo Mountain is filled with ashes and pools of ashes.

Shoo! The wind blows away the ashes, and the dragon falls into the blank area he had deliberately avoided before. The gazed dying Tiansuo fights with a sad look.

The pupils of the Tianyun fighting scattered, shifted upward a little, and a slight smile appeared on the face of the air like a gossamer: "How is it, the feeling of fighting, right?"

"..." The dragon style was silent, even if he resisted all of this psychologically, he would not lie physically. The battle brought him an unprecedented sense of excitement and release.

Long Shi said: "I don't like fighting for killing, I prefer what you said...fighting for protection."

Tianyu said: "Guard yourself, It is also a guardian, fighting for oneself, fighting for alive, there will come a day, you will find someone who is'really' worthy of your protection."

"..." The dragon pose did not respond, a line Slipping from the face, the salty teardrops extending from the end fell on Tian Yundou's face.

Tian Yu Dou said complicatedly: "Ah, are you crying for me, really good-for-nothing, I just wanted to kill you, in order to protect my more important people , I must go to Yellow Springs with you shamelessly..."

Long Shi wiped away the tears from his face, and seriously said: "Heaven fights, I don’t blame you."

Hearing these words, Tian Yundou's heart trembled suddenly. This was the word of salvation in his heart that he most wanted to hear. Blood and tears poured out of his eyes, and he said "Thank you" sincerely.

Life is gone, Tianhaodou can't even open his eyes. He weakly said: "Dragon style, hold a funeral for me, cremation..."

Dragon style "It will be painful."

Tian Yundou: "Compared with your pain, this can't be considered, and... I've been drifting with the flow all my life. In the end, I hope I can choose myself. The way to die."

Long Pose slowly and hesitantly extends the hand.


The fire, dotted with Tian Yundou's body, this is his only best friend, the last practice!

Bathed in flames, Tian Yun Dou emotionally said: "Dragon pose, did you know that after death, including my clan, all souls will go to another world, the Master of that world, It was once my clan Ancient Times, the strongest enemy, like a sword hanging on everyone's head. If you live or die, you will accept his trial. This is the so-called Karmic Retribution."

Long Shi said: "Tian Yu Dou, you are the victim of this clan darkness. I think the person you said, It shouldn't be too embarrassing for you."

"You I always think of people as very good..." Tian Yundou said with a smile: "But if you are lucky not to go to hell, one day you can reincarnation and reincarnate, I really don’t want to be born in this clan, I would rather be reborn in the lower realm. , Grown up in a quiet and peaceful village."

Dragon Shi said sincerely: "I will bless you, Tian Su Dou."

Tian Yu Dou said: "I only hope When that day comes, we don’t want to meet each other, and we will walk steadily to the end on disjoint tracks. I really don’t want to be your enemy again."

This sentence is not difficult to understand. , Long Shi has a position as a person in the sky, appearing in the lower realm means a bloody wind, and as a reincarnation of the lower realm, Tian Yu Dou must have a new position and fight to protect his land!

Dragon style has another realization of its own: "See you again, it’s okay to forget the memories of previous life, not to be entangled in the past, for yourself, and for the people you will meet in the future. Fighting is like this flame, free, blazing..."

"Fire, free, blazing, that’s not bad..."

In the flames, the body of Tianyun Doudou Dissipated, the soul rose into the sky with the color and temperature of fire, and disappeared into the sky in a flash!

Dragon-style closes the eyes, the wound on his chest left by Tianzhudou began to heal, leaving a shallow dent, commemorating his short but uneven fetters with Tianzhudou.

Opening your eyes, Long Shi knows well that his path should have come to an end.

He didn't move towards the bigger world beyond Bipo Mountain. Instead, he turned around and returned to the territory of Branch House. Along the way, he encountered no obstacles.

When the children of Branch House saw him, they all had a strategic withdrawal...but their eyes looked like a dead person.

Dragon pose is like a spectator outside the world. He came to Tong Narumi and stood on the pontoon bridge in the sky, gazed the turbulent, turbid river water!

Suddenly, he closes the eyes, leaned back, and fell straight towards Narumi!

Limited by the rules, the dragon pose at this moment, no matter how powerful, as long as it is contaminated by this river, it will undoubtedly die!


His body stopped one foot on the surface of the river. At this time, a splash of water happened to protrude, and the top was only a few centimeters away from the back of his neck!

"This is the critical point of life and death. It seems that there is nothing to be afraid of..."

The dragon style did the same thing as the young Itachi, which was to accept death. , In the gap between life and death, feel life.

Opening your eyes, the dragon pose returned to the shore.

"smelly brat, can you stop being so frightened and flustered!"

At that moment, the dragon feels good about itself, but the lordship in his eyes is heart alarmed , body leaping!

"Sorry." Dragon style responded flatly, and sat down on the shore: "Speaking of which, why did you choose me?"

Different from the dragon In the eyes of the formula, the other two Dojutsus who are exclusive to him, it is said that a certain Divine Tree fruit user in his family also has the Dojutsu, which is the Eternal Life of the genuine!

But the shikigami, who is full of fate, is not Awakening in the eyes of that person!

For this, Fu Dou Lingming has his own opinion: "Awakening on that person, I may not have the chance to play! But a little demon like yours with ill-fated life is different. , And the high-quality container, the feeling of playing on behalf of, is also very delighted~~~! Take a step back, even if you die, I still have to choose~~You know!"

"Yes Well, then maybe it’s time to say goodbye."

"Bye...the next one is better!"

After that, the dragon pose is right next to Narumi, waiting quietly With his own destiny!

But for some reason, after three consecutive days, nothing happened...

On the fourth day, a man with extraordinary aura came here!

That kind of chakra is by no means Branch House or Main House...but, this family!

"Are you sent from above to punish me." The dragon slowly got up, turned to face the incoming person, and said, "Whether it is this life or these eyes, if you want If you do, take them all!" In front of the dragon style, the youngster with two horns growing on the head, wearing a feather weave, looks amazingly handsome and light blue hair, but looks calm and peaceful at him. Smile.

"I know everything about the whole sequence of events. It is not your intention to kill Tianyudou and those Branch House children, so... I will come forward to settle the trouble for you."

This sudden turn makes the dragon pose stunned in place: "Why do you...why help me?"

"You are a wandering dragon stuck in the shallows. You should be farther away. Soaring in the sky, I am willing to pull you." The man walked up to the dragon style handsome like a jade tree, extended the hand gracefully, and said in a gentle manner: "Would you like to be a dísciple and follow me for training?"

Following the palms in front of you, the dragon looks up and looks up, moisturizing the thing with a silent smile, without any impurities, which is completely different from the elders whom the dragon has seen so far!

In the dragon's heart, longing and trust could not help: "What is your name?"

The man smiled and reported his name: "My name is... ”

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