Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 213 Undead Bone Dragon Anderson Nell

Two days later, Lien looked at the two eggs in front of him in the box world. The surrounding temperature was very high, but the robe on Lien's body repels this heat.

"It's almost time, it's time to go to the auction." Rean stood up and stretched.

After coming out of the box world, Rean put away the boxes on the ground and put them in the corner of the room to make him look less inconspicuous.

After walking to the slaughterhouse and showing the guard the number plate he had obtained a few days ago, Lean was taken to a huge room.

There are many seats in the room, and many people are already sitting there.

Ryan found a seat in a corner and sat down, and then began to listen to other people's conversations.

"Hey, why are you here again?"

"Aren't you here too?"

"Hey, I just came to take a look."

"I'm here to take a look too."


These two people came to the auction just to gain experience, and they didn't have a few galleons in their pockets.

And through their conversation, Lien learned that at least half of the wizards here just came to see the dragon auction, and they didn't have the strength to participate in the auction at all.

Hearing this, Li En relaxed. He was bound to win the dragon bone today.

Not long after, a bell rang, and the sound in the entire auction hall disappeared instantly. Lien also became energetic, raised his head, and looked at the booth.

Standing on the platform was Al.

"Everyone, the first thing we are auctioning is the dragon scale."

After saying that, Al stood next to him. He didn't say how many dragon scales there were, whether the dragon scales were damaged or not, and he didn't say the minimum price, but this didn't stop the wizards from starting to bid.

In just two minutes, the price rose from one knut as a joke at the beginning to three thousand galleons, and it is still rising.

Soon, these dragon scales were bought by a wizard from the Bad Country for ten thousand galleons.

The next auction is the dragon horn, then the dragon meat, then the dragon brain and so on.

Lien waited nearly two hours for the auction of the keel.

"The next step is the auction of the keel. Customers who want it can bid."

"Ten thousand galleons."

As soon as Al finished speaking, Lien immediately made a bid.

The entire auction hall fell into silence, and they were all frightened by the price of ten thousand galleons. In fact, each of them can offer 10,000 Galleons at this moment, but they will never bid for 10,000 Galleons.

According to the usual price, the keel is about 7,000 to 8,000 Galleons. It may occasionally exceed, but it will never exceed 10,000 Galleons.

When Al saw no one bid, he announced that the dragon bone belonged to Lean, and then hurriedly started the next auction item.

Rean sat in his seat and watched items being taken away one after another.

After the last dragon dung was patted away, Lien stood up and followed a small flow of people to the backstage, preparing for the delivery.

However, since Lien had all his coins on his body, he did not take out a withdrawal slip with a magic signature for delivery like others. Instead, he took out a withdrawal slip directly from the traceless stretch bag in the delivery room. Wan Gallon.

The golden Galleons were placed on the ground, and the staff member who delivered the goods to him immediately widened his eyes.

After waiting for the employee to tremble and count the galleons, Lien saw the dragon bones that belonged to him.

This keel was very complete, not a single bone was missing, which made Lien very satisfied.

"Happy Trading."

"Happy Trading."

Ryan and Al shook hands at the door and then parted ways. Ryan was very satisfied with this transaction, and Al was even more satisfied.

After all, who doesn’t like cash? Every time you go to Gringotts to withdraw money, the goblins will always look at you like a thief. Seriously, going to Gringotts to withdraw money is not a good idea.

After Lien obtained the keel, he returned to the hotel and checked out the room on the spot.

He needed a place where no one would disturb him.

In a wilderness in Romania, Lean's figure suddenly appeared, and then a tent was set up by itself.

Rean got into the tent and activated the defense system that Nico had modified for him - four automatic machine guns.

The tent was cast with a Muggle shielding spell, which meant that Muggles would not enter within a hundred meters of the tent. Once someone invades, it must be a wizard.

But even the iron armor curse could not withstand the continuous firing of four machine guns.

After entering the tent, Lien opened the box and walked into the box.

In the box world, not far from the manor, Lien had sorted out an extremely flat open space, and at this time, the dragon bones he had just purchased for 10,000 galleons were placed neatly on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Lien began to draw the magic circle using ink mixed with unicorn blood and dragon blood.

Two days later, an extremely large and complex magic circle was drawn by Lien, and the smell of blood mixed with the aroma of grass filled the air.

But Lien didn't care. He picked up his staff, sat in the center of the magic circle, and then chanted a spell.

As Lien's voice rose and fell, the magic circle on the ground began to shine with scarlet light.

Two minutes later, Lien's tone suddenly changed, and the scarlet light emitted by the magic circle also turned gray, and a huge vortex slowly appeared in the sky.

At this time, in the outside world, the small animals near Lean's tent began to flee crazily, as if there were some extremely dangerous creatures chasing behind them.

Li En also had a serious face at this time, his brows furrowed, as if facing a formidable enemy.

The vortex in the sky rotated slowly, and suddenly shrank, and a small blue ball of light flew out from it.

Seeing this, Li En quickly waved his staff and the vortex in the sky was closed. At the same time, the blue ball of light was also caught in Li En's hand.

"I am the blue dragon Anderson Nair, little bug, why don't you quickly find me a qualified dragon body?"

A solemn and loud voice came from the blue ball, but Lien ignored it and began to inject his own spiritual power into the blue ball.

"Damn it, you dare to enslave the great Lord Anderson Nair!"


Rean laughed disdainfully and increased the speed of his slavering.

Soon, the mark of slavery was deeply imprinted on the inside of the blue ball.

"Damn it, let me go quickly, or I will spray you with dragon breath to death!"


"Sir, please revive me."


Lien nodded, and then threw the light ball in the direction of the dragon's skull.

"If I hadn't lost a lot of soul power in the world of the dead for thousands of years, it would be your turn to enslave me..."

Anderson muttered while using the power of the magic circle to control the dragon bone.

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