Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 237 Trip to Diagon Alley

After putting the bracelet on his hand, Lien felt something was wrong. He seemed to be able to feel the space in front of him rolling like waves, and he could turn into water and blend in.

"That's just your feeling. If you can really integrate it, it means you have mastered space. Even the God of Space will take thousands of years to do it."

Anderson shook his head and said after listening to Lien's words.

"Okay, Anderson, thank you for the gift. But I have to go to bed, I have an appointment tomorrow." Rean yawned and said to Anderson.

"Tsk." Anderson made an inexplicable sound, "Go ahead, I'm almost ready to rest."

Lien glanced at Anderson. As an undead bone dragon, Anderson actually didn't need sleep. Even the blue dragons seldom sleep as adults. They always spend their time on things that interest them.

However, Lien did not ask, but turned around and exited the box world, returning to his bed. Not long after, Rean fell into sleep. Pudding quietly appeared in Lean's room and turned off the light that was still on for Lean.

Rean woke up early the next morning. After washing up and eating a simple sandwich, we arrived at Granger's house.

This was also agreed upon yesterday. After arriving at Granger's house, we would take a car to the Leaky Cauldron together.

"Okay, are you all ready?" Mr. Granger asked standing at the door.

Hermione checked what she had on her: her wand, Galleons, and the pocket that Ryan had given her.

"We're done cleaning up, let's go." Hermione said.

After getting into the car, Mr. Granger started the car and drove cautiously to Charing Cross Road. Due to the weather, there were two more car accidents this morning, which was a wake-up call for Mr. Granger.

Luckily, it was smooth sailing all the way to the parking lot next to the record store.

Led by Ryan and Hermione, the group came to the Leaky Cauldron. Tom, the bar owner, still looks the same, as if he has never changed.

When he heard someone opening the door, he didn't even raise his head. He knew that usually those who came in through the main entrance were Muggle-born wizards, and they usually only borrowed them for a while.

And his idea was basically correct. Ryan and Hermione took the Grangers directly to the backyard.

The trash cans were still in place, untouched.

"You coming?" Rean said looking at Hermione.

"You brought a wand?"


"Then you ask?"

Lean shrugged and made room for Hermione. Hermione took out her wand, then tapped it lightly at the corresponding location, and a door leading to Diagon Alley appeared in front of the four of them.

"To be honest, every time I see this scene, I feel a little unreal." Mr. Granger sighed.

Mrs. Granger smiled and nodded. It seemed that she also agreed with Mr. Granger's words.

"Okay, let's go quickly." Hermione had already reached Diagon Alley and was turning around to look at them.

"Just come." Mr. Granger agreed and walked into Diagon Alley.

There are so many wizards in Diagon Alley, and every shop is crowded with people. If it's something like an ice cream shop, you'll have to queue up.

And most of them are couples going shopping, but there are also families traveling. Everyone will smile kindly when they see the young couple cuddling together. The young lovers seemed to be happy to show off their love to everyone, but some were too shy to do so, so they had no choice but to grab their sweethearts' hands and run away in a hurry amid the laughter of everyone.

"I think I'm going to go to the drugstore to buy some ingredients first." Hermione took out a note from her pocket, looked at it, and said.

"Then go take a look. I also want to buy some rare herbs." Rean shrugged and said.

"Forget it, I won't go. I plan to go to the Leaky Cauldron with your mother for a drink, and you two can go have fun." Mr. Granger thought of the strange smell of the drugstore and looked at the young couples around him. , and finally decided to let the two of them buy it themselves.

And for a Muggle like me, there is always something wrong with following behind, and the children will also be a little restrained.

"Yes, to be honest, the smell of the drug store is indeed not very good." Mrs. Granger also said the same.

"Okay." Hermione really wanted to go shopping with Rean, so she agreed.

After the Grangers returned to the Leaky Cauldron, Hermione blushed and started shopping with Rean. As for going to the pharmacy to buy ingredients, the two of them temporarily forgot about it.

After playing around for a while, Hermione finally remembered the purpose of coming to Diagon Alley, so she pulled Lean towards the drugstore.

As soon as I entered the pharmacy, the pharmacy owner came forward to recommend medicines very enthusiastically.

"Ah ha, are you two a couple? Do you want a bottle of secret perfume? It's great!" As he said that, the drugstore owner winked and showed a lewd smile.

Hermione seemed to have understood what the pharmacy owner meant, and her face turned red. But she didn't make a sound, she just lowered her head and pulled Li En's arm.

"Sorry, no need, we're just here to buy some ingredients."

"In addition, you added a little too much psychedelic grass, about two grams less. You can also add some juice of water ghost vine to make the medicinal effect last longer and the taste more acceptable."

Lean smiled and declined the pharmacy owner's kindness, and also gave some suggestions for improvement.

The drugstore owner's expression froze, but after carefully considering Lien's suggestions for improvement, he instantly became enthusiastic about Lien.

"Haha, that's right. Which master are you a disciple of?"

"Severus Snape." Rean said Snape's name without hesitation.

"Oh! Disciple of Professor Snape. Haha, thank you for your suggestion. All your purchases today are 20% off. Don't be too short, let me make some."

The drugstore owner said with a smile, showing his yellow teeth.

Hermione frowned. As the daughter of a dentist, she also had an inexplicable obsession with teeth.

"Thank you." Rean thanked the pharmacy owner, and then took Hermione to pick out herbs.

"What are you going to buy?"

"Let me see, mole grass, lily petals, dog oil, ghoul's brain, viper fangs..." Hermione named dozens of materials in succession.

"So much?" Rean asked in surprise.

"Hmm, I plan to prepare some owl potions. Recently, more and more people like night adventures."

The Owl Potion is a potion that allows one to see clearly in dark environments, and in addition, it can also allow one to see ghosts.

"The owl potion doesn't require so many ingredients, right? And I remember that the owl potion seems to be a high-level potion. Did you come into contact with it so quickly?"

"Please, can you at least know a little more about your girlfriend?"

When Hermione said the word "girlfriend", her face turned slightly rosy.

"Okay, go back and I'll get you a potion book." Rean decided to open up the knowledge of other worlds to Hermione.

"Then I'll take a look first." Hermione bent down and selected the ingredients on the medicine shelf. "Actually, the owl medicine is the result of half a month of practice."

"Now I can only refine this high-level potion. I haven't tried other potions yet. In fact, there are very few high-level potion recipes in the library."

Only some harmless and common high-level potions will be placed in public areas, while others are placed in the restricted book area.

"They should all be placed in the restricted book area."

"Ryan, that's against school rules."

Hermione turned around, with a hint of helplessness on her face. She was the good girl in school, not the troublemaker like Potter and Weasley.

"Well, if you need anything, you can go to Professor Snape. He owes me a favor. If you go to him, he will help you."

"Actually, I think I just returned the favor, and you're actually using my name to cheat!"

A voice that was colder than the snowflakes floating in the sky outside sounded from behind Li En.

"Haha, Professor Snape, that doesn't count. To be honest, with a smart student like me, I think you can wake up laughing at night."

Rean turned around and looked at the expressionless Snape.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the corners of Snape's mouth twitched twice unconsciously. Maybe even Snape didn't expect that his student would become so thick-skinned after hanging out for half a year.

"You've been out for half a year and you just sharpened your face?"

"Of course not. Do you like the Christmas gift I gave you?"

Ryan's Christmas gift to Snape was a magical awakening potion.

The aroma of wine was also afraid of deep alleys, so Lean decided to use Snape to make a name for himself as a magic awakening potion. And a potion master cannot refuse an unfamiliar potion no matter what.

So Lean was sure that Snape would study it.

After hearing what Rean said, Snape's expression changed drastically, and he couldn't even maintain his Occlumency.

"Hell, come with me."

With that said, Snape took Lien's arm and walked out.

"Hermione, you buy the materials first, I'll be back soon." Rean said to Hermione.

The two came to a small room in the drugstore. Snape carefully closed the door and then set a spell in the room to prevent eavesdropping.

"Do you know what that means? Trouble, huge trouble, a big trouble that you simply can't bear." Snape shouted to Lean.

"Don't worry, Professor, no one knows what this potion means better than me." Rean said calmly.

"Where did you get the recipe?"

"Can't I develop it myself?"

Snape was stunned for a moment, then asked: "Did you develop it yourself?"

"No, I got it from the ruins."

Snape's hands involuntarily curled into fists.

"What do you mean by giving me this potion? Do you want to sell it? But with all due respect, it is impossible for this potion to pass the Ministry of Magic's inspection before it is tested. And once you send it to the Ministry of Magic for testing, Then this potion has nothing to do with you."

Snape snorted coldly. He knew very well what kind of virtue those people in the Ministry of Magic had.

"In fact, there are already many successful cases." Lien said slowly.

"What? You actually conducted experiments in private?"

"Relax, Professor, I just gave them a chance. And I believe this potion will not let me down. Every potions master should be confident in his or her potions."

In fact, Andre was indeed the guinea pig.

"Hmm, I suggest you reconsider." Snape returned to his expressionless face.

"Professor, will anyone steal Professor Dumbledore's things?" Rean asked.

"Oh, that old guy was kicked out of the position of principal last school year. You must have forgotten that, right?"

Lien's face froze, he gave the wrong example, this was really embarrassing.

"This is the magical world after all, and strength speaks for itself. If Voldemort were standing here, would those cowards from the Ministry of Magic dare to fart one more time?"

Snape took a deep look at Rean, and then said: "Since you have already made a plan, then do it according to your wishes. But I have promised in advance that I will not release the potion until it is completely tested. The sound of the wind.”

Snape still pays great attention to his own brand, so he will only help Rean build momentum after he is completely sure of the effect of the potion.

"how long?"

"Let's talk about it for half a year. This is a big thing."

Lien thought for a moment and realized that he would be able to experiment with a suitable alloy in half a year. At that time, he would be able to exchange potions for magic metal, so he nodded.

Although this conversation was short, its impact on the wizarding world was profound.

When Lean came out of the small room, Hermione had not finished selecting the materials she wanted to buy.

"When digging this herb, I encountered a rhizome. Look here, there is rust."

"This herb isn't very good. It doesn't look as big as the others. Maybe it's not old enough."

No matter how perfect an herb is, Hermione will always find something wrong with it.

But it was precisely because of this rigor that the herbs Hermione picked out were perfect in all aspects.

Even if it is put up for sale now, even if the price is increased by 30%, people are rushing to buy it.

An hour later, Hermione finally bought all the herbs she wanted to buy. When she took the herbal medicine to the counter to pay, the surprised look on the pharmacy owner's face really opened Lean's eyes.

For the first time, Lien knew that someone could really make such complex facial expressions.

"You must have picked out all the best medicinal materials in my store." The drugstore owner said weakly, "Okay, I won't break my promise. There are forty galleons in total. You can pay me thirty-two galleons." alright."

Hermione counted the money, took out thirty-two Galleons and put them on the counter, then put the ingredients in her pocket and left the pharmacy.

"What are you going to buy next?" Lean asked.

"Go buy some clothes. The robes you bought before don't fit." Hermione said shyly.

Lien nodded. A girl of fourteen or fifteen years old is growing up very fast.

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