Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 188 The deal with Audra

After taking away the source of magic power, Lien also collected a lot of magic crystals close to the surface, but deeper inside, Lien did not touch any of them.

First, nearly two thousand magic crystals have been accounted for this time, so there is no need for more. The second is to keep a line in life so that we can meet each other easily in the future.

If Lien really takes away all the magic crystals, maybe these crystal wolves on the ground will prey on other animals the next day due to lack of magic nourishment.

But it is obvious that the creatures on this snow-capped mountain island are simply not enough to support such a large pack of wolves. So in order to survive, the wolves in this snowy mountain will fall into cannibalism after eating all the creatures.

But it wouldn't be a problem if Lean stayed a little. Some of the wolves could absorb magic power to maintain their lives, and the other part could hunt to maintain their lives.

Looking at the crystals in his pocket, Lien nodded with satisfaction, then found a certain direction and swam forward.

At this time Audra was being scolded by his clan leader.

"Didn't you say there were people on the mountain? Why is there no one there?"

"I...I don't know. I informed the family when I heard the wolf howling."

Audra felt a little wronged.

As soon as he heard the wolf howling, he hurriedly passed the news to his family, hoping to make a contribution. But now there is no credit, and it seems that he will still have to suffer.

"Okay, don't talk anymore. From today on, you and your son will move out."

The patriarch glanced at the team with only eleven wizards left behind him, and everyone was injured, and his heart was bleeding. This was a wizard who could use Apparition, the mainstay of the family, and four of them were lost in vain, which made the patriarch so heartbroken that he couldn't breathe.


With a cold snort, the patriarch resisted the urge to cast a spell on Audra. After all, Audra was still a member of the family at this time. Only after they go back and inform the clan members and complete the formalities with the clan elders can they be considered completely separated from the clan.

Audra collapsed to the ground in despair, her eyes blank. He and his son's biggest support was gone. With their qualifications, they could only be at the bottom of the magic world.

Lean was hiding underground, sensing a corpse above his head, and couldn't help but feel overjoyed.

Although he didn't know what happened above, it was obvious that nothing on the wizard's body had been touched.

Of course, Lien also carefully checked whether there was any backhand left on the body.

What puzzled Lien was that there was no back-up plan. The entire corpse had nothing but marks from the wolf's teeth and burns caused by a few magic spells.

Since there is no back-up, you can search boldly with confidence.

On top of the towering snow-capped mountains, several corpses suddenly appeared in this holy place. Several crystal wolves were taking steps next to them, looking around.

Suddenly, the ground under one of the corpses produced water-like ripples. The corpse was like a piece of paper on the water, sinking into the water after being filled with water.

At this time, Lean opened a cave underground, and the body was also in this cave. He looked at the corpse in front of him, smiled evilly, and began to move his hands up and down.

After a while, Lien made a disdainful "thumb" sound.

"Poor guy."

After saying that, the body in front of Li En sank into the soil.

After a while, the next body fell. But after Lean checked the pockets of all the corpses, he became somewhat silent.

It's so poor. We have magic props and potions, but no other materials.

The magic props are all offensive and defensive, while the potions are mainly magic restoration potions, followed by healing potions, and the least is mental restoration potions. As for the others, Rean didn't find a single bottle.

"Maybe I was afraid that if I died, the things wouldn't be passed on to future generations, so I left them all at home before coming here."

Li En guessed again and again, and felt that this was the most likely possibility. Otherwise, how could it be possible that these wizards had nothing on them except combat supplies?

After burying all the corpses and disposing of the wolf corpses, Rean left the snow-capped mountain.

Audra sat on the ground and looked at the wizard who suddenly appeared in front of her. She suddenly held the wand in her hand and raised it towards Lean.

Lean glanced at Audra. He didn't even want to look at such a small character.

With just a wave of her hand, the wand in Audra's hand flew out and landed on the snow not far away.

Audra looked at the wizard in front of her and felt even sadder. Could a wizard who could cast spells silently and without a wand be an ordinary wizard?

And if he actually raised his wand to such a great wizard, there would be only one outcome - death!

Although there are politicians like Lucius here, most of them are rough guys who only know their fists. After all, this is a transcendent realm, and even politicians are based on strength.

"Okay, I'm happy today, you can go."

Lean said casually, not paying attention to Audra's actions just now.

Audra didn't expect that she would be let go, and she sat on the ground in a daze. But he reacted quickly, crawled to his wand on both hands and feet, and picked it up.

"Thank you, thank you."

Audra bowed and thanked her.

Rean waved his hand to show that he didn't mind, then walked away with his legs.

Audra looked at Lean's back, gritted her teeth, and chased after him.

Not getting the magic crystal this time means that his son's qualifications cannot be changed, which means that his son will become a waste like him in the future.

When she thought about how her son would grovel in front of others in the future, Audra felt that it was nothing to be aggrieved.

"Sir, please wait a moment."

Audra's voice sounded behind Lean, causing Lean to stop.

Lean turned around, looked at Audra, and said with an unpleasant expression: "Is there anything else?"

"Sir, I... I would like to ask you to help me identify something. It is a paper I obtained in a ruins."

Audra said, taking out the parchment obtained from the ruins and handing it to Lien.

Lien raised his brows, suddenly feeling something interesting, so he didn't refuse and took it over.




Lien looked at the piece of paper in his hand, his brows sometimes stretched and sometimes tightened, and there was still an unexplained sound in his throat.

Audra's mood was sometimes relaxed and sometimes tense according to Lien's voice.

"Tell me what you want to change."

After reading the paper, Lien realized that the wizard in front of him wanted to make a deal with him.

"Sir, I want two magic crystals."

Audra said her request without thinking. But he seemed to suddenly realize Li En's strength, and timidly added: "One... one will do."

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