“Raiton, hell assault three books.”

Both Speed ​​and Strength surpassed the previous four hands, Morui rushed through like lightning, the ground cracked by the ground.


The sandy Jōnin kunai has a very thin wind blade attached to it, and the roar waved Kunai to meet the Morui rushing up.

In less than a second, Kunai forcibly was snapped, Jōnin’s chest opened a big hole in the chest, and the beating Heart strung at Morui’s fingertips, and the blood ticked down.

“Fūton, the big bird blinks.”

Yuehua quickly sealed her hand and spit out a huge wind bird. Speed ​​gliding towards Morui, the wind bird’s extremely thin wind blade vibrated, and it gave out a clear low chirp.

“Katon, Dragon Flame Jutsu.”

“Fūton, Wind Cutter Jutsu.”

Yuehua started, and the other three people were not slow. Gale Flame rolled to Morui and the dead Sand Ninja.

“Raiton, hell assault three books.”

Dropping the corpse on his hand, Morui didn’t stop, stepped on his feet, and running wildly again, the protruding three fingers shone bright lightning, like a thunderpike that can penetrate all things.

And the speed of Morui’s movement was astonishingly fast, the split second disappeared in situ, and Yuehua and the others’ Attacks all fell into the air, to be precise, the corpse of Sand Ninja was shattered into pieces.


This time it was a Jōnin from Konoha who had performed the Body Flicker Technique, but the distance limitation of the Body Flicker Technique allowed him not to escape the pursuit of Morui, and the three-finger Thunderpike pierced his heart.

“Miscellaneous things, Fūton, with strong teeth.” Yuehua roared, and was pushed into such a difficult situation by one person. She pushed forward with one hand, and the roaring wind gathered in her hands, and even a fierce storm rolled up around her. , Scraping underfoot rubble.

A tornado with a sharp howling rushed out, and in in the sky was like a crazy Ao-colored python dancing, opening Fangs towards Morui.

“bang! bang! bang!”

Morui throws corpse in his hand as a shield and throws it in the sky, at the same time. As soon as the footsteps slipped, the lightning flashed out, and corpse was easily torn to pieces by the tornado, and then might not be reduced by half. Pursuing Morui with a shrill shriek, strikes a hole in each and everyone on the ground.

A blue phantom of electric light shuttled through the flurry of snake snake pythons. Ao tornado twisted, everything that was rubbed was ruthlessly twisted into the finest dust powder, but did not capture the blue phantom.

“Raiton, hell assault three books.”

In Yuehua’s shocked eyes, Morui stabbed with one palm, and three fingers tore the screaming tornado in front of him, and then continued to stab toward Yuehua.

“Hold on to me, he’s almost dead, and his body will soon collapse.” Loud shouts rang in the ears of the remaining three people, such as Yue Yuehua.

Yuehua then noticed that there were many cracks on Morui’s body, like a piece of ceramics that had been cracked and covered with spider webs.

“There must be a limit on the medicine time he took before, as long as he passed this period of time.” There were five people, all of whom were Jōnin-level Experts, and Jōnin, headed by Hyuga Clan, shouted.

However, Yuehua couldn’t distract him, Morui had already rushed to his eyes, pointed his spear, and continuously struck the short blade in Yuehua’s hands. The terrifying impact of Yuehua retreated violently, even if it was instantaneous. The motivational force also couldn’t stop the collision of San Ben’s hands.

Just like ploughing the ground, as soon as Morui and Yuehua moved forward and backward, they plowed a deep trench forcibly, forcing other people to look at at the side, but they could n’t shoot. They were too close together, moving Speed ​​again. Quickly, not sure to hit Morui without hurting Yuehua.


The finger spear fiercely poked over again and was intercepted by the short blade, but the blade of the short blade has been dulled. If it is not Yuehua Fūton Nature Transformation attainments is extremely deep and firmly holds the blade, the short blade has long been broken. I do n’t know how much This time, but it wo n’t be long before I see it like this.

“Anno of Konoha, accompany me to die.” Morui smirked, with decisive madness in his eyes. He saw the goodness of Yuehua, killing 100 mediocre talents, and it was better than killing a genius. He knew that his body was on the verge of collapse, and this was the last chance.

Yuehua tightened her frowns head, didn’t speak, she just waved the short blade in her hand, and she moved to the limit in an instant, and the howling wind was like a substance, forming the wind Kinoe’s shroud on her body.

Now being pressed by Morui, step by step, Yuehua can no longer do anything except to resist the fate. A little distraction is probably the end of a broken heart. Up, but the three books have only defensive power. Attack Speed ​​is too fast.


The short blade broke in response, referring to the extreme lightning of the spear, which violated the common sense of Wind Cray, which in turn cut off the wind blade and poked Xiang Yuehua’s chest at the same time.

“Feng Wang Quan.”

Holding the right hand of the sword-handle into a punch, fiercely smashed it and hit him with a heavy spear.

Blood flowers splattered, Yuehua’s right hand was forcibly sliced, and the entire forearm was severed. Morui’s finger spear was too sharp, but the finger spear stopped in Yuehua’s chest less than one centimeter. , Stand still.

Morui’s expression was like a ghost, but the long shadow of underfoot brought Powerful restraint, restrained the violent Morui, no matter how he struggled, he could not break the restraint.

Because Morui ’s body has begun to collapse, the fissures are rapidly expanding, and the skin is cracking and peeling like a snake molting, exposing the bright red flesh and white bones below, and blood oh la la flows out, like using flowers The sprinkler watered the ground like a nursery.

Morui’s face was solidified, the pumps lost their luster, and no human hands were used. The secret medicine that had been used to strengthen the body had arrived. The backlash of the medicinal power plus his forced use of three books were eventually exhausted.


Yuehua opened her mouth wide, a right hand with mucus stretched out, holding the broken mask, the new body with the strange mucus, her body climbed out of the broken body, and put on the mask again.

“Hu hu hu!” Yuehua hastily panting, the whole person is exhausted and can hardly stand up. Using Orochimaru Stream Body Replacement Technique twice or twice in a row really kills his life and consumes Chakra too much.

“Finally killed this asshole, it’s really exhausting.” A Sand Ninja sat directly on the ground, a group of Jōnin besieged, and they were actually killed by two people. If Yuehua entangled Morui, heaven knows that Jōnin here can live. A few of them, after all, even Yuehua was repeatedly almost killed.

After the sensor-type Jōnin confirmed that Morui’s death, someone immediately recovered the corpse. Sand Ninja did not compete. Anyway, there was a contract between the two parties. These things are to be shared, but it ’s like watching Morui break into a pile of rotten meat. Corpse, I’m afraid I can’t get anything useful.

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