Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 81 Lockhart’s evidence of guilt

After releasing Pais, Rean apparated to a small town near the ruins.

Although Christmas was approaching, there were still many pedestrians on the street, and Lien was surprised to find that there were still a few shops open.

Smelling the sweet smell in the air, my stomach growled involuntarily.

There is heavy snow falling in the sky. At this time, there is nothing better than a cup of warm hot cocoa and a bacon sandwich to fill your stomach.

Thinking of this, Li En stepped forward and opened the door of a shop on the street.

"Welcome, I really didn't expect that there would be customers on this damn day." A middle-aged woman in an apron raised her face from the counter and looked at Lien with a depressed expression.

"To be clear in advance, the chef is off today. If you want to have a good meal, please go out." The middle-aged woman continued.

"A cup of hot cocoa and a sandwich, preferably with bacon." Lean found a seat and sat down at random, "I should have these."

"Wait." The landlady said, turned and walked to the kitchen, not caring that Li En was sitting alone in the store.

Lean looked at everything in the store curiously. There were several oil paintings on the walls, but the painters were not very good. They should have been bought from the second-hand market in the community.

There are several electric fans on the wall, but they are now covered with cloth to prevent dust.

There is a stack of napkins on each table and a small trash can next to it.

There is a fireplace on the wall, with pine wood burning inside, emitting a light fragrance and bringing a touch of warmth to the store.

The landlady quickly came out of the back kitchen, carrying a cup and a plate. The cup was steaming, and the sandwich on the plate was exuding an enticing aroma.

Lean took out a ten pound note and put it on the table, then took the hot cocoa and sandwich.

But after the lady boss put down her things, she didn't take the money.

"Okay, little ghost head, get out of here after eating. I know that for children of your grade, you may dislike your parents' nagging, but on this holiday, it's better for the family to be together." The landlady said, While walking to the counter.

Lean couldn't help but smile, but he didn't say anything more and just ate his dinner in silence.

Just when Lean finished half of the sandwich, a gust of cold wind made Lean shiver.

"Rhine, Fovo, why are you two old guys here again?" the landlady's voice sounded, sounding a little happy.

"Hahaha, you know that I don't have a single firewood in my house." An old man with sunken eyes and wrinkles on his face but bright eyes said with a smile.

"Doris, let's start with the usual dishes. Let me tell you, Fovo found a bottle of good wine at the beginning of this year. I've been wanting to drink it for a long time, so I have to try it today." Next to the old man A middle-aged man said with a vicissitudes of life.

"Rhine, there are still customers in my shop." The landlady said unhappily.

"Sorry, I didn't notice." Rhine also noticed that Lien was an obvious minor and apologized quickly.

Lean had been paying attention to these two from the beginning, because the magic fluctuations in their bodies were so conspicuous in the Muggle world, but Lean was confident that they had not discovered the magic in them.

The magic calming method is a technique from another world that can silence the magic power in the body and cannot be discovered by ordinary wizards.

Rhine and Fovo found a seat not far from the fireplace and sat down, not far from Lean's seat.

Doris, the proprietress, soon brought over a plate of fried peanuts.

"I'm always surprised every time I see it. It's really hard to imagine that peanuts taste so delicious after being fried." Fovo pinched a peanut and threw it into his mouth, tasting it.

Rhine also ate a peanut and said, "Quick, bring out your good wine."

Then Lean watched in surprise as Fovo took out a red and white wine bottle from his arms.

"My old friend spent a lot of effort to bring this to me, so you have to save some money."

"I know, I know, there are not many birds that can fly across the Eurasian continent. I know, you have said it several times." Rhine couldn't wait to grab the bottle from Fovo's hand and poured himself a glass.

Fovo happily poured himself a glass, and then carefully put the bottle away.

After taking a sip, Fowo closed his eyes and made a "ha" sound.

"It would be great if Zhuom was here." Rhine said while eating peanuts.

"Is that Zhuomu who often eats meat, drinks alcohol, and likes to eat sweets?" Doris asked, "What's wrong with him? I haven't seen him for a long time."

"A year ago, Zhuo Mu seemed to have suddenly forgotten something, so he should be recuperating in the hospital now." Fovo said melancholy as he took a sip of wine.

Zhuomu is a powerful wizard, but time will never let go of every life, no matter you are strong or not.

"Ha, I just said that the old man will always get retribution for ruining his body like this. Old people should treat themselves better." Doris said while lying on the counter.

"Zhuom used to brag about fighting vampires every Christmas, and I got tired of hearing it. But it suddenly disappeared this year, and I still have some thoughts." Rhine sighed and said, "Who would have thought of him? You will forget the glory you once had."

Fowo smiled: "It's called... Doris, what's it called? It's the disease that causes old people to forget their memories."

"Alzheimer's, Fovo, look at your memory, I think you are in danger."

"Yes, yes, Alzheimer's disease." Fovo's voice dropped.

He quietly leaned into Rhine's ear and said with a smile: "And it's better to forget it, otherwise according to the temperament of the old guy Drom, after hearing Mr. Lockhart's deeds, he would be anxious to find Lockhart. Mr. Lockhart's duel, after all, both of them have swam with vampires, but Mr. Lockhart's deeds are greater."

"Hahaha, it's true." Rhine laughed.

"Sorry to disturb your interest." Rean interrupted from the side.

"Oh, hello, what can I do for you?" Fovo put down his glass and smiled kindly.

"Can you tell me more about Drom?" Rean said while quietly revealing a hint of his wand.

"Hahaha." Fowo didn't expect to meet a curious little wizard here, laughing.

"Of course, come here, kid, sit here." Fovo pulled out a seat for Lean, "Doris, have another cup of hot cocoa."

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