Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 212 Dragon Bone

After listening to the man's words, Li En could only admit that he was unlucky. He suddenly realized that maybe the stall owner selling dragon bones was also a member of this group.

Normally, high-end goods such as dragon bones would not be sold by vendors. Generally, slaughterhouses will sell valuable items to partners for sale, and these vendors can only pick up some leftovers.

Thinking of this, Lien asked the guy about the small vendor.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, the guy burst out laughing: "Sir, if I were you, I would definitely think about what bad things I had done to meet Little Rost, Albot, and Schinkel in a row. . To be honest, I wouldn’t be surprised at all if you meet Draeger when you go out.”

"Ahem." Lien coughed twice, then took out two more Sicos and put them on the counter. "Can you tell me more about it?"

"Of course, sir." The clerk quickly took the siko from the counter and put it in his pocket.

"You have met Little Rost. Albot is the big man who just rushed out. He often works with Little Rost. Little Rost steals things, and Olbot is responsible for selling the stolen goods. If someone embarrasses Little Rost, Rost, then sometimes Albot will come out to threaten you."

"Sinkile is the one who sells fake dragon bones. I can guarantee that all the bones in his stall must have nothing to do with dragons. Those should be cow bones or horse bones stolen from the Muggle world. He often does this Yes. But before others buy it, he will always say, 'This is just a suspected keel, sir, are you sure you want to buy it?', which makes it easy for him to get away."

"As for Dräger, he is a porcelain toucher. He holds a cow's entrails in his hand. If he touches you and drops it to the ground, he insists on making you pay. He will run away as soon as the Auror comes. If the Auror doesn't come, he will pester you. You are really a headache."

The guy looked extremely helpless towards these four people, sighed and shook his head.

"Thank you." Rean received the news and thanked him.

"By the way, where can I buy dragon bones here?"

"Dragon bones? You can go to the slaughterhouse of the dragon farm in the back. There should be some there, but I don't know if they can be sold. It's safer to have middlemen squatting at the door, but that's expensive. These vampires They're eager to squeeze every last Knut out of your pocket."

The guy thought for a while and said with some uncertainty.

"Thank you."

Lean took another Sico and put it on the counter. After thanking him, he was about to walk out the door.

But as soon as he opened the door and walked onto the street, a cold-looking wizard shrouded in black robes bumped into Lean.

Lean turned his head and found that the man was looking at Lean angrily, and there was a blood-red unknown object at his feet.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you parked in the middle of the road? Do you know..."

Before the man could finish his words, Albot and Xinkile covered his mouth, then dragged the man back and disappeared into the crowd after a while.


Li En looked towards the source of the sound and saw the clerk in the store looking at him with his mouth wide open.

It seems that the one just now was Draeger. Lien thought as he looked in the direction the three of them were leaving.

"Sir, I'm sorry that this is of such a disturbing nature to you, this is our little compensation, sorry again."

The Auror who hurried over said apologetically that this was his first time on duty after three years of training, and he didn't expect to encounter such a thing. At this moment, he was already thinking about how to deal with Derger after he caught him.

Better to be in jail.

He thought viciously, but there was no expression on his face, and he handed over a stack of coupons in his hand. These coupons were written by the merchants in the town.

On the one hand, it is compensation, and on the other hand, it also promotes its own products.

Rean took the coupon, nodded to the Auror, then turned around and left.

In his heart, Derger was already a dead man.

But now is not a good time to take action. Dräger has just provoked him. Now that Dräger is dead, he will be highly suspicious, so he needs to wait, and the most important thing now is to buy a pair of dragon bones.

Lean walked all the way to the slaughterhouse next to the breeding farm. Before he got close, an extremely strong smell of blood came over him, and occasionally there were several dragon howls.

After arriving at the door and telling the guard why he was here, Lean was taken to a reception room.

The guard didn't find it surprising that there were many wizards coming to seek cooperation.

After a while, a young man wearing brown short-sleeves and a pitted face walked in.

"Hello, my name is Al Stepford. I heard from the doorman that you want to buy a whole set of keels?"

As soon as he sat down, Al spoke directly.

"Yes, Mr. Stepford, I suppose if you can't get it here, you can't get it anywhere in the world."

"Yes, yes, this is the largest dragon breeding farm in the world." Al looked very happy when he heard Lean say this.

"You are lucky. The slaughterhouse is going to kill a Ukrainian ironbelly today. But you are not the only one eyeing the keel, so... you have to bid."

After saying that, Al showed a smile.

"Of course it's no problem." Li En also laughed. Anything that can be solved with money is not a problem.

"Very well, please come and bid in two days. This is your number plate."

When Lean decided to participate in the dragon bone bidding, Al's tone changed.

"By the way, this is an auction for the entire dragon, so you can also participate in the auction for other parts."

This is another plan of the slaughterhouse. They gather everyone together. The one who wants dragon meat is not photographed, but he doesn’t want to return empty-handed. So what should he do? Of course, it is to participate in the competition for the next part.

As a result, the slaughterhouse can gain more profits.

Lean put away the number plate, then spoke to Al and left the slaughterhouse.

After leaving the slaughterhouse, Lean went directly to the post office in the town. He needed to mail those small gifts.

"Twelve galleons in total, sir."

After Lean readily took out twelve golden Galleons and put them on the counter, the postal clerk behind the counter showed Lean a sweet smile.

"We will get them to the recipients quickly."

"OK, thanks."

After leaving the post office, Lien went to the town to find a hotel and stayed there, waiting for the dragon auction in two days.

During this period, he did not take any time off, but arranged an environment suitable for dragon eggs to hatch in his suitcase. Only the five small eggs were sent, but he still kept the eggs worth twenty galleons.

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