Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 222 The Firepower System of the Floating City

Soon, Lien received a letter from the three brothers, and Anrona and Auro also successfully awakened their magic power. In the letter, the three brothers once again expressed their admiration for Lien, and also expressed their loyalty.

Lien just laughed, and then sent back some basic knowledge about spells, potions, alchemy, and enchantment. These are not from this world, but are excerpts from the Book of All Laws by Lien.

It is also time for these servants to understand the power of their master.

After dealing with his first inspiration, Lean decided to go out for a walk. Anderson is still processing the magic copper. He maintains the orange-red dragon's breath in a line, constantly melting the copper ore, and then uses magic to shape the copper water.

Next to it, a pile of copper plates as tall as one person was stacked there.

Seeing Anderson's serious look, Lien couldn't help but sigh, this dragon is really emotional. Just to recreate a city from a previous life, that's all.

Dragon's Breath requires magic power to maintain. What's more, Anderson has always said that maintaining Dragon's Breath in a line requires a lot of mental energy.

Although Anderson is now an undead and no longer suffers from physical fatigue, the mental and magical fatigue still exists.

"Anderson, I think it's time for you to take a break."

Looking at the dim soul fire in Anderson's head, Lien sighed and persuaded.

"I'm going to rest after refining this piece of magic copper."

While maintaining the dragon's breath, Anderson used magic power to vibrate the air and make sounds.

"Uh-huh." Lien nodded. He believed that Anderson still had some consciousness.

Leaving the box world, Rean appeared in the tent. The outdoor tent that originally looked very good has now been used by Lien as a protection in the box world. I wonder what Fovo will think when he finds out.

Putting away the tent, Lean was ready to leave this place and go to Nurmengard in Austria to see the once all-powerful Dark Lord.

However, Rean did not appear rashly directly near Nurmengard, but appeared on a hillside not far away.

Rean opened his magic vision and was suddenly glad that he did not enter Nurmengard rashly, otherwise Professor Dumbledore would have to go to the International Association of Wizards to recruit people tomorrow.

Not to mention the magic spells that can be seen in spell books such as protection and safe guarding, there are more than a dozen spells that Lien has never seen that are also shining brightly on the walls of Nurmengard.

And in addition to a magic source on the top floor, there is also a magic source on the waist of the tower. The magic source is connected to the magic spell on the entire tower. As long as there is any movement, the spell on the tower can be activated instantly.

By then, both saints and Aurors will be able to see it.

Rean turned his head and looked at the houses outside Nurmengard, curling his lips. Most of the houses had strong magic fluctuations, and Rean was probably either a saint or an Auror.

The International Association of Wizards has never known how to deal with this group of saints. It is obviously impossible to kill them all. How can a wizard who can follow Gainute on his conquests be just an ordinary person? When the time comes to break the hard-won peace, the senior officials of the Ministry of Magic cannot escape the blame.

Now they just live quietly around Nurmengard without causing trouble, which makes the officials of the Ministry of Magic very satisfied.

After looking at the wizards surrounding him and at Nurmengard, which was full of spells, Lien retreated.

He is here to travel, not to cause trouble. Although he is not afraid of trouble, getting into trouble just to meet someone is obviously the behavior of a fool.

Lean doesn't think he's a fool.

After leaving Nurmengard, Rean began to wander around the Muggle world.

Perhaps it was because of the weekend, there were many people on the street, and the crowds coming and going made Lean suddenly feel a little uncomfortable.

After wandering around for a while and eating a bowl of barbecue rice in a shop, Lien left the city.

After finding a place where no one usually came, Lien set up his tent and entered the box world.

Anderson was lying on the snow-capped mountain to absorb magic power and rest, but after feeling Lien's breath, Anderson still flew here.

"Is there anything you need my help with?"

Lien pointed to the stacked copper plates and said with a smile.

"Of course, you can engrave some runes on them to increase flexibility. These copper plates are used for wall inlays. As for the appearance, I plan to use an alloy that is hard enough and resistant to evil. I have the recipe in my mind. , which I researched in my previous life.”

Seeing that Lean was interested in these, Anderson began to explain in detail.

"But I'm not sure if I can find the materials in this life, so I think you should buy all the metals you can buy first, so that I can specify which alloy to use in the city based on the existing metals."

Ryan thought for a moment, and he thought Anderson was right. Moreover, a huge floating city can obviously not be built with just one alloy.

The outer shell of the city should be hard enough, and the metal along the magic transmission route inside should be slightly demon-phobic to prevent the magic from spilling during transportation.

The internal living area can be made of second-class alloys, but places like the power room require metal with extremely high magic resistance and physical resistance to prevent the power room from being damaged, etc.

"I will buy some. The metal will not be engraved with runes for the time being. I will worry about it after I buy all the materials."

"Don't worry, all materials need to be tempered, which can greatly improve the performance of the material." Anderson said.

Lien nodded, but did not immediately exit the box world to buy metal. These metals are enough for Anderson to temper for a period of time, and considering the stock of metals in the magic world, there are only a few relatively large quantities of metals for Lien to choose from.

As for the other metals, they are all metals with limited stocks. Once Lien purchases them on a large scale, the price will immediately rise. Only metals such as magic copper and magic iron, which are in excess supply, can be chosen.

Lean sat in the study, constantly thinking about metal. After a long time, he pressed his temple.

To be honest, he's not good at this. Just thinking about my floating city rising into the sky, I felt a surge of motivation again.

"Then let's just study weapons." Rean turned the notebook to the second page, looked at the seventeenth inspiration he recorded, and said to himself.

This is an idea about floating city weapons. As for the source, it refers to the light prism tower in Red Alert. The light prism tower in Red Alert can use multiple light prism towers to bend light to increase the power of the light, and Lien also wanted to borrow this idea to increase the power of the magic cannon.

Although the idea is simple, it is extremely difficult to implement.

Firstly, the style of the magic cannon makes it difficult to perform magic leaps. Secondly, because a large number of rooms need to be built inside the floating city to be used as breeding rooms, the area must be small.

Lean began to write and draw on the desk, but the waste paper in the wastebasket kept increasing.

"So this place can allow magic to rotate, but the material must be tough enough, otherwise the magic at such a speed will break the magic guide."

"Then the price will have to go up. Let's leave it like that for the time being. We can change it later when we have good ideas."

Lien determined the design of the first type of magic cannon on paper, which was composed of multiple magic cannons. The previous magic cannon receives the magic power emitted from the previous magic cannon, and then accelerates it to the location of the next magic cannon.

"Wait!" Rean's fingers tapping on the table suddenly stopped in the air.


Rean looked at the design on the paper and uttered a word.

A cyclotron is a device used to accelerate charged particles.

Before the cyclotron came out, charged particles were accelerated once inside the accelerator and then bombarded the target. The speed of charged particles depends on the voltage applied to the cyclotron.

But the cyclotron is different. By adding a magnetic field, it causes the charged particles to move in a circular motion within the magnetic field due to the Lorentz force. And every acceleration will increase the speed of charged particles.

Theoretically, there is no upper limit to this acceleration. But in fact, there is an upper limit to speed.

But this is the magical world, and Einstein has no control over the magical world.

Lien looked at the sketch he had just drawn on the table, gently rolled it into a ball of paper, and threw it into the trash can.

However, since the paper ball in the trash can was already full, the ball of paper had no choice but to pop out of the trash can and fall to the ground. Lien looked at it and reluctantly bent down to pick it up.

"Master, I think you should enjoy your dinner." Zhinao's voice suddenly came to mind.

"What time is it?" Lean put the paper ball in the trash can, pressed it, and asked.

"It's already half past nine."

"Is it so late?"

"Because the owner was drawing drawings at the time, he did not disturb the owner."

"That being said, I'm hungry too. Let's prepare dinner. By the way, give me something to eat first. I'm so hungry."

He didn't pay attention just now, but now after being reminded by Zhinao, Li En suddenly felt that he was extremely hungry.

Soon, a plate of crisp and refreshing pickled cucumbers was brought to the table.

"Zhinao, did you do this yourself?"

Lean took one taste and couldn't stop. The sour and refreshing cucumber whets your appetite, and the refreshing nature of the cucumber itself makes it even more addictive.

"Yes, because the manor's warehouse has not been renovated, it is pickled to prevent the vegetables from being damaged."

"How long until dinner?"

"It is expected to be completed in five minutes and seventeen seconds."

"All right."

More than five minutes later, a bowl of fragrant rice was placed in front of Li En, followed by a bowl of braised pork and a plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

"Zhinao, did you do this?"

Lien was a little surprised. He just bought a Chinese food encyclopedia from a Chinese shop and threw it to Zhinao, but he didn't expect that now he would give himself a big surprise quietly.


Rean couldn't wait to pick up a piece of fat and thin pork belly and put it in his mouth.

The delicious taste in his mouth made Lien narrow his eyes with satisfaction.

"The craftsmanship is good."

"Thank you for the compliment."

After dinner, Zhinao controlled the universal robot to take away the dishes, while Lien took a shower and lay down on the bed.

After thinking about it for a long time today, he felt his head hurt. But this was actually just an illusion. The real situation was that Lien had been maintaining the same posture and his muscles were already a little stiff.

Early the next morning, after Lien washed up and had breakfast, he went into the study and started tinkering with the weapons placed on the floating city.

But throughout the whole day, Rean made no progress at all. He only knew the principle of the cyclotron, but magic power would not be affected by a magnetic field like charged particles, so how to continuously accelerate magic power became a problem.

Rean kept flipping through the books in the study, but did not find any useful information.

How about asking Anderson?

Unable to move his heart, Li En stood up, stretched, and walked outside.

Anderson was currently controlling the magic power to shape the copper plate. When he saw Lean coming out, he sped up.

"Anderson, I want to ask you something, can magic power bend?"

"Of course. In fact, the flow of magic power in the air is irregular, so turning is also feasible."

Anderson replied matter-of-factly.

"I want to ask, can the magic energy emitted artificially be turned around?"

Anderson glanced at Lien curiously and continued: "Then the only way is to change the direction of the space, or use magic to guide the way."

Anderson's words were like a bolt of lightning that flashed through Lien's mind.

"Yes, changing space, why didn't I think of that?"

Rean clapped his hands, ignored Anderson, and flew back to the manor.

Anderson scratched his head with his nails in confusion, making a tooth-piercing sound.

Besides, after Lien returned to the study, he began to design drawings. He has some knowledge of space distortion, but he is not very proficient in it, but he can still draw a sketch.

Rean decided to make the floating city into a circle, and then the entire periphery of the city would be used to accelerate magic power.

"Then the only remaining question is, how to distort space into a circle?"

This question has long been answered - the magic corridor in the Pyramid of Khafre.

"After all, I still need to go back and investigate carefully."

"But with such a big thing happening, I don't know if Khafre's Pyramid can be opened now."

Rean looked at the scenery outside the window and said with some uncertainty. If I had known that I would need to use the magic spell to reverse the space, I should not have rashly revived Khafre.

But the thing has been done, so now we can only think about how to remedy it.

And after such a long time has passed, the people from the Ministry of Magic should have transported the treasure away...right?

Thinking of this, Lien became unsure. After all, such a large amount of money was enough for the gang to quarrel for several months.

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