Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 82 Coming to the ruins

By the time Lean came out of the shop, Pais had been waiting on the street lamp outside for a long time.

"Cuckoo!" Pais yelled twice angrily, but after seeing Fovo and Rhine coming out of the shop, they flew to the street lamp again, tilting their heads and looking at the three people below pretending to be curious.

"Your owl? This is really extraordinary." Rhine drank a little too much and was a little shaky at the moment, but he could still tell at a glance that Rian's owl had the blood of magical animals.

"Gugu?" Pais heard Rhine's words and tilted his head to look at Rian, his little head filled with doubts.

"Come down, these two are also wizards, there is no need to keep it secret." Rean raised his head and said to Pais.

When Pais heard this, the arrow flew from the street lamp and landed on Lean. He first rubbed Lean's face, and then stretched out his right paw to signal Lean to take away his Christmas gift.

However, Lean ignored Pais. Instead, he greeted Fovo and Rhine first, and then transferred the gifts in Pais's anklet to his own seamless stretch bag.

Because today was Christmas Eve, people were all reunited at home, and there was no one on the street. There was just flying snow in the sky, so Lean didn't avoid it too much.

"It's great. You can still receive a Christmas gift, so you have to cherish it. When we grow up, not many people will remember it." Fowo said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, when you get old, not many people will remember you." Rhine also echoed.

"Hahaha, okay, kid, go home quickly." Fovo supported the shaky Rhine and said to Lien kindly.

Rean nodded, then walked in a random direction.

Lien was very satisfied with tonight's action.

He used Zhuomu's incident to get a lot of words out of Fowo's mouth. In other words, Fowo didn't take it seriously at all and directly told Lien the matter about the ruins as a story.

But it's no wonder that Fovo was there, because a ruins were once discovered here, and were later divided up by the Ministry of Magic and several families. Some of the soup was left for some wild wizards with no backing, and the distribution was completed.

However, after Fovo's explanation, Lien compared the drawings and discovered that perhaps the former Ministry of Magic had not been completely mined.

When Pais saw that Lean was ignoring him, he gently pecked Lean on the face.

"You're doing well, Pais. Go back later and ask Pudding to make something delicious for you." Rean touched Pais' head.

Then Lean came to the place where the ruins were and observed them for a long time before taking Pais, who was shivering with cold, back to the forest cabin.

There were a lot more things in the house than when Lean left, making the whole house look more cozy.

"Master, you are back." Pudding bowed deeply. After all, he was in charge of a plantation for his master.

If this were told, it would be enough to envy all other house elves. This was a plantation, and I had never heard of a house elf being so trusted by his owner.

Thinking of this, Pudding's waist became even bigger.

However, after a long time, Pudding didn't hear Lien's response, and couldn't help but feel a little strange. So it secretly raised its head and glanced at Lien.


Pudding immediately knelt down and smashed his head to the ground repeatedly.

"It's all Pudding's fault. Pudding shouldn't mess with his master's house. Pudding deserves to die." Pudding kept wailing and took a candlestick from the cabinet next to him and kept beating himself.

Lien sighed. It wasn't because Pudding had changed his house without permission, but because Pudding acted like this, it really made Lien feel bad.

"Okay, okay, don't do this anymore. You did a good job. I don't mean to blame you." Rean waved his hand and said a little tiredly.

"Thank you master, thank you master. Master is really the best master in the world." Pudding kept kowtowing in thanks.

"Okay, you go make some delicious food and send it to Pais."

Lean quickly assigned tasks to Pudding to keep him busy, otherwise Lean believed that Pudding could spend half an hour here.

Pudding got Lien's instructions and happily ran to work on Pais's dinner.

In Pudding's opinion, this is the correct way for the master to forgive, because only work can demonstrate the necessity of the existence of house elves, and the master will not find a reason to let the elf go free.

"Phew." Reen breathed a sigh of relief slowly.

Pudding was noisy and noisy just now, which really gave Lien a headache after a busy day.

Sometimes house elves are good, but other times they're terrible.

Rean sat in his study, thinking about tomorrow's trip to the ruins.

"Huh?" Rean unconsciously touched a cup of hot tea.

Lien nodded. Although Pudding was a little noisy sometimes, the house elf was still very considerate.

After studying the drawings for a while, Lien took a shower and went to bed.

Early the next morning, Lean was awakened by the sweet smell of pumpkin porridge.

"Master, you are awake."

Lean got up from the bed and heard Pudding's words as soon as he left the bedroom.

"Breakfast has been prepared. Please enjoy it." After Pudding finished speaking, he entered the small room next to him.

House elves cannot appear in the owner's sight when the owner is dining. This is a rule that house elves have always followed.

After breakfast, Lean had the foresight to open the gift from Hermione. It was a scarf, all white and green. Judging from the stitching, the little girl must have knitted it herself.

Without much hesitation, Lean wrote a letter and asked Pais to give it to Hermione, with words to the effect that knitting this scarf was a blessing and I like it very much.

After writing the letter, Lean apparated to the ancient well in the center of the town he inspected last night.

This is the entrance to the ruins.

The whole underground was very dark, and the light projected from the well mouth was the only source of light.


A ball of light rose from Lien's hand, illuminating the entire underground space.

In order to avoid being noticed by the Ministry of Magic, Rean simply did not bring a wand this time.

The entire underground space is not large, only about the size of a room. There is a pool in the middle and open space around it. It can be seen that there should have been something on the wall, but now you can only see traces, but not the original state.

The surrounding walls are exactly the same, and it is impossible to tell which wall is the entrance by looking at it with the naked eye.

Rean turned on his magic perception and immediately discovered that there were fluctuations of magic power on the wall on the left, which was so conspicuous in the Muggle world without magic.

But what makes Lien feel strange is that only that wall has magic power, and other than that, there is no magic power at all.

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