Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 189 Audra’s surrender

As soon as Audra finished speaking, Lien threw several irregular transparent crystals into his arms. Audra subconsciously hugged it, and then lowered his head, wanting to see what Lien gave him.

At this sight, Audra was immediately shocked. In his arms lay three unpolished magic crystals.

"This...is this?"

Audra pursed her lips a few times and said in disbelief.

Lean smiled and nodded, admitting what Audra was thinking.

Audra was also shocked at this time. He could clearly see the battle on the mountain just now from below. Countless families were fighting with each other on the top of the mountain, and there were crystal wolves watching next to them.

But under this situation, Lien successfully dug out the magic crystal in the crystal vein. And it seems that Lien hasn't encountered any difficulties yet.

"Okay, I've given you the stuff, so I'll take this parchment."

Lean didn't want to say a word to Odra at this moment. He just wanted to try the formula mentioned in this paper. So after saying these words, Rean disapparated directly.

However, the moment Lean disappeared, Audra rushed forward and hugged Lean's right leg.

Looking at Audra hugging her legs, feeling the greater consumption of apparating than usual, Rean looked at Audra with a cold face.

He is in a bad mood now.

Li En looked around and saw that the mountains and waters here were green and full of life. He didn't know exactly where. Audra's actions caused him to lose his original position.

Originally, a piece of magic power could carry a person one kilometer, but now that there is suddenly one more person, it is unknown how many kilometers it can carry.

Fortunately, Lien's disembodiment was very smooth, otherwise it would have been possible for the head to be separated after Audra's attack.

After kicking Audra away, Lien raised his hand.

"Sir, please wait! I just want to surrender to you, I can offer my soul!"

Audra's words made Lean stop what he was doing.

In the magical world, offering one's soul means becoming one's slave. This is different from Lien's forced imprinting of the slave mark on the three brothers. The slaves who donated their souls with this kind of resource can register with the Ministry of Magic.

In other words, after being registered with the Ministry of Magic, this person becomes your private property.

"Sir, there are some things that don't require your intervention at all. Just leave it to me."

Audra knelt on the ground and continued. But what Audra said is correct. A powerful wizard can't do everything himself, right?

At this time, the importance of subordinates is reflected.

After all, it is the same as sending a letter, one is sent by my own hands, and the other is sent by myself. Although they won't say it on the surface, others will still think that the wizard under them is more powerful.

"Which family are you from?"

Lien became a little more interested and said that he had found the source of magic power and the core of building the floating city. Then it was time to start collecting materials.

Then we can't let Lien collect the materials by himself. He must find someone to do it. So, who is more trustworthy than his soul slave?

So Lien thought about it and agreed.

"Let your mind go."

When Audra heard this, she breathed a sigh of relief, and she was not sad that she was about to become someone else's property.

After all, Rean is a powerful wizard. Being able to work with such a wizard is a piece of pie in the sky.

Let me talk about my identity first. If someone bullies me, what should I do? I must go back and file a complaint. And what should you do if someone bullies your dog? You must go to someone to argue with him.

In this way, you will have a backer.

Furthermore, even if a powerful wizard throws away something casually, it may be a good thing that a low-level wizard will never see in his life.

Didn't you see that the old man from Horta, a poor country, can earn forty dollars a day by picking up garbage in wealthy areas?

The last one is that if the master is in a good mood one day, he might teach him some powerful magic. To be honest, all magic books circulating on the market have been screened. If you want to learn powerful magic through them, you might as well try your luck with a powerful wizard.

However, the above points are all based on the premise that you can find a good-tempered owner.

Because of Audra's cooperation, the tragedy of the three brothers last time did not happen this time.

When the fusion of the slave mark was completed, Audra respectfully called out: "Master, my name is Audra."

"Is this your last name or your first name?"

"This is my name. As for the surname... I have been expelled from the family, so I can't use my original surname."

Audra fell asleep, but there was a look of relief on her face. He was bullied in the family before, but now he is finally out of that place.

"Okay, now you go to the Ministry of Magic to register, and then go to Diagon Alley to find a store called Sanqi Grocery Store. The three brothers inside are also my subordinates. Then you can learn the secret skills from them first, and then I will assign work to you."

"But don't bother me right now, I'm traveling around the world," Lean said.

Audra was instantly happy after hearing what Lien said.

Look, just after I joined, I was given a secret method. If we work for two more years, won't we have more things?

Audra suddenly understood why so many wizards were willing to work for high-level officials. It's not that they have no dignity, it's just that they gave too much.

Seeing Audra's somewhat joyful expression, Lien suddenly realized that he shouldn't have given Audra the secret method so quickly, as this would make the three brothers feel unbalanced.

Don't worry about scarcity, but worry about inequality.

I collect information here every day, and in the end I end up with the same results as a newbie. How can I continue to do this?

Although there will not be a strike, it is inevitable that work efficiency will drop.

I have a headache. Lean thought.

So why should I accept Audra? I might as well kill her.

However, after the thought came up, Lien suppressed it.

With their souls in their own hands, can they still change the world?

Looking at Audra in front of him, Lien directly apparated away from this place. And Audra also identified the direction after Lien left, and walked out.

This was also the punishment that Lean gave Audra, asking Audra to report to Diagon Alley in an unknown location. If he could get there, there wouldn't be much problem for Lien to recognize this slave; if he couldn't get there, then Lien wouldn't have much to lose.

Of course, Lien did not take back the three magic crystals. They were money to buy the thesis, which was not the same thing as this.

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