Field Hospital at the rear.

The smell of strong disinfection water, serious injuries are lying in the big tent, Cloud Ninja’s Attack Power is still very tough, and this big ticket injury is the best evidence.

Sand Ninja’s Jōnin looks at a busy Medic Team. He couldn’t help but smash his tongue. Konoha’s medical level is really the top five Great Ninja Village, and the medical system is far better than hidden sand. Motherfucker is no wonder that Shinobi World War ca n’t win. In terms of logistics, they were dumped seven or eight streets and went out.

The Medic Team handles the wounded in an orderly manner, and distinguishes them according to their priorities. A complete set of work is extremely skilled, without any confusion, and everything is done quietly.

Sakura is also here. Her Talent is recognized by Tsunade. At this time, the on-site Medic Team also belongs to the top of Ability. He is responsible for treating the most severe heavy injury and has been performing high-intensity surgery.

“Scalpel … blood vessels clamp … Needle clamp …” Sakura shouted from time to time, and the medical ninja around him would provide the requested item.


Taking a long breath, Sakura took off her blood-stained gloves and masks on her mouth, and slowly walked out of this humble operating room. She sat down in the tent beside her, and the last major operation was over. No need for her hands.

“Yo, Sakura, are you here to rest! Is the surgery done?” Shikamaru lifted the Gate of Opening and entered the tent. Behind followed Neji and Hualien siblings.

“It’s done, it’s really exhausting.” Sakura was heavily sighed, and after finishing the surgery, Spiritual would continue to be excited for a period of time, and she could only sit here in a daze and relax.

“You didn’t get hurt? Do you need me to help you see it? I didn’t come out when I entered the operating room. I have been worried about you, especially when I saw that many wounded.”

“It’s okay, it’s all minor injuries that’s all, it’s dealt with, but I heard that you’re resting here, just come and see.” Shikamaru shook the shook head and sat down in the chair next to it, the behind slippery man as it should be by rights sit down.

Hualien siblings and Shikamaru knew each other before the war, but it took a lot of effort to divide them into the same area. Hitomi and Sakura lived in adjacent tents.

“Shikamaru, I heard Kobayashi Commander say, we’re about to move again soon, do you know the details?” Sakura was alive at this moment, remembering what Kobayashi Commander of the Medic Team had said, and couldn’t help asking.

“Well … this thing is really going to move on very soon. The Cloud Ninja we eliminated is only part of it. There is also a Cloud Ninja confronting Stone Ninja. All we have to do is try our best to wipe out Cloud Ninja … “Shikamaru slowly said.

Shikamaru and the others take a break to chat here, but in the handsome account, a group of people are busy at this point.

Cloud Ninja is completely defeated. Although many materials were destroyed before the defeat, there are still a lot of difficult-to-destroy materials, such as kunai and shuriken. Even if they are broken and deformed, they can still be used for rebuilding. These Konoha and Sand Ninja are natural. No trace of politeness is swallowed into the mouth, and it takes a lot of effort to count these materials alone.

In addition to this, battlefield needs to be cleaned up, Ninja’s remains killed, and at the same time re-arranged to establish a new team formation, a bunch of chores need to be handled, and everyone in the staff is busy.

Hiashi and all the high level Captains are also in the middle of a meeting at this time.

Yuehua softly leaned on the back of the chair. He was tired after a battle and did not want to move at all, but as a Root Captain, he also belongs to the rank of high-level commander. He cannot absent from the meeting for no reason, especially Hiashi, the Commander- In-Chief Under the eyelids, lazily is lavishly.

“What’s your opinion on the report? Stone Ninja’s blasting forces attacked our transport team …” Hiashi’s brows frowned, the news was too bad, it affected morale, and the betrayal of his allies affected the plan.

Although it’s not that Stone Ninja’s anti-water problem hasn’t been considered, how can I never imagine that Stone Ninja started so early. Did Stone Ninja’s head stone tablet kick? All Captains were puzzled.

However, the report was very clear. The rear patrol Captain-Commander and the report submitted by Aburame Shibi himself. No one questioned the authenticity of the report by the Clan Leader of Aburame clan, and it also said that it was suspected to be the blasting unit of Stone Ninja. Because, but Stone Ninja’s blasting team is only one, there is no semicolon.

“Hiashi Lord, it is better that we slow down the pace of support, let Stone Ninja and Cloud Ninja run out first, then we will kill them together in the past …” Before this, everyone was glared, this is Someone’s stupid, really when Stone Ninja is a fool, it will make you go for cheap.

“It’s hard to do. Kakashi and the others are still on Stone Ninja. Even if we want to do something, I’m afraid it will be very inconvenient. We must contact Kakashi first.” One Captain start to talk, this one is Step into the subject.


A group of Captains quickly discussed in a frenzy, discussing how to handle this matter. Yuehua took the report submitted by Aburame Shibi and took it very seriously. The report was accompanied by pictures, all of which were from the explosion scene. First-hand photos.

Yuehua soon noticed the pictures of the headless corpse, which seemed to have just blown her head. The string in her head suddenly moved and thought of a lot.


“Quiet it.” Yuehua knocked on the table hard, and suddenly started to talk, making everyone suddenly lose her voice and looked towards Yuehua.

“Do you have any opinion? Yin Yi?”

Hiashi also set his sights on Yuehua. He hasn’t said a word since he just started. He thought Yuehua was sitting there to rest, and he didn’t expect Yuehua to provide any useful opinions. But Yuehua started to talk. Suddenly he aroused his curiosity, but to see what Yuehua could say.

“These corpse deaths are fun.” Yuehua spread out the photos in her hands and laid them on the table.

“Is there anything weird? It wasn’t blown up by Explosive Tag. Only Stone Ninja’s blasting team could do this kind of thing.” A Captain asked doubtfully.

“Stone Ninja’s blasting troops are basically composed of three members of Explosion-Style … Explosion-Style two members, it is clear how strong and powerful the Explosion-Style Strength is, they always punch the whole person directly I ’ve never heard of a head that blows up … “

“And Anbu has also collected some information about a very mysterious organization. The members in it are all composed of S-Rank Missing-nin. Among them, there is Missing-nin from Stone Ninja. The explosion of Secret Jutsu, I guess it may be a good thing for this organization. “

Yuehua ’s words were half true half false, and the information was true, but that was not collected by Anbu, but Yuehua ’s memory from the previous life.

“And what exactly does this organization want to do … I can’t guess, but I can rest assured that this matter should have nothing to do with Stone Ninja. The cleaning inside the blasting force may cause them great damage. . “

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