Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 331 Problem

In front of the crumbling ruins, Brian stood silently for a long time, his eyes seeming to be looking at the broken walls in front of him, or at the unknown distance.

After a long time, he bowed deeply to the ruins, then turned and left.

He found the two subordinates who were guarding here and asked what happened.

The two people didn't see much. In fact, they didn't even dare to get close. They just saw the extremely intense flash of magic spells on the top of the tower, and bursts of loud explosion-like noises.

From their mouths, the only thing Brian learned was that the battle was fierce, without any pause, and reached a climax from the beginning. There is no trial at the beginning, no bells and whistles to waste time, just the most intense duel.

After listening to the reports from his two subordinates, Brian frowned and sighed, thinking that this was the most abnormal thing.

Grindelwald knew that Brian would come to help, so he should try to delay as much time as possible instead of letting the duel break out violently. But Brian had already rushed over as fast as he could, and it only took a few minutes at most, but he still couldn't catch up.

If Grindelwald is not crazy about wanting to die, it means that it is Voldemort who wants a quick victory, but this is not normal. Voldemort's purpose should be to torture Grindelwald for information about the Elder Wand and find a way to make himself the master of the Elder Wand, but Voldemort acted as if he came specifically to kill people.

If Voldemort's brain was not disabled by Brian last time, it means that he did have some information and things have changed.

"It's going to be a lot of trouble in the future." Brian sighed.

He was not too surprised that Grindelwald would die. He had been imprisoned for more than fifty years. He had not used magic or moved his muscles in these years. Coupled with his old age and frailty, it would be difficult to win against the young and powerful Voldemort.

In addition, what Voldemort is best at is preserving his life. In a duel involving all means, this result is not surprising.

"But Voldemort must have been severely injured this time. It should be more serious than the one at Hogwarts." Brian thought, "I don't know if I can take the opportunity to find him."

"Inform everyone here in Europe to pay attention to collecting traces of Voldemort and his die-hard followers." Brian said to his two subordinates, "Don't alert the snake after you find it, and report to me in time."

The two people responded, and then turned and left at Brian's signal.

There were gradually more traces of people in the collapsed tower. The Aurors who noticed something was wrong rushed into the ruins, the wands in their hands flashing fluorescent light in the night.

Brian disappeared and walked into the vast night.

This year's Christmas has the least festive atmosphere. Under the continuous chaos, even the most prosperous places have become much depressed.

Most of the young wizards at Hogwarts did not go home for the holidays, and the few who traveled through the Ministry of Magic's specially connected fireplaces went back and forth to ensure the safety of the students.

After a peaceful Christmas at home, Brian went back to Hogwarts to meet his friends.

The entire campus is immersed in the joy of the holidays, and is decorated with Christmas decorations everywhere. It is the most energetic and hilarious place in the country.

Brian spent a day at Hogwarts, walking around the campus with Daphne, exploring many places he had never been before, and reliving campus life again.

Half a year is not enough to bring about much change. Almost everyone on campus is still the same.

Luna always looks carefree, but people can't imagine how many wonderful ideas she has in her mind. She also gave Brian a homemade protective crown, but Brian always felt that it looked like two braids.

Daphne became more and more beautiful. Her slightly curly blond hair reached her waist. With her tall and perfect figure and delicate and bright appearance, she looked like a goddess in mythology.

Astoria was still frail and petite, but her pale face had a faint blush. Brian once found some potions to replenish vitality from the Life Hall of the Department of Mysteries and gave them to her. Although it could not cure the root cause, it could delay it for a while.

To Brian's surprise, she and Draco began a formal relationship, although this did not satisfy Daphne.

"Actually, Draco has become much more mature recently," Brian comforted. Compared to everyone else, Draco's growth is obvious. Although he still looks arrogant, he is now more of a stubborn person who doesn't mean what he says.

"But it's still unreliable." Daphne said angrily. She was still brooding over the fact that she was tricked by Draco last semester.

"However, Draco always brings more laughter to Astoria. They probably get along well." Brian smiled.

"Oh, let her do whatever she likes." Daphne sighed like a worried mother, which made Brian couldn't help laughing.

After a relaxing day, Brian went to see Snape before leaving. He is still the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, leading many students to believe that he is the one who finally broke the curse.

Snape's office still looked gloomy and dim. There were no longer various potion materials and potion bottles around, but some horrific human body patterns hanging there, and some weird and twisted specimens and bones placed there, enough to make intruders shudder. The little wizard who comes in has a nightmare.

"So, Voldemort has never summoned you in more than half a year?" Brian pondered.

Snape sat behind the desk, nodded slowly, and said nothing.

"Please stay with Voldemort. If he summons the Death Eaters again, please tell me, sir." Brian said, "This is very important."

"Of course, I will." Snape's deep voice echoed around him.

"However, please be careful. I think Voldemort may have some information." Brian said, "As long as he shows up next time, let's start planning, sir."

"What about Harry Potter?" Snape was silent for a long time before speaking out.

"Yes, I believe Dumbledore has told you, right?" Brian smiled.

"He must die, must be killed by Voldemort himself..." Snape's voice was so low that it was almost inaudible.

"Actually, not really. There is a saying that means risking your life to survive." Brian said softly, "There is a very strong connection between Voldemort and Harry, not only because Voldemort was resurrected with Harry's blood, but also because Voldemort was resurrected with Harry's blood. Part of it is in Harry... This is related to Voldemort's method of resurrection. As long as Harry doesn't die, Voldemort won't die either."

Brian nonchalantly told the news that Dumbledore had never told Snape: "However, Dumbledore has made arrangements. As long as the person who does it is Voldemort himself, then the one who will be killed by him will not be Harry." Lee. In other words, he will survive."

Snape's frown deepened, his eyes flickered, and there were two extremely contradictory expressions of relief and disappointment on his face.

Brian looked at Snape's strange expression. While he was amused, he also shook his head secretly. This is really a very contradictory person.

"What do you think about Heinrich's side?" Snape said, "He has roped in some Death Eaters, and I have also been roped in."

"It's best not to get in touch with that place deeply, if you don't want to continue being a spy." Brian shook his head and said, "Heinrich will fail."

Hearing the determination in Brian's tone, Snape raised his eyebrows, nodded lazily, and finally said: "Be careful."

"I will." Brian smiled and said seriously.

He grabbed the Floo powder beside the fireplace and threw it into the fire, then stepped into the blazing fire.

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