Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 238 Strength is the basis for being respected

After making their decision, Lean and Hermione went to Madam Malkin's robe store.

Opening the door and walking into the store, Mrs. Malkin was enthusiastically measuring the body data of each customer. On the table next to her, an automatic quill was shaking crazily, recording the data measured by Mrs. Malkin.

But from time to time it would jump into the ink bottle to get a dip in ink, and then jump out again and land on the parchment with a "la" sound, leaving a pool of ink along the way. Lean was very worried whether Mrs. Malkin would be able to read the data clearly in the end.

Madam Malkin moved quickly, fully demonstrating the craftsmanship of a tailor. Soon, it was Hermione's turn.

"Oh, little cutie, you are exhausted from wearing so much in winter. Do you want to try the new robe in the store with a thermal insulation charm?"

Mrs. Malkin held a soft ruler and measured the data for Hermione while promoting.

"No need for now." Hermione declined.

After buying the ingredients for the potion, she didn't have many galleons left in her pocket. Hermione still had to buy some stationery, so forget about the robes with the Warming Charm.

In the wizarding world, it's common knowledge that once an item is enchanted, it becomes expensive. Because not every wizard can cast a spell on an object, only those wizards who are very skilled in spells can do so.

"Okay, turn around, I want to measure the back." Mrs. Malkin was not angry and said with a smile.

Originally, she knew the final result when she saw Hermione's clothes.

"Okay, the data measurement is finished. However, there have been a lot of orders recently. I will use owl to mail the clothes to you when the time comes."

Hermione looked at the thick pile of parchment next to her and nodded.

After paying a galleons deposit, Hermione followed Lean out of the robe shop. Their next stop was the exchange ink stationery shop.

This store specializes in selling stationery such as quills, parchment, and ink.

"Ha, welcome. Our store has recently launched a piece of paper that can be used to exchange information. Do you want to take a look? Oh, our store has launched a Christmas event. Anyone who spends ten galleons will receive an exchange paper as a gift."

As soon as I entered the store, the waiter next to me came forward and enthusiastically promoted the product.

"I want to see it first." Reen refused.

"Of course, you're welcome, sir." The man said with a smile, and then withdrew.

Hermione first went to the area where parchment was sold and bought three dozen parchments. Hermione, who had taken all elective courses, did consume a lot of parchment.

After purchasing the parchment, Hermione went to buy some ink. These inks are specially made, so using inks from the Muggle world is not acceptable.

However, Hermione did not buy the quill. Under Lien's leadership, the little girl seemed to be more accustomed to the pen.

Instead, Lien wandered around the ink area and bought a confidential ink. This kind of ink needs to be matched with a special quill pen. Before writing, a certain frequency of magic power is input into the quill pen, and then the ink is dipped in it to write.

After writing, the written content will completely disappear within half an hour. Unless the magic power used to keep it secret is entered into the handwriting, the handwriting will not appear. After three mistakes, the ink will burn, burning the entire parchment in an instant.

The function is very powerful, but the price is not beautiful. A bottle of approximately twenty milliliters of ink costs five galleons. The specially made quill pen also costs five galleons. Lien bought a total of three bottles of ink and a quill, which cost a total of twenty galleons.

"It seems there is nothing left to buy." Lien took the gift exchange paper and put it in the bag.

Hermione nodded as well, and then the two of them left the stationery store.

Li En looked up at the sun and estimated that it was almost noon, so he said, "Want to get something to eat?"

"Okay, call mom and dad." Hermione thought for a while and felt a little hungry, so she nodded and said.

"Of course."

So Hermione happily ran to the Leaky Cauldron to find Mr. and Mrs. Granger.

Hermione came back soon, followed by Mr. and Mrs. Granger, and then the group walked to the dessert shop.

Mr. Granger frowned involuntarily when he heard about the dessert shop. However, with Lien's persuasion, he finally agreed.

As for Lien's persuasion, he just took a small amount and went to the store where he just bought the medicinal materials to buy a bottle of tooth-protecting potion. This potion preparation method is very simple and does not require the use of magic at all. Even ordinary people can prepare it after training.

The four of them came to the dessert shop, sat down one by one, each ordered what they wanted to eat, and then sat and chatted while waiting for the dessert to be ready.

"Well, this is not bad. Is the formula for sale? I want to prepare some and put them in my clinic." Mr. Granger held the bottle of toothpaste in his hand, put it in the sun and looked at it, and soon I thought about the greatest use of this potion.

"Of course. In fact, this formula is not a big deal in the magic world. It is the kind of formula that everyone knows."

Rean shrugged, then took out the parchment and started writing. After finishing writing, Lien blew gently twice to let the ink dry quickly, and then handed it to Mr. Granger.

"Thank you so much. I think with this formula, I will definitely become the greatest dentist in the country." Mr. Granger happily took the formula.

"Um...what is sage? Also, does this potion really need leech juice?"

Mr. Granger looked at the formula and frowned. It's not that he hasn't seen the world, but this recipe is indeed a bit strange.

"Don't worry, you can completely match it and sell it. As long as the customers don't know, then I don't think they will sue you regardless of their beautiful teeth."

Rean shrugged and said.

"By the way, you can also say that this is a formula from the Far East. You also know that the pharmaceutical giants have never been interested in these."

"Also, if you sell it in large quantities, you might be targeted by the Ministry of Magic, so it's best to just sell it in the clinic."

Lean slowly explained the various pros and cons to Mr. Granger. Mr. Granger quickly figured out the meaning and nodded in agreement.

"Gentlemen and ladies, your dessert is ready." The waiter brought the dessert over in time.

Hermione ordered strawberry pudding with lemon juice, and specifically asked the chef to add less sugar. Mr. Granger ordered a bacon sandwich with strawberry juice. Mrs. Granger ordered the same thing as Mr. Granger.

Lean ordered a vampire's feast with grape juice. The so-called vampire's feast was actually just various red jams splashed on the cake wantonly. The whole cake was dark red, like dried blood.

"How can you eat such a strange dessert?" Hermione. He was the first to question Lien's desserts.

"Actually, it tastes pretty good, sour and sweet," Lean said.

"Then enjoy it slowly." Hermione said with disgust.

Lien just wanted to try this out of the blue. To put it bluntly, it was pure curiosity.

A few people were eating and chatting, but the waiter didn't come to chase them away. This dessert shop must have been expanded through the Invisible Stretching Charm. The interior and exterior spaces are completely inconsistent.

After finishing eating, Rean went to pay the bill and then left the dessert shop.

"Is there anything else I need to buy?" Lean asked.

"temporarily unavailable."

"What does temporary mean?"

"For the time being, I just think of something and buy it again."

"So why not buy now."

"Because I can't remember."

Sometimes, conversations between lovers are so boring, but inexplicably, both parties still enjoy it and don't think that it is all nonsense.

After confirming that Hermione had nothing to buy, the group decided to leave Diagon Alley. The wizarding world is still very unfriendly to the Grangers, who are Muggles.

In just a few minutes of standing and talking, several curious looks were already cast towards me. Not maliciously, but out of curiosity like meeting a foreigner.

However, although they were not malicious, being looked at by so many eyes made the Grangers feel like monkeys in a zoo, being watched by tourists coming and going. This feeling is so bad that it even overwhelms my curiosity about the magical world.

A group of four people rushed to the Leaky Cauldron, but unfortunately, they met Lucius Malfoy and his son Draco Malfoy on the way.

When Draco saw the four of them, Draco raised his face with arrogance. He was about to take a step forward and then started to laugh at them, but was stopped by his father.

Draco looked at Lucius with confusion, but Lucius ignored him.

"Merry Christmas, Mr. Zell." Lucius said with a smile on his face, leaning on his hidden wand shop civilization stick.

"Merry Christmas, Mr. Malfoy."

He would not hit the smiling man with his hand, and Lien would not refuse Lucius's overtures.

After Lean finished speaking, Lucius took the initiative to pull Draco aside and make way for Lean.

Rean smiled at Lucius and then led the Granger family out of Diagon Alley.

"Father, why do you have to make way for them?" Draco changed his words under his father's stern eyes.

"Because Mr. Zell has gained strength, I have to respect him, you know?"

Lucius sighed. He suddenly felt that there was something wrong with the way he educated his heir. The Malfoy family has been able to survive for so many years, isn't it because they have both sides?

Could it be that his stupid son really believed in the nonsense about pure-blood supremacy?

Lucius was frightened by his thoughts. He looked at his son and then quickly took him away from Diagon Alley. He couldn't wait to verify whether his son was a fool!

On the other side, Hermione looked at Ryan curiously. Mr. and Mrs. Granger were also full of curiosity. They had heard rumors about the Malfoy family from Hermione before.

That is an arrogant and evil family. I heard that the current patriarch was a terrorist before. Hell, can even a terrorist be the patriarch of the wizarding world now?

Mr. Granger kept thinking in his mind, but showed no expression on the surface.

"Ryan, what have you done to make even the Malfoy patriarch get out of the way for you?"

When they got to the car, Hermione couldn't help but asked.

Lean noticed that both Grangers' ears perked up after Hermione asked the question.

"Hermione, I didn't do anything, I just improved my strength. Just like Professor Dumbledore, no matter where he goes, others will subconsciously respect him."

"You know why? It's not his series of titles, just because he ended two Dark Lords."

"This is the magic world. After all, strength speaks for itself. When you have the power to fight against the entire magic world, you will find that all power and wealth are all in vain."

Hermione was silent. She wanted to refute, but she seemed to think that Rean was right. The Grangers also lowered their ears. What Lien said was true, but it was also the most difficult thing to do.

Not everyone can become as strong as Dumbledore, so the method mentioned by Rean is not universal.

Mr. Granger began to concentrate on driving, and Mrs. Granger also began to think about what to have for dinner today. The car fell into silence.

Soon, the car arrived at the door of Granger's house.

"Okay, kids, we're home." Mr. Granger opened the car door and said happily.

He also figured it out.

Since Lean is now so powerful that even the pure-blood nobles who insist on "pure-blood supremacy" have to put down their status, it means that Hermione has also gained a layer of protection in the magical world in disguise.

In this way, Hermione can be regarded as having a place in the magical world.

"Ryan, please stay for dinner tonight." Mrs. Granger invited.

Hermione also looked at Lean, her eyes full of reluctance.

So Li En nodded, and he was happy with it.

After dinner, Lean did not stay overnight, but returned to his forest cabin.

In the box world, Rean looked helplessly at Anderson, who had no fighting spirit.

Since entering the Christmas break, Anderson has fallen into a state of decadence. Fortunately, when Lean asked questions, Anderson answered honestly.

Except for a banquet held on Christmas Eve, everyone in the manor had no intention of taking a holiday and was still busy with their work every day.

It's just that people who have awakened their magic power will diligently and conscientiously exercise their magic control before going to bed.

The Christmas holidays would always come to an end, and in the blink of an eye, Ryan was already standing on platform nine and three-quarters sending Hermione to school. The Grangers went to the clinic early, and there was a backlog of appointments during the Christmas holiday.

"Hermione, this is lunch made of pudding. You can take it and eat it on the way."

Rean took out a beautifully packaged thermal box and handed it to Hermione's hand.

"Hmph, are you going to travel again?"

"Of course, at least until the goal is accomplished."

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