Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 221 Transaction Completed

Rean was noisy by Anderson, so he no longer wanted to sleep, and started to wash up and prepare for breakfast.

By the way, since Zhinao officially took over the manor, Rean no longer lives in a tent. Instead, put the box in the tent and go to live in the manor in the box world.

After drinking a bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge, Li En suddenly felt that his irritable mood after being woken up in the morning was suppressed.

"Sir, are you okay?" Anderson's head appeared at the window again, and the blue soul fire reflected on the curtains, which was indescribably weird.

"Are you so anxious? I'll definitely get it back at noon, don't worry."

Rean sighed helplessly and said. He also understood Anderson's eagerness, but he really couldn't rush this matter.

It's only seven o'clock now, and the store doesn't open until eight o'clock. If I go there now, I just squat by the door.

However, at this time, Frick Royce kept pacing around the shop, raising his hand from time to time to look at the mechanical watch in his hand, and then asking the clerk downstairs, "Lean." No more.

After Frick returned to Royce Manor, he went directly to the current Royce clan leader. The clan leader listened to Frick's words and attached great importance to this matter, so he found a clan member with poor talent to come.

The tribesman also knew that this was his opportunity. If it was normal, how could he get this kind of medicine in his turn. So without hesitation, he drank it in one gulp. After experiencing a brief period of pain, he shed tears of excitement as he looked at the powerful spell.

Of course, in the end, under the witness of Frick, the tribesman signed an unbreakable oath with the tribe leader to ensure that the secret would not be spread to outsiders.

"Let's go and see if the distinguished guest has arrived."

Frick unbuttoned the top button of his shirt and said to his men who had been standing at the door.

The subordinate turned his back to Frick, with a look of helplessness on his face, but this was an order from his superior and he had to obey it. But even if you think with your toes, you can tell that Reen is not here at this moment.

The time slowly came to eight o'clock, and Lean appeared at the door of the store on time.

He was sure that if he had shown up a minute late, Anderson would have been nagging in his ear.

"Hahaha, welcome, Mr. Zell, I have been looking forward to your arrival these days."

As soon as Lean entered the store, he was invited to the second floor by the waiter. As soon as Frick saw Lean, he couldn't wait to step forward and hold Lean's hand.

Frick knew very well that this was called showing weakness and was a taboo in business discussions. But he had no choice. There were two potions in total. One was used for experiments and was gone. The second one was only given to his son after he promised a lot of benefits.

When it comes to his son's future, Frick can't care so much. What's more, even if it is a loss, it is a loss of the Royce family's money, and it has nothing to do with me, Frick Royce.

Rean looked at the big man in charge of the Royce family's magic mine with some surprise, and thought to himself: It seems that the magic awakening potion has a greater market than he thought.

"Come, come, drink tea. This is tea from the East. According to them, it can purify the mind and improve understanding."

After pulling Lean to sit down, Frick sadly took out a spoonful of tea leaves from the tea box on the office bookshelf and put it into a teacup, and then poured Lean a cup of tea.


Li En sniffed, and even a person who didn't understand tea had to give this tea a thumbs up.

After slowly drinking the cup of tea, Lien breathed a sigh of relief, and then said to Frick: "This tea is really delicious, thank you."

There was nothing made up about these words. There were so many inspirations in his mind right now that Lien wanted to take out the banknotes and write them down right now.

"Okay, let's make a deal quickly."

Not only Anderson, but Rean was also starting to get anxious at this moment.

"That's perfect." Frick said with a smile, and he couldn't wait any longer.

After exchanging supplies and checking that everything was OK, Lien and Frick greeted each other and left.

Lean apparated into his tent, while Flick came to his own home through the fireplace.

"Did you get it?"

As soon as Lean entered the box world, Anderson's white skull suddenly appeared in front of him.

"for you."

Lean rolled his eyes at Anderson, threw the small bag in his hand, and hung it on Anderson's exposed fangs.

Anderson brutally destroyed the bag with his claws.

The magic copper originally stored in the traceless stretch bag instantly filled the open space in front of the manor.

"It looks good." Anderson checked the copper block on the ground and said with satisfaction.

"In that case, I'll leave these magic coppers to you." Lean waved his hand and gave Anderson full authority to handle these copper mines, while he himself came to the study in the manor.

Picking up a blank notebook, he picked up the pen next to him and started recording the inspiration in his mind.

Ten minutes later, Lien felt as if his brain was locked and he could no longer think of anything.

"Is it valid for fifteen minutes?" Rean sat behind the chair and muttered to himself.

He looked down at the three pages written in his notebook and nodded with satisfaction.

Looking outside from the window, Anderson was currently processing the magic copper with dragon breath. The crystal wolves raised their heads, glanced curiously at what their neighbors were doing, and then leaned down again to continue absorbing magic power.

The next thing these crystal wolves seem to do from morning to night is to lie on the ground and absorb magic.

Withdrawing his gaze, Lien began to deduce his first inspiration.

This is a corollary about the magic awakening potion. Lien wanted to cut out a few rare herbs and simplify the refining process. Although it will reduce its efficacy, compared with the reduction in cost and the simplification of operation, this shortcoming is outweighed.

What's more, it can be taken multiple times to make up for the lack of efficacy.

In the next three days, Lien worked in the study, the potion refining room and the restaurant, constantly perfecting his first inspiration.

In the end, a simplified formula was indeed obtained, but at the same time, a conclusion was reached. Compared with the original version, the upper limit of improvement of this simplified potion was greatly reduced.

The previous potions may have helped adult wizards, but the current potions can only help young wizards.

However, Lien believed that this potion would sell better than the original version.

No matter how poor you are, you cannot lack education. This is the consensus of all parents in the world. Maybe men will be reluctant to buy a good piece of clothing, and maybe women will be reluctant to buy a piece of expensive jewelry, but they will definitely be willing to buy various nutritional supplements for their children.

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