Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 297 It’s over

For a moment, there was silence on the top of the tower, and only the faint sound of the melee downstairs could be heard.

Dumbledore was breathing hard, while Brian's face was expressionless. This scene looked like Brian bullying a lonely old man.

There were rapid and messy footsteps at the top of the stairs, and two slightly embarrassed figures rushed out, with silver, water-like invisibility cloaks trailing behind them.

"Brian, you..."

Harry said something breathlessly, then suddenly paused. His mouth opened wide, his eyes widened, and he stared blankly at the scene in front of him, as if he was suddenly stunned.

Hermione's eyes widened and she took a step back in disbelief, almost falling down the stairs.

If a young wizard from a wizarding family saw this scene, it might not be too strange, but Harry and Hermione are both from the Muggle world, how could they not know about pistols.

But when the pistol appeared at Hogwarts, Brian still pointed it at Dumbledore. This was simply more magical than a fantasy drama.

Harry would rather believe that Dumbledore would point a gun at Brian...

Harry's lips opened and opened, but no words came out of his throat. Hermione began to mutter a spell, as if she suspected that she was hallucinating.

"Did you arrange them?" Brian took back his pistol in a funny way and asked calmly.

"How could it be? I arranged it for Severus." Dumbledore blinked slowly, "Facts have proved that even the best plans always have unexpected surprises..."

The phoenix Fox chirped, and flew back with flames burning all over his body, and was about to continue attacking Brian. Dumbledore shouted "Come back, Fawkes", and then it turned around and landed next to Dumbledore, aiming its beautiful head at his right hand. Big drops of tears fell down, letting Dumbledore The wound on Lido's hand healed very quickly.

"Okay, Fawkes." Seeing that Fawkes still wanted to treat his left arm, Dumbledore patted Phoenix's head and said softly.

Harry and Hermione seemed to realize that what they were seeing was not an illusion. Harry rushed to Dumbledore's side and looked at his charred left arm filled with ominous magic. His eyes were suddenly flooded with tears.

"Sir..." Harry said with a trembling tone, "You have to see a doctor. I will take you to see a doctor..."

"Okay, Harry, I'm fine." Dumbledore smiled as peacefully as usual, "Actually, I brought it on myself tonight."

Brian watched this scene silently, threw the Elder Wand back to Dumbledore, and said in a mocking tone: "I have no intention of attacking you... If you can use the same energy you used against me on Voldemort, I will I’ll thank you very much.”

"Actually, I think I can fight for a few more rounds." Dumbledore took the wand and said in a relaxed tone.

"Of course I will do what you said, but the method may not be very popular." Brian said with a sarcastic smile on his face and a lazy tone.

"That's already very good." Dumbledore said calmly, "I can't have any higher expectations for you."

"Then you can just reminisce about old times and let me leave first." Brian said and walked towards the edge wall.

Hermione stood aside blankly, looking at Brian and then at Dumbledore. She seemed to find that what happened here was different from what she thought, and she was a little at a loss for a moment.

Brian glanced briefly at Hermione and Harry, and finally took a deep look at Dumbledore. His upper body instantly fell outside the wall, and his whole body fell from the top of the tower.

"Brian!" Hermione screamed, quickly rushed to the edge and looked down, but did not see the figure who fell.

Brian had already transformed into the starry sky, quickly and silently accelerated his speed, and flew towards the other tower.

He appeared on the top of another tower, looking far away in the direction of the astronomy tower, watching the flash of the magic spell flashing in the tower, looking at the dark mark floating quietly in the sky, and the distant figure on the top of the tower. visible.

Brian took out the Marauder's Map and found Daphne and the others who were slowly moving inside the castle. The expression on his face became much more relaxed.

He saw more people pouring into Hogwarts, apparently others from the Order and Aurors from the Ministry of Magic arriving to support them. They rushed towards the astronomy tower quickly, and the magic spell illuminated the bottom of the tower as bright as day.

Brian took out a bottle of magic potion from his bag and drank it for himself. The injuries on his body disappeared quickly, and his pale face also improved a lot. He sat down facing the direction of the astronomy tower, his expression calm and indifferent, and his eyes seemed to reflect the bright starlight.

At the top of the astronomy tower, Harry opened his mouth and said: "Sir, you..."

Dumbledore glanced at Harry apologetically, then stood up with difficulty, gasping in pain.

"Sir, let's go to the doctor..." Harry said urgently as he supported Dumbledore. Hermione also came over to hold his other arm, her expression flustered and uneasy.

"No need, it's a matter of time." Dumbledore smiled peacefully, "Ah, maybe you saw that we are engaged in a special and pleasant teaching and communication."

Harry opened his mouth to retort, but after seeing Dumbledore's injury, he shut himself up.

"You coming here is beyond my expectation, Harry, and Miss Granger." Dumbledore said, "I am very touched and happy to receive your concern..."

Dumbledore breathed hard for a while and continued: "But you must go back. You know what kind of danger you will be in here next..."

"What about you, Mr. Dumbledore?" Harry asked hurriedly.

"I still have things to do." Dumbledore said with a relaxed expression.

"But..." Harry said, and suddenly felt a sharp pain in his scar. The world in front of him spun like a top, and another scene gradually emerged.

He walked out the door, filled with anticipation and ecstasy. He looked at the fighting crowd in front of him, who looked at him with fearful expressions. He didn't pay attention, and floated over like invisible smoke, passing everyone, up, up, and finally stopped in front of the barrier...

"Severus, how are you?" His voice was cold and high.

"Dumbledore has been fighting someone for a long time, and now the fighting seems to have stopped." Snape said humbly and respectfully, "We cannot break this barrier..."

Voldemort raised his pale and slender hand, holding a wand in it, and pointed it at the invisible wall in front of him. He looked at the yew wand in his hand and felt excited. This would be its last feat. How appropriate...

"No... wake up!" Harry realized that he couldn't watch anymore, everyone would be in danger. He tried hard to pull his thoughts back, and the world in front of him gradually became clear, and Hermione was looking at him in horror. The scar ached sharply, and he tried hard not to fall into Voldemort's thoughts.

"Keep it out of your brain..." Harry endured the burning pain of the scar, and he found that for the first time he had defeated Voldemort in his mind.

"Sir, he's here..." Harry gasped, squeezing Dumbledore's skinny arm tightly.

"I know." Dumbledore looked at him with a pleased expression, "Congratulations on defeating it, Harry."

"Now, Fawkes, take them away." Dumbledore said to Fawkes.

The phoenix whined lowly, and then sang its war song again, seeming to encourage everyone's courage. It sang loudly, suddenly swooped down, grabbed Harry and Hermione's shoulders with its claws, and fluttered its wings into the boundless night sky.

"No—" Harry wailed, trying hard to look back at Dumbledore, but he couldn't tell the direction. Fox's singing sounded in the ears, giving people endless courage, but at this time it seemed to contain endless sadness.

Hermione clutched Harry's hand, trembling all over.

Brian was sitting on a high tower and suddenly stood up. Voldemort's figure appeared on the Astronomy Tower, confronting Dumbledore, and Brian could even guess what they were talking about.

Then, the brilliance of the magic spell flashed again on the astronomy tower, and the two figures flashed alternately. The collision of the magic spells caused a thunderous noise, and the flashes of various colors illuminated the night sky brilliantly, like a grand performance. stage play.

More people stepped onto the top of the astronomical tower. They stopped fighting, fell silent, and looked from a distance, like the audience of this performance, more like solemn pilgrims.

A dazzling green light flashed, a high-pitched voice laughed, and Dumbledore's body flew back toward the bright starry sky.

The black mist chased the figure, condensed into a pair of big pale hands, and pulled out the wand from Dumbledore's hand. The wand burst out a large string of sparks in his hand...

Dumbledore's body fell out of the wall weakly, like a big old doll, and then fell downward, falling...

"It's over," Brian muttered.

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