Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 298 Beginning

The phoenix brought Harry and Hermione to the foot of the tower. It dropped the two people randomly and flew high into the air.

At this moment, something fell from the top of the tower and fell to the ground with a bang, throwing up a cloud of dust.

Fox whined and flew towards the fallen thing. The song in his mouth became sad and sorrowful, like the cry of a cuckoo crying for blood. It was a touching elegy.

It flew around in circles, the sound of music vibrated in the air, and it seemed that everyone's hearts were vibrating with the singing.

The people on the field gradually stopped fighting, and some people gathered around, groaning and screaming with horror on their faces, and their voices were full of disbelief, horror and sadness.

Harry and Hermione approached as if in a dream and saw the person lying on the ground - Dumbledore's eyes were closed tightly, half of his half-moon glasses were broken, hanging crookedly on his face, and his limbs were spread out, as if he was trapped in a trap. fell into a deep sleep.

Harry stood aside blankly, shocked, frightened, and extremely sad, but unexpectedly did not shed any tears. Hermione was sobbing quietly beside him, making a sound that seemed to Harry to be coming from far away.

"Oh, no..." Hagrid wailed in the distance, like a wounded beast.

His voice seemed to turn on a switch, and the sluggish crowd began to move again. The Death Eaters began to shout "Dumbledore is dead" loudly, as if they were celebrating a festival with joy.

The battle broke out again. The Order of the Phoenix and the Aurors had sad and angry expressions, as if they were shouting magic spells with their lives, and they burst out with stronger fighting power, which for a moment made the Death Eaters unable to lift their heads. But the Death Eaters still laughed and became even more aggressive.

At the top of the Astronomy Tower, Voldemort smiled high. His voice was amplified by magic and resounded throughout the school. He said coldly and proudly: "Albus Dumbledore is dead! He was killed by me, Voldemort." died!"

The fighting sounds seemed to be silent for a moment, except for Fawkes who was still singing a sad lament, and Voldemort's voice rumbled around.

The Death Eaters on the Astronomy Tower were celebrating, stamping their feet and laughing wildly, while the Aurors and members of the Order of the Phoenix stood aside, falling into despairing silence for a moment.

"We won! Hogwarts belongs to me from now on, Voldemort!" Voldemort announced loudly, with some cruel pride in his voice, "Hand over Harry Potter, and Voldemort will forgive your sins..."

"Now, come on, kneel before me. Those who stubbornly resist will be killed, and their families will also be executed." Voldemort said, "Make your choice, whether to resist stubbornly or embrace new life."

The entire school fell into dead silence, and everyone stopped, as if they were about to face the judgment of fate. Despair and sorrow enveloped them, and the shadow of darkness finally threatened to cover the entire sky of the wizarding world.

Brian stood on the tower further away, his eyes deep and distant.

"It may be quite to his liking to die in such a glorious way in front of everyone." He said to himself.

Listening to Voldemort's proud declaration, Brian raised the corners of his mouth slightly, his eyes dark.

"Finally... I've waited until this time." He sighed softly, with a strange sense of relief in his tone.

"I have been preparing the stage for a year just for now." Brian's eyes gradually brightened, "Although there were many twists and turns, this drama was finally staged as scheduled."

His voice floated in the air, and then Brian's figure disappeared. He blended into the night starry sky and flew towards the astronomical tower that looked like a turquoise torch being held high.

"No, it's fake, Dumbledore won't die!" Someone finally screamed on the top of the tower.

"We haven't failed yet, Hogwarts hasn't fallen, and the wizarding world doesn't belong to him yet! Kneeling down and begging for mercy is just what he wants!" Lupine's voice was full of sorrow, but extremely determined, "As long as we still have wands in our hands, You can’t stop resisting!”

His voice inspired courage again. At this time, whether it was the Order of the Phoenix and professors who firmly supported Dumbledore and resisted Voldemort, or the Aurors who had different responsibilities and different positions, their hearts were filled with sadness and confusion. Anger, like a volcano about to erupt, will turn everything around us upside down.

I don't know who cast a curse on the Death Eaters, and the flash of light spread from the top of the tower to the bottom of the tower like a prairie fire, blowing the horn of melee again.

"Protect Harry!" Hagrid shouted on the field under the tower. He pinched the back of a Death Eater's neck with his backhand and threw him violently away.

"Harry, get out of here quickly..." Professor McGonagall hurriedly warned in a nasal voice. She turned back to deal with the Death Eaters Carlo brother and sister.

"No, Professor, I have to join." Harry came out of his sadness and hesitation, as if he suddenly understood a lot.

He drew his wand and faced the Death Eaters like a true adult wizard, joining Hermione in the fight. Professor McGonagall nodded with pleasure, and beat the Carrow brothers one by two until they were defeated.

Everyone's hearts were filled with an inexplicable belief. Their spells were more powerful, their battles were more powerful, and with more supporters, the Death Eaters were completely at a disadvantage.

This is probably what the saying goes, "A soldier in mourning will win."

However, Voldemort's existence is the key to affecting the balance. Unrestrained, he is the nightmare of all rebels.

At this time, Voldemort's face was livid, and his high-pitched voice was extremely cold and authentic: "Since you have chosen to resist, Voldemort will grant you death..."

He held up the Elder Wand in his hand, with cruel hatred on his face, ready to attack those around him. Kingsley, Lupin, and Moody stepped forward, with determination on their faces to stop him at all costs.

"It's still worth saving..." Brian stood on the wall at the top of the tower and looked at it for a while, then nodded slightly.

He raised his right hand and pointed the wand at Voldemort. A spell flew out from the tip of the wand and hit Voldemort with scorching heat. The air along the way seemed to be roasted and rolled up.

Voldemort's slender pupils shrank into a thin line. He waved his wand heavily, and a thick silver shield suddenly appeared beside him, blocking the sudden curse. A sour sound.

"It's you..." Voldemort looked up in Brian's direction and hissed.

Brian's disillusionment spell was lifted, he jumped off the wall and walked towards Voldemort.

The rebels looked at Brian in surprise and confusion, as if wondering why Voldemort would take such a cautious stance on a student. Some of the Death Eaters gasped and backed away, recalling the battle in the cemetery.

Snape had a strange expression on his face, and Mad-Eye Moody shouted rudely: "Students, get out of here!"

Brian ignored the others and had a weird smile on his face.

"I won." Voldemort said slowly, "This place belongs to me... So, what are you going to do?"

Brian smiled, glanced at the wand in Voldemort's hand, and said in a very calm tone: "I feel like I'm getting a little hot-blooded... so I came here to ask you to get out."

Although he was getting excited as he spoke, the expression on Brian's face was very calm and his tone was calm.

"You can't defeat me, Brian Foley," Voldemort said softly, with a snake-like hiss in his voice.

"With it?" Brian glanced at the Elder Wand held by Voldemort and narrowed his eyes.

An Elder Wand that does not belong to Voldemort, even if it does not recognize Voldemort as his master, it is more powerful than all other wands, and it is indeed a good addition to Voldemort's combat effectiveness.

But... Brian glanced around, and the expression on his face became half-smiling.

He spent almost a year building this stage, with the purpose of giving Voldemort an unforgettable defeat.

"Come on, your opponent is me." Brian said softly under the horrified, fearful or dull eyes of everyone around him.

"You have chosen the wrong path, Foley." Voldemort said softly, "So you are going to die here."

"Then let me see if you can do it." Brian said calmly.

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