Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 332 Wizards Federation Meeting

After Christmas, the long-delayed emergency meeting of the International Federation of Wizards was finally about to be held.

After much debate, the venue for this meeting was finally decided to be held at the Magical Congress of the United States of America.

Brian put on a formal black robe early in the morning and prepared to go to the meeting location with Fudge and several entourages.

There were not many people accompanying him, including Percy Weasley as the minister's secretary, and several elite Aurors as bodyguards.

Cornelius Fudge introduced several Aurors to Brian one by one with a smile, turned around and whispered: "Although with you here, their role is not big, but we need a few errands after all. …”

They walked towards the location designated by the Ministry of Magic, where there was a remote door key made in advance that led directly to their destination.

"Actually, I think it's not a good idea to go to North America for a meeting." Fudge complained quickly, "The situation there is actually much more dangerous than here..."

"Not to mention that Alex Wilson has basically mastered the power of the Muggles over there, even the Magical Congress in North America is in debt." Fudge kept talking, "They are very conservative about the Wizarding Secrecy Act. attitude, not even cooperating with Muggles..."

At this point, Fudge shrugged and said, "At least we still have communication with the Muggle Prime Minister."

"However, the frequency of bugs in North America is more than that of the whole world combined." Fudge said bad words there, "Not to mention the crises that have exposed the wizarding world again and again. There have even been a few in the past. Those who want to subvert and destroy the magical world still have the ability to rise again after being wiped out again and again."

This Brian did know that there was a group of people in North America who believed deeply in the existence of magic and hated magic extremely. They even formed an anti-magic fanatic organization called "Second Salem" seventy years ago. Although that organization has been wiped out, there are always some people who hide in the Muggle world and are extremely hostile to the existence of wizards.

"It's instability." Brian mused. Some of the descendants of these people must have blended into the upper echelons of Muggles, posing a great threat to wizards.

Fudge was still talking, sometimes talking about the obsolete Rappaport Laws in North America, which prohibited any communication between wizards and Muggle society. Sometimes he talks about the long-standing hatred between wizards and Muggles there, sometimes he talks about how arrogant and rude the people in the Magical Congress of North America are...

While they were talking, they had arrived at the door key storage area, and the time was almost up.

"I dare say that they will definitely cause trouble for us." Fudge said before teleporting away, "Because the two newly established departments we have..."

Before he could finish his words, the group of people were carried up by the portkey and flew across a long distance.

The headquarters of the Magical Congress of the United States of America is located in the Woolworth Building in New York. This is a high-rise building with hundreds of floors, where wizards and Muggles work together.

There were Muggles in suits and ties walking in and out of the revolving door. Under the guidance of the wizard receptionist, Brian and his party entered the artificial sliding door next to them and entered a vast space that the Muggles were unaware of.

As if walking into a grand square, the first thing that catches the eye is the magic exposure level clock hanging high, which shows the exposure level of the magic world at the moment. At this time, its pointer is pointing to the orange level of "unexplainable severe situation", and the pointer is still slowly and steadily moving towards the red level of "emergency".

However, in the face of such warnings, the wizards coming and going could turn a blind eye, which made people sigh that these wizards had a good mentality.

"Welcome to MACUSA." The wizard waiter said. Seeing several people looking at the clock, the waiter kept smiling and said, "In fact, it pointed to the orange zone a few months ago, and everyone is used to it. …”

"You are Mr. Fudge and Mr. Foley, please follow me." After the waiter finished speaking, he led them through the building. The space here is very wide, with owls flying in the wide space and goblin staff coming and going.

Finally, they entered a large and magnificent conference room. There was still some time before the meeting started, and the conference room was already filled with wizards in all kinds of fancy clothes. They were making noisy noises, making people feel like they were in a vegetable market.

When everyone arrived, the door to the conference room slammed shut. Babajide Akinbad, the current president of the International Federation of Wizards, walked quickly to the stage and waved to silence everyone.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you have come all the way, please be quiet." Akinbad waved his hand and said, "First of all, welcome our honorary member Brian Foley to join us!"

Brian stood up and nodded, and everyone in the conference room applauded.

After the applause passed, Akinbad continued: "The wizarding world is in crisis, and we need to find a solution..."

Next, Akinbad summarized the chaos currently happening around the world, and bluntly stated the ultimate purpose of this generation of Dark Lord Heinrich, causing everyone to fall into a long silence.

"This is an unprecedented crisis. The magic exposure level was in orange alert three months ago, and it is not far from an emergency." The chairman of the Magical Congress of North America stood up and said, "Obviously, Heinrich and Muggles cooperated and let many Muggles know about the existence of wizards..."

"This is a serious violation of the wizard's secrecy law. He should be exterminated! But we should not add fuel to the flames in this matter. This will only fuel Heinrich's arrogance and make the wizard's existence no longer hidden!"

He looked coldly at Fudge, first targeting the British Ministry of Magic. Obviously, he already knew about the changes in the British Ministry of Magic.

"Do you think the existence of the wizarding world can still be hidden?" Fudge turned into a staunch supporter of the new policy at this time, stood up and responded confidently, "Heinrich's actions have put wizards in the clear. I can’t hide it from my face!”

Regarding this issue, the wizards in the conference room started making noise again, like a hundred thousand ducks quacking.

"Being prepared to break the confidentiality law is the first thing we need to do. We need to take the initiative into our own hands!"

"Absurd! Ridiculous! You are alarmist! We only need to destroy Heinrich's film club, and then dispatch all the memory cancelers..."

"Heinrich is supporting the Muggles! If we cannot cooperate with the Muggles, he will only take over the Muggle world first, and then we will be unable to resist!"

"There is nothing wrong with studying Muggle weapons. We must face up to the threat of Muggles..."

"What the hell are you on?"

"You mean we have to cooperate with Muggles? Completely expose the existence of wizards? Do you know what that means? The persecution of wizards by Muggles back then is still fresh in our minds!"

"The problem now is not what we think, but what Heinrich is doing! If you have the ability, go and kill Heinrich. Why are you yelling at me here!"


A group of wizards were so noisy that their ears were red and their necks were thick, pointing at each other's noses and spitting stars flying everywhere.

Ajinbad smiled bitterly and roared a few times, but obviously his strength and ability were not convincing enough. At this time, his authority was not enough to convince everyone. Brian may be capable, but his qualifications are far from enough to convince the public.

Without the leader to suppress them, the result was that no one was convinced. For a while, several wizards were pushing each other on the spot, pulling their beards and hair, and fighting with each other with punches and kicks. Several wizards pulled out their wands and used them as sticks to knock each other on the head. Leather shoes and hats were flying everywhere. A dark-skinned witch with a string of colorful beads weighing more than ten kilograms danced some kind of weird divination dance on the spot, as if Dance master.

Although the scene was chaotic, it was obvious that everyone was rational and did not use magic, and the situation was easy to see clearly. Representatives of wizards in conservative regions such as North America and Asia strongly reject breaking the law of secrecy. Wizards in Africa and several European countries are mostly willing to support the British, including Akinbad. The Ministry of Magic of South America and Russia took a neutral attitude, and even added fuel to the fire for fear of causing chaos in the world.

But it was obvious that Fudge and the others were at a disadvantage.

This day's meeting did not come to any conclusion. After the quarrel, the wizards were either satisfied, or their faces were ashen, or they walked towards their temporary residence with a dejected look, preparing to continue tomorrow.

This meeting will probably last about a week, but judging from the current trend, it may take longer, and the situation is not good for Brian and the others.

The wizarding secrecy law that has been maintained for many years is not easy to break. It will not only make the stable situation unknown, but also make the conservative conservatives jump. It also involves the interests of many people. So even though the situation has been made clear, many people still shed tears without seeing the coffin.

Fudge, who had killed everyone in the meeting, now looked rosy and proud, and walked with a breath of wind. He obviously felt a sense of accomplishment on such an occasion.

Brian's mouth twitched and he sighed softly, wanting to add fuel to their fire.

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